Almonds – nutritional values ​​and properties. The use of almonds in the kitchen

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The properties of almonds have been known for a long time. They are used not only in the kitchen as an addition, but can also be an important element in a slimming diet. The properties of almonds also found their way into the diet of people struggling with excess cholesterol. What other almonds have properties and what is their use in everyday life?

Almonds – general characteristics

Almonds are often confused with nuts, but they really are almond seeds – a perennial plant belonging to the rose family. Two varieties of almonds are known. One of them are sweet almonds that can be eaten raw immediately. The second – bitter almonds – contain amygdalin. It is from there that one of the most famous poisonous substances, i.e. prussic acid, is released. The first type of almond is used primarily in the kitchen, the second – in the cosmetics industry. Both varieties contain valuable minerals and vitamins.

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Almonds – calories

A 100 g serving of almonds is 50 g of fat for the body, which corresponds to the daily required serving of this nutrient for an adult. 100 g is also about 580 kcal, but despite the high caloric index, they are high-energy and very nutritious. They mainly contain unsaturated fats.

  1. See also: What are saturated fats?

Almonds – nutritional values

The composition of almonds includes mainly:

  1. potassium;
  2. zinc;
  3. eat;
  4. vitamin E;
  5. iron;
  6. Folic acid;
  7. copper;
  8. potassium;
  9. B vitamins;
  10. magnesium;
  11. fiber;
  12. riboflavin;
  13. niacin.

Almonds and heart disease

Almonds have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system thanks to the unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E they contain. It is thanks to them that almonds are able to lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood clotting. They also lower the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Almonds have also been proven to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease, stroke and infarction, as well as the formation of blood clots.


Almonds are one of the main components of the DASH (DiettaruApproaches for Hypertension) diet, a diet whose main goal is to lower blood pressure.

Almonds in the fight against diabetes

Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, almonds are becoming an essential part of the pre-diabetes diet used by people who are particularly prone to diabetes. Almond seeds lower LDL cholesterol and reduce insulin resistance.

Almonds are often found in sweets, and it turns out that people with diabetes do not have to give them up completely. It is important that they avoid white sugar, which is not found in e.g. Milk chocolate with almonds with Torras 125g.

Almonds can be a permanent part of a reduction diet because they contain fiber, healthy fats and protein that have a significant impact on the feeling of hunger. It inhibits it, while ensuring a feeling of fullness. Although they are caloric, they can speed up your metabolism.

For this reason, they are recommended not only to people who want to lose weight, but also to athletes who train intensivelybecause almond seeds are a source of protein that improves muscle performance. However, in the case of a reduction diet, you should be moderate, because eating almonds too much can lead to excess weight and constipation.

The richness of magnesium, B vitamins and exogenous fatty acids makes almonds perfect for fighting long-term stress. They also help to focus and improve memory. They are recommended not only as natural antidepressants, but also during intensive study.

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It is also worth remembering that thanks to the content of vitamin E, almonds slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease. They also protect the brain cells, while stimulating the formation of new ones.

Almonds in the fight against respiratory diseases

Almonds are perfect for fighting respiratory diseases. It can be the basis of an expectorant drug that can be used in bronchial diseases. It also works well for hoarseness and troublesome dry cough.

Almonds and the immune system

Almonds also improve the functioning of the immune system. Thanks to vitamin B2 and zinc, they support immunity. This is especially important in the period of increased number of cases of cold or flu. It is also worth mentioning the protection of the eyes against lens clouding.

  1. Do you want to introduce almonds to your diet, but you don’t like their taste? Try Choco Lyo – fruits, nuts & chocolate – a blend of freeze-dried fruit and nuts in chocolate, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

Almonds and diseases of the urinary system

Almonds are also recommended for patients who suffer from urinary tract diseases. It is mainly about kidney stones and narrowing of the urethra.

Almonds are recommended to pregnant women mainly due to the content of folic acid, which is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. In addition, they have properties that work well as a treatment for nausea and heartburn in pregnancy.

You should also not forget about cold-pressed almond oil, which prevents and / or reduces stretch marks on the abdomen. In addition, it can be used when bathing babies.

Instead of traditional almonds, we recommend almond flakes by weight, which can be added to porridge or dessert.

Almond allergy

Almonds contain two components: albumin and gamma conglutin, which may be responsible for triggering an allergic reaction in the skin or in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract. The main symptoms of an almond allergy include:

  1. swelling in the mouth and tongue;
  2. rash;
  3. hives;
  4. runny nose;
  5. sneezing;
  6. tearing from the eyes;
  7. diarrhea;
  8. vomiting;
  9. stomach pain.

In the worst case, anaphylactic shock may occur. Almonds are an allergen that accounts for 0,05% of the population. When treating allergies, antihistamines are most often used. Patients should always have adrenaline pre-filled syringes with them.

First of all, it should be mentioned that almonds nourish hair, skin and nails thanks to their properties. In addition, almonds are added to cosmetics, especially anti-wrinkle creams, as they slow down the effects of free radicals. The properties of almond oil in their cosmetics are used, among others, by Polish company Orientana. Try a cream for mature skin with Indian ginseng, which reduces wrinkles, regenerates damaged skin and protects against UV radiation. In addition, they increase the elasticity of the skin, which is why almond seeds can also be found in lotions and body lotions. You can also buy the Orientana clay mask – almond and saffron for dry skin.

You can also reach for a moisturizing mask from Embryolisse, which soothes very dry skin. It contains not only almond oil, but also hyaluronic acid and sesame oil. Noteworthy are:

  1. soothing and smoothing Vianek body scrub, which exfoliates dead skin cells, softens and smoothes the skin,
  2. Vianek soothing skin balm with reddening, which when used regularly, significantly improves the condition of the skin,
  3. Vianek soothing and regenerating oil for skin prone to redness, which significantly improves the condition of the skin if used regularly.

Sweet almond oil is also included in hair cosmetics. At Medonet Market you can buy, for example, Vianek strengthening serum for damaged and brittle hair


As already mentioned, almond oil is obtained from almond oil, which contains oleic acid and linoleic acid. Both ingredients have a beneficial effect on the structure of hair, especially low porosity hair.

Almonds – use in the kitchen

The properties of almonds mean that they often become a constant addition to dishes. They can be eaten unprocessed or gently processed. In stores you can buy almonds in various forms, for example almonds covered with caramel, in chocolate, you can also find spiced almonds on store shelves.

Various properties of almonds are used in salads, grains not only enrich the meal with vitamins and minerals, but also emphasize the taste of the dish with their characteristic flavor. Mashed almonds can also be used as a healthier version of breading for cutlets. The rich properties of almonds are used in healthy meals and snacks, for example, they can be a perfect addition to morning muesli, but also to desserts (cakes or ice cream). Almond flour can be used as an alternative to wheat. It does not contain gluten and has a lower glycemic index. Order Pestka brand almond flour in 500 g and 1 kg packages.

You can also try the Keto Almond Cream by Anka Dziedzic. If you do not like the taste of almonds, but would like to introduce them to your diet, order Dark Chocolate Almonds by Anka Dziedzic. Chocolate breaks the almond flavor and provides additional nutrients while retaining the properties of the almonds themselves.

  1. See also: What is the oatmeal diet?

Almonds can be purchased by weight or in packages. Packaged ones are more often recommended because you can check their expiry date. Try large organic almonds in 100, 300 and 500 g packages available at

Almonds should not be subjected to heat treatment, especially frying. This is due to the fact that under the influence of high temperatures, unsaturated fats turn into trans fats. On the market you can find whole almonds or almond flakes, which often decorate desserts and cakes.

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