Fragrant onion – a variety with juicy greens that has a pleasant garlic aroma. It is used in cooking, folk medicine and garden decoration. The plant is unpretentious, but demanding on light and watering. You can grow a culture in almost any region.

Description of a branched bow with a photo

Alliaceae is a perennial herbaceous crop from the Onion subfamily (Alliaceae). It has a pleasant spicy aroma. The plant is edible. Other names are branched onion or mountain garlic (Chinese). Its leaves are long, reach 50 cm, the color is bright green, there is a slight wax coating on the surface. Externally, the plant resembles a young garlic.

Feathers are thin, long, flat. The bulbs are small, only 1,5 cm in diameter, false type. The flowers of the fragrant onion are small, collected in several pieces in balls. The color is purple, pale lilac, the Aroma is spicy, delicate.

Only feathers are used for food, including flower stalks. They give a pleasant smell, garlic taste. Unlike ordinary garlic, it is not spicy, but softer. The plant is ornamental, so it is also planted to decorate the garden. The culture is also used for medical purposes. On the basis of the herb, ointments and tinctures are prepared.

Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

Greens are grown for food and garden decoration.

Top Grades

Several varieties of fragrant onions have been bred in the culture, all of them have a spicy aroma. The most popular varieties that can be grown in climatic conditions:

  1. “Dzhusai” – has a high frost resistance. Feathers are low, reach a height of 25-30 cm, the color is greenish-gray. Ripening dates are late, and the crop can be harvested before the first autumn frosts.

    Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

  2. “Benefis” – a variety of fragrant onions of medium ripening, also tolerates frost well. The feathers are slightly higher – they reach 40 cm, the aroma is rich garlic.

    Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

  3. “Aprior” is a mid-season variety. The first greens of this fragrant onion are harvested at the end of May. The grass is tasty, rich in vitamin C. The yield is high – up to 10 leaves are removed from one shoot.

    Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

  4. “Piquant” is another frost-resistant variety that produces greens throughout the summer.

    Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

  5. “Stargazer” – a salad variety of fragrant onions, feathers are long, grow up to 50 cm.

    Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

The benefits of onion jusai

The composition of fragrant onion greens includes quite a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, PP) and trace elements (iron, calcium, potassium and others). The culture has long been known for its medicinal properties, so it is used in folk medicine. Jusai has a positive effect on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • hemostatic.

Fragrant onions are used as an additional treatment for pneumonia, bronchitis, heart pathologies, as well as gastritis, nervous disorders, and tuberculosis. The juice obtained from the bulbs and herbs can be used as a compress to treat minor burns, insect bites, and itching.

The calorie content of the product is low – 100 g of greens give 41 kcal. Nutritional value for the same weight:

  • proteins – 1,4 g;
  • fats – 0,2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 8,2
Important! Allspice should not be used as food for diseases of the digestive system, including cholecystitis, pancreatitis and gallstones.
Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

Greens have a spicy aroma and an interesting garlic taste.

Planting onion dzhusai in the open field

Fragrant onion is an unpretentious crop, so it can be grown in different regions. At the same time, you should not plant them in areas where cabbage or potatoes used to grow. It is best to outline a garden bed where melons or representatives of legumes have grown before.


Yellow fragrant onions can be grown at home – then almost any planting time will do. When cultivating in open ground, the seeds must first be planted on seedlings. Moreover, it is better to do this in early March. Even if spring is late in the region, you should not be afraid of early transplanting seedlings into the ground. The culture is frost-resistant, not afraid of frost and temperature changes.

Also, fragrant onion seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. In this case, landing is planned for March or early April, when the air warms up to a minimum of 2-3 degrees Celsius. Later dates are also acceptable: the end of April – the beginning of May. But in this case, the harvest will be harvested only in September.

Site selection and preparation of soil

Fragrant onions are unpretentious, so when choosing a site, it is enough to pay attention to two main criteria. The place should be open, and also without stagnant moisture – the lowlands will not work.

The soil can be almost any, but if the soil is depleted, it is better to apply compost or humus at 5 kg per square meter in advance. If the soil is strongly acidic (pH less than 5,5), wood ash is also added (2 cups per 1 m2) or dolomite flour (400-500 g per 1 m2).

Important! On the slopes on the north side, fragrant onions should not be planted. The culture is demanding on light, and with a lack of sun, the yield will noticeably decrease.

Landing scheme

Algorithm for planting fragrant onions:

  1. Clean up and level the area.
  2. Mark several rows with a depth of 5-7 cm with an interval of 30 cm.
  3. Pour abundantly with settled water.
  4. Plant seedlings at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

If seeds are planted in open ground, the furrows should be shallow – up to 2-3 cm. At the same time, the distance between them is left the same, since some of the seeds will not sprout. If several seedlings appear, after a few days the strongest is left, and the rest are pinched.

Growing seedlings of onion dzhusai from seeds

The main method of breeding fragrant onions is growing from seeds: for this, Chinese garlic seed is purchased in a store or stored independently from the previous year’s harvest. Seeds must first be prepared. They are soaked for several hours in moderately warm water (40 degrees). Moreover, the temperature must be maintained throughout the entire time. Then the seed is placed in water at room temperature for 48 hours.

Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

It is convenient to grow seedlings in cassettes, you can also take a common container

The soil is ordinary – universal or a mixture of garden soil with peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The earth is pre-watered with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or placed in the oven for 15 minutes (temperature 150 degrees).

Instructions for growing seedlings of fragrant onions are standard:

  1. Several furrows 2 cm deep are planned in the soil.
  2. Seeds are planted in them with an interval of 3 cm.
  3. Sprinkle with soil and water with a spray bottle.
  4. Cover with a film and clean in a lighted, but cool place (13-15 degrees).
  5. The film is periodically removed, while watering no more than once every five days.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

Transplantation of fragrant onion seedlings into the ground can be planned when it gives 3-4 full-fledged leaves. There are no strict deadlines – even if there are frosts down to -10 degrees on the soil, the seedlings will withstand it. If necessary, you can temporarily cover with a film. Before transplanting, furrows are formed with a depth of 5-7 cm, and then the seedlings are transferred and evenly distributed in a row with an interval of 25 cm.

Jusai onion care in the open field

Fragrant onions do not need special conditions, they grow normally in the open field, even with minimal care. At the same time, the culture is photophilous and responsive to moisture.


Pour fragrant onions with settled water. Approximately 10 humidifications should be done per season, i.e. weekly, except on rainy days. If a short-term drought occurs, the onion will normally endure it. Moreover – if the soil is too wet, it may suffer from rot and other diseases.

Weeding and loosening

If you do not follow the planting, it will be difficult for the fragrant onion to grow due to weeds – it will give fewer feathers, and they will not be as large. Therefore, weeding should be carried out regularly, avoiding strong growth of weeds. To facilitate the task, it is recommended to lay mulch (straw, sawdust) around the plantings.

Another important event is loosening. It is done weekly, the day after watering. The soil is loosened to a shallow depth (up to 5 cm). This procedure helps the flow of air to the roots of fragrant onions. Due to regular loosening, the soil does not have time to cake.

Allspice (mountain garlic, dzhusai): growing at home, description

To get a good harvest, plantings need to be watered weekly.

Additional fertilizing

Feeding is not given very often – three times per season is enough:

  1. In the spring, immediately after the appearance of sprouts, urea is given – granules are scattered over the surface (30 g per square meter). At the same time, seedlings can be watered with a solution of “Zircon” or another growth stimulator.
  2. Two weeks later, a complex fertilizer is used, for example, Ferovit.
  3. After a full harvest, superphosphate (40 g) and potassium salt (20 g) are given.

Diseases and pests

Fragrant onion has good immunity. But he can suffer from onion moths, flies, nematodes. Therefore, when pests are found, it is necessary to carry out treatment with folk remedies, for example, infusion of chili peppers, wood ash, tobacco dust. In extreme cases, they use drugs – “Confidor”, “Decis”, “Karbofos” and others.

Sweet onions can suffer from powdery mildew. For prevention, observe the norm of watering. If necessary, treatment is carried out using “Fitosporin”, “Profit”, “Topaz” or other fungicides.


Along with the seed method of reproduction, fragrant onions can also be grown vegetatively – by dividing the bush or shoots.

By dividing the bush

The bush is divided in autumn or spring. It is dug up and cut into several pieces. At the same time, each division should have 1-2 shoots and 2-3 bulbs. They are transplanted to a new place and watered. This method is suitable for young plants, starting from the second year after planting.


Propagation by shoots is planned for early spring, even before germination. The bush is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several onions. Each of them is planted to a depth of 5-7 cm with a distance of 25 cm.


Fragrant onions are an interesting variety that is most often planted on greens. The culture is winter-hardy, so even an early transplant of seedlings at the end of March is allowed. Thanks to this, the first greens can be obtained already in May.

Onions with garlic flavor. We sow the onion JUSAY (Fragrant). It grows like a weed and is drought tolerant.

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