Almonds are oval-shaped nuts with pointed tips, which differ from the rest in taste and aroma, since they are not exactly a nut, but the inner part of the stone.
Roasted almonds: benefits
Within the nut variety, two more types of product are distinguished – bitter and sweet almonds. The first is mainly used in medicine and cosmetology, and sweet – in cooking, since it contains many proteins, oils and vitamins, so useful to humans.
Despite claims that almonds lose all their trace minerals when they are fried, this is not the case. The rich chemical composition of almonds, which includes vitamins B and E, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, magnesium and copper, has a beneficial effect on the intestines, increases appetite, relieves pneumonia, and soothes sore throat. In addition, almonds are useful for migraines, flatulence, diabetes, asthma and pregnancy. But remember that everything is good in moderation!
If you consume some roasted almonds before the holiday, then you will happily avoid high intoxication and a heavy morning hangover.
Roasted almonds are most popular among chefs who use them in sauces, desserts, appetizers and marzipan. Culinary connoisseurs find dishes made with this nut particularly delicious.
To fry almonds, you need to peel them. Since the brown film is difficult to remove from the almonds, pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes, then rinse it under cold water, fill it with boiling water again for 10 minutes, after which the film comes off quite easily. Dry and pour the almond kernels into a dry skillet. Heat the almonds in a skillet, stirring them with a wooden spatula. This is the easiest way to roast almonds.
Remember that lightly roasted almonds are creamy and heavily roasted kernels take on a beige hue.
If the almonds are to be served as a snack, fry them in warmed odorless vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes, fold the prepared kernels onto a napkin and let the rest of the oil drain. Sprinkle roasted almonds with ground pepper, fine salt, sugar or spices and serve.
And finally, one of the most popular roasting techniques among the people is almonds in the oven. Spread the peeled kernels over a baking sheet in one even layer and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. Roast the almonds for about 15 minutes, removing the baking sheet from the oven several times and stirring the kernels thoroughly for a more even roast. When the almonds take on a delicate beige hue, remove them from the oven, refrigerate and use as directed.