Vitamin C allergy: watch out!
Doctors declare that the real vitamin C allergies it can not be. At most, you may experience mild itching and hives. Allergy, in the conventional sense, can appear when using concentrated vitamin C or when using it intramuscularly or intravenously.
The optimal dose of vitamin C in the body is 100-400 mg per day. This dose is found in 2 oranges or a pound of unsweetened apples. During epidemics, it is advised to increase this dose to 500-600 mg. Moreover, it is better to take vitamin C in its natural form, since fruits and vegetables contain a whole storehouse of useful elements. You can find vitamin C, for example, in citrus fruits, rose hips, tomatoes, potatoes, sour and sweet and sour berries, melon, cabbage, bell peppers, dark green vegetables. Even milk contains vitamin C, though more in kumis or mare’s milk.
In case of an overdose of vitamin C in the body, your blood pressure and blood sugar may rise, sleep will be disturbed, urinary stones may form, and nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may appear. All of these symptoms can be easily prevented by taking a preparation containing the vitamin after meals, and it is best to reduce the dose.
The main consequences of any food allergy, and, in this case, an allergy to vitamin C, are rash, itching, hives, swelling, redness, runny nose, cough … In case of a complicated reaction to a component, there may be anaphylactic shock and Quincke’s edema. Which is very, very dangerous.
Allergy to vitamin C: prevention and treatment
If you have signs of an allergy to vitamin C, you should first take any antihistamine and refuse foods and medications containing vitamin C. Then you should consult an allergist to really confirm an allergy to vitamin C, and not to something else. If this is really an allergy to vitamin C, the doctor will select drugs for you without adding it, and also prescribe a hypoallergenic diet. Its essence lies in the exclusion of highly allergenic foods from the diet (this group includes foods containing vitamin C). Then, if the allergy still makes itself felt, exclude moderately allergenic foods such as meat, wheat, potatoes, legumes and a number of fruits.
This diet should be followed for 2-3 weeks. After the allergy to vitamin C has receded, you can gradually return the excluded foods to the diet. Thus, this diet fulfills not only a therapeutic, but also a diagnostic function. Recall that allergy to vitamin C is extremely rare, it is mainly caused by either an overdose of vitamin C or an allergy to a certain product. And, returning products gradually, it is easy to understand which particular fruit or dish is causing the allergy.
It is worth noting that it is best to treat the liver with the elimination of the causes of allergies and establish the exact cause of the allergic reaction. It is important not only to remove the symptoms, how much to prevent their recurrence, but an examination by a specialist doctor will help you with this.
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