
Useful properties and uses of clove tree

Description of the clove tree


The beautiful clove tree is a very slender evergreen tree with a dense crown, which is part of the myrtle family. It has a pyramidal shape. As a rule, it grows up to 12 meters, in rare cases you can find specimens up to 20 meters. All parts of the tree contain an incredibly fragrant essential oil. The strong trunk is covered with dark gray bark, it bears a huge number of lateral branches. Opposite elongated leaves of an elliptical or ovoid shape grow up to 15 cm in length.

The leathery whole-cut foliage is expressed in dark green color. Small glands are located on the upper side of each leaf. The flowers of the clove tree are collected in graceful semi-umbels, which exquisitely form paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the branches. Each flower has a double perianth about 1,5 cm long. The elongated buds are harvested for the well-known fragrant spice. The red calyx is represented by four sepals fused into a small tube. White or slightly pinkish corolla consists of 4 petals.

The fruit of the clove tree is represented by purple berries of a very oblong shape. Their length can reach 25 mm, and a diameter of 12 mm. Indonesia is considered the birthplace of this tree, although it originates from the Philippine and Moluccas. It is often bred on the East African coast and in unique Malaysia.

The collection of inflorescences is carried out entirely in the period when they are fully developed, but not opened. Then the beautiful buds are dried in the open air. The quality of the collected raw materials differs in the place of harvesting and in grade. To obtain an incomparable essential oil, bark and leaves are also used along with flowers.

Useful properties of clove tree

The active ingredients of the clove tree include essential oils, tannins, phenolic compounds, vegetable alcohols, flavonoids and sterols. Depending on the place of origin, the buds can contain up to 22% aromatic essential oil, which consists of a large amount of eugenol. It is he who gives this fantastic aroma to the buds. The unique chemical composition determines the undoubted benefits of this tree.

Since ancient times, the clove tree has been used as a tonic and for the manufacture of highly effective medicines. In the form of a healing tincture, it is prescribed for disinfection of the mouth and throat, or as an aphrodisiac. Its disinfectant properties have been recognized since the Middle Ages. During total cholera and plague, it was recommended to wear clove beads around the neck. In order not to get infected from the sick, medieval doctors chewed the buds during the examination.

The essential oil of the presented tree produces an amazing effect, stimulating the appetite and strengthening the human immune system. In addition, it is famous for its expectorant, stimulant, analgesic, antiseptic and carminative effects. Also proven antiparasitic with regular use of buds. Often they are used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With thrush and other fungal stomatitis, as well as with toothache, clove oil is indispensable.

Clove also has a bactericidal effect. Long-term use of this magnificent plant contributes to the stable normalization of blood pressure. Moreover, the tree is characterized by the restoration of functions and an increase in the tone of the uterus, the natural stimulation of childbirth and the further normalization of the menstrual cycle. It is used as an excellent aphrodisiac and is a surprisingly powerful antiseptic in dentistry.

The use of clove


Many people with such serious diseases as flatulence, vegetovascular dystonia, intestinal colic, diarrhea, colitis, rectal diseases and hypotension resort to the indispensable help of the clove tree. It also helps fight dangerous inflammation of the mucous membranes of the tongue and gums, as well as periodontal disease. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis and inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Clove is also indicated for frigidity, potency disorders and scabies. Various remedies based on this plant will help get rid of calluses, large warts and benign tumors. They are able to quickly heal extensive wounds and damaged areas of the skin, while restoring the general well-being of a person.

Thanks to eugenol, various clove-based preparations have been shown to be excellent antiseptics. They are prescribed for many serious diseases as an analgesic, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic and warming agent. They can also treat various intestinal infections and tuberculosis. To prevent viral and bacterial infections, it is recommended to add aromatic oil to any drink.

Healing infusion of clove flowers is an effective anthelmintic. A unique tincture of buds for alcohol perfectly treats not only plague and cholera, but also diphtheria and anthrax. Along with this, this tincture can cure the flu in a minimum amount of time. Clove remedies not only stimulate appetite, but also cheer up. You are provided with fragrance and beauty if you wash your face daily with special water, with the addition of a couple of drops of fragrant clove oil.

The use of clove even in small doses protects a person from various colds and cleanses the body of mucus accumulated in the intestines. To get rid of a toothache, it is enough to sprinkle the gum with ground powder. A healing decoction of clove buds can successfully treat many eye diseases.

To get rid of hypertension, pour 40 buds with one liter of warm water, bring to a boil and keep on fire until the volume of clove-based liquid is halved. The resulting broth must be drained into a dark bowl, and then stored in a cool place, taking 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day. A long course of treatment will delight you with unsurpassed treatment results.

Clove oil can also be used topically for asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, and convulsions. You can do various baths and carry out effective inhalations with the addition of oil. Clove has been proven to be an exceptional remedy for stopping the growth of cancer cells. It has been successfully used in the treatment of leukemia.

Dried unopened clove buds

Clove spices are fragrant dried flowers that have not blossomed. Dried buds are red-brown. This seasoning has a burning taste and an incomparable smell. The cap of the clove has a brighter aroma, and the petiole is responsible for the taste. A high quality seasoning should be slightly oily to the touch. The more essential oil it contains, the healthier it is.

If a bud thrown into the water floats only horizontally, it means that there is a minimum amount of oil in it. High quality spices sink instantly. When cooking, try to use only whole buds, ground just before use. Seasoning in powder form is less aromatic. It is recommended to store spices without access to air in a very dark place.

Growing a clove tree

The life span of an ordinary clove tree is relatively short. As a rule, the plant can last about a hundred years. Selected seedlings must be planted in pre-prepared rows. The distance between them should be about 6 meters. The first fruits can be harvested in the sixth year, when the seedlings get stronger and grow to a height of 5 meters. Starting at about 20 years of age, you will be able to harvest the largest bud harvest twice a year. Flower picking is recommended in early September, as well as from January to mid-April.

In rainy summers, the clove tree will bloom a few weeks earlier. Do not forget that dense, unblown buds are full-fledged raw materials for medicinal purposes. Pedicels are separated from the collected flowers, and then they are scattered in a thin layer for thorough drying. In the open sun, they should sew for at least a week. Ready buds are very dry and have a dark brown color.

Clove contraindications

All types of medicines based on clove are rich in a special essential oil, which strongly irritate the mucous membrane. Do not increase the prescribed doses so that an upset of the digestive system does not occur. In patients with high blood pressure and various diseases of the nervous system, well-being should be monitored during treatment with clove. It is also not recommended to use the presented funds during pregnancy.

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