Allergy to tangerines in adults
The New Year is traditionally associated with tangerines and candies, but these colorful fruits will not bring joy if adults are allergic to tangerines. It may present with a rash, swelling of the mouth, or anaphylaxis.

Citrus fruits are one of the most popular and loved by many fruits. They are good for health, contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In December-January, the most popular fruits from this group are, of course, tangerines. They have already become almost one of the symbols of the New Year. But some people (although this percentage is very small) cannot enjoy the smell and taste of tangerines due to the development of an allergy to them. This allergy can manifest itself in various forms – from skin rashes and oral problems to acute anaphylactic reactions and shock.

Most often, an allergy to a group of citrus fruits occurs in children, but reactions in adults are also quite possible. Oranges and tangerines are traditionally considered the most allergenic. The development of such reactions is more likely in people with pollinosis – an allergy to the pollen of grasses and some trees. Then the allergy occurs as a cross-reaction. In terms of frequency of occurrence, it is one of the last places in the series of food allergies, but it can be dangerous due to the possible provocation of anaphylaxis.

Can adults be allergic to tangerines

As with any other food, it is quite possible to be allergic to tangerines, although it does not happen often in adulthood. Allergic-type reactions occur when the body’s immune system begins to recognize certain food components as dangerous and foreign, forming antibody synthesis and cell aggression against them. In the case of an allergy to tangerines, certain proteins of this fruit or its skin can serve as an allergen. More often people react to tangerines who are allergic to the pollen of shrubs and trees, some weeds. This is called cross-reactivity, when the immune system reacts to proteins that are similar in structure.

But it is also possible to have reactions to tangerines without any previous allergic reactions. The first time reactions are possible in childhood or already in adults after they have quietly eaten tangerines for many years.

If there is an allergy to tangerines, in addition to themselves, similar reactions to lemons, oranges or limes are possible. People with this type of allergy should avoid contact with tangerines, their pulp and skins, as well as various substances containing fruit juice. It can be various desserts, cakes, ice cream, juices, lemonade, yogurt, jelly and many other products. Always read labels carefully. Citrus extracts, including mandarin, can be found in toothpastes, cosmetics, and perfumes.

How does an allergy to tangerines manifest in adults

Among the manifestations of this type of allergy, local reactions are in the lead, usually occurring in the lips, tongue, oral mucosa and gums, pharynx or larynx. The most common are a tingling sensation, severe redness, swelling, burning or itching.

Manifestations are possible with the use of tangerines or their juice, fruit zest. If the juice gets on the skin, there may be signs of contact dermatitis – burning, redness of the skin, blistering, peeling of the skin, severe itching. Sometimes manifestations may not occur immediately, but after 2 to 3 hours, then skin rashes will be more characteristic.

Some people may have reactions to mandarin essential oils contained in the air or cosmetics, perfumes.

Possible digestive and respiratory symptoms that occur after eating tangerines are abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, diarrhea, nausea with frequent vomiting, a feeling of suffocation, coughing, and wheezing. Very rarely, the use of these types of citrus fruits can lead to anaphylactic reactions.

How to treat an allergy to tangerines in adults

The most obvious thing in the treatment of this problem is the refusal to eat these fruits. If the reactions have already developed, you need to take drugs that suppress allergic reactions both internally and externally, on the affected areas of the skin.


The basis for diagnosing an allergy that occurs when eating tangerines is typical complaints, characteristic symptoms and a connection with a specific product. If necessary, skin tests or determination of the level of immunoglobulin E (general and specific) are also carried out.

Modern methods

The basis of treatment is the cessation of contact with the allergen, its exclusion from all dishes and products of care and hygiene. If reactions have already developed, antihistamines, topical anti-inflammatory (including hormonal) creams, sorbents are used to neutralize the allergen and the consequences of its stay in the body as soon as possible.

Prevention of allergy to tangerines in adults at home

If an allergy to tangerines is suspected, the basis of prevention is a complete rejection of their use, including the processing of fruits, drinking juice, use in cosmetics and perfumes.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about allergies to tangerines pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Zorina Olga.

Can there be complications with an allergy to tangerines?

Such complications are rare, but usually we are talking about Quincke’s edema or anaphylactic shock. They occur in one case in a million, but require immediate care in a hospital setting.

What can replace tangerines?

If you are allergic to tangerines, it is advisable to abandon the entire group of citrus fruits. They can be replaced with other fruits and berries – kiwi, strawberries, cherries to get vitamin C and other components. Sweet peppers, zucchini, pumpkin are also useful.

Can you be allergic to tangerine oil?

Yes, it is usually obtained from the white veins and tangerine seeds, where the most dangerous proteins are.

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