Allergy to porridge in adults
Although cereals and whole grains are very healthy, you need to be very careful with them if you have an allergy to cereals in adults. The most common reactions are to gluten or oatmeal protein. In addition, other diseases are often mistaken for allergies.

Various cereals and cereal side dishes are very useful. They are rich in fiber, nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids that support optimal body shape and heart health. Despite these beneficial properties, people can develop allergic reactions to various cereals, most often to oatmeal.

Cereal allergy should not be confused with celiac disease. Celiac disease is gluten intolerance, and cereals from various cereals do not always contain gluten. In addition to the reaction to the gluten protein itself, reactions to avenin are possible – this is just oat protein, and if it is milk porridge, then it is also cow’s milk protein. Therefore, allergic reactions to porridge are very heterogeneous and it is necessary to understand in detail in each case.

When a person develops a hypersensitivity or true allergy to any type of porridge or cereal side dish, it can be difficult to manage. The first step is to confirm that oats, wheat, or another type of cereal is actually causing all the symptoms. If so, the body is probably overreacting to avenin, a protein found in oats, or gliadin, a protein found in wheat or rye.

The symptoms of a porridge allergy may not be noticeable, at least at first, and it is not always obvious to the patient what is causing the problem. After all, cereals are a common ingredient in many types of foods, from breakfast cereals to baked goods. They are often found together with other known allergens such as eggs, dairy, nuts or soy.

The next step in dealing with a cereal allergy is to carefully read the ingredients and ask questions at each restaurant or carefully choose products in the store. This makes it possible to avoid the consumption of dangerous cereals, so that the risk of discomfort associated with the development of allergic reactions is reduced.

Can adults be allergic to porridge?

Most often, wheat or oats become allergens in cereals, other cereals rarely give reactions. Although wheat allergies and oat allergies can have similar symptoms, they are caused by sensitivity to different proteins. Wheat contains four different classes of proteins, including albumin, globulin, gliadin, and gluten. This means that it is possible to be allergic to any of them, as well as to protein from other foods added to the porridge.

There is another potential problem that complicates the diagnosis and treatment of oat and wheat allergies. Some allergic symptoms are identical to those of celiac disease, which is an autoimmune response to gluten found naturally in wheat, rye, and barley. When people with celiac disease consume gluten, damage to the small intestine occurs.

Although oats are naturally gluten-free, they are often processed in factories that make products from wheat, rye, and barley. Cross-contamination is common, so it’s possible that people with gluten sensitivity will notice symptoms after eating foods that contain oats.

A problematic protein in oats is avenin. For whatever reason, in people with sensitivities or allergies, the body mounts an immune response to this protein. This creates antibodies that attack the avenin, attaching to it in an attempt to destroy the aggressor.

Another word for antibodies is immunoglobulins and there are 5 types that can be obtained depending on the problem.

If the immune system produces IgG immunoglobulin, the body will react slowly to the allergen. A person may experience long-term or chronic symptoms such as fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and general inflammation. This is a food sensitivity or intolerance.

If the immune system produces IgE in response to avenin, allergic symptoms are more severe. This is because IgE binds to both the allergen and mast cells. This causes the mast cells to release histamine, which causes all sorts of allergic symptoms. A person can experience anything from a rash to anaphylaxis, depending on the severity of the allergy.

How does an allergy to porridge manifest in adults?

As with any food allergy, symptoms can vary depending on the nature of the individual’s sensitivity. If a person experiences any of the following after eating cereal, it may be worthwhile to evaluate possible allergic reactions to cereals.

With a milder reaction occurs:

  • itchy, blotchy or irritated skin – especially after using external products such as oatmeal baths
  • rash or other signs of skin irritation in and around the mouth;
  • itching or sore throat;
  • nasal congestion or runny nose;
  • itchy, watery eyes.

For a more serious reaction, you may:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • fatigue.

Severe symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • anaphylaxis (swelling of the throat, trouble breathing, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, etc.).

If you experience severe symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Anaphylaxis can be a life-threatening reaction. Keep in mind that if you are sensitive to oats and not allergic, it may take a little longer for symptoms to appear. This makes diagnosing the problem more difficult because it is more difficult to establish a causal relationship.

How to treat porridge allergy in adults

Food sensitivities and allergies are frustrating, but they can be managed so they don’t disrupt your life. Talk to your allergist or doctor about identifying the cause of your symptoms and make it a rule to avoid foods containing oats or other grains.


If your goal is simply to determine if you are allergic to oats or other cereals, your best bet is to see an allergist. These specialists may perform allergy testing to confirm that the porridge is causing the symptoms. Common testing methods include the following:

Skin tests. The allergist pricks or injects a small amount of diluted allergen into the skin. If the skin shows a reaction, this confirms the allergy.

Blood tests. If skin tests are not suitable for any reason, a blood test can help determine a cereal allergy. Blood tests are not as accurate, making them a secondary option.

Patch tests. If your symptoms appear after some time, and not immediately after eating cereal, an allergist may use a patch test. A small amount of the diluted allergen is applied to a patch that you wear for approximately 48 hours. If you are allergic to cereals, you will probably notice a skin reaction after removing the patch.

Elimination diet. Perhaps the easiest way to test for grain sensitivity or allergies is to avoid oats for a week or more. If your symptoms improve, this could be a sure sign that the cereal was the problem.

Oral food test. Alternatively, your allergist may ask you to eat a small amount of the hazardous food under medical supervision. The amount of food eaten increases gradually while the allergist monitors your reaction.

Of course, these kinds of tests are secondary when you experience a severe allergic reaction. If your symptoms are severe or life-threatening, seek immediate medical attention.

Modern methods

If the symptoms are relatively mild, antihistamines may resolve the problem. They usually treat rashes, itching of the skin, eyes, throat, and the like. If the reaction is limited to itching, skin irritation, or skin rash, a topical corticosteroid may be used.

If you are experiencing a severe or life-threatening allergic reaction to oats, wheat, such as anaphylaxis, your doctor may prescribe an epinephrine autoinjector, also known as an epinephrine pen. This is an immediate and life-saving treatment that ensures you have enough time to seek medical attention.

Prevention of porridge allergy in adults at home

What foods should you avoid if you think you have an allergy? Some foods containing oats or wheat are pretty obvious. For example, everything that is written right in the title: oatmeal cookies, oatmeal, oatmeal and oatmeal cakes. The same goes for topical products such as oatmeal baths and lotions containing oatmeal.

However, it is not enough to simply avoid these things. It is very important to check labels for ingredients such as oats, oatmeal powder, and avenin. They can be found in cold breakfast cereals, muesli and muesli bars, cereals and other hot cereals, mixes, beer.

If you spend time with animals, including pets and farm animals, be aware that their products also often contain oats. For example, horse food usually includes oats, and horses are often given oat hay. Even if you don’t touch these items, they can release dust that you breathe in.

Popular questions and answers

Answered popular questions about porridge allergy in adults allergist-immunologist, PhD, member of the European and Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical ImmunologistsOlesya Ivanova.

Can there be complications with an allergy to porridge?
If there is an allergy to cereals, it is likely that there will be an allergy to meadow grass pollen (pollinosis, which manifests itself during the flowering of meadow grasses, usually May-June or early July). It manifests itself in the form of oral allergic syndrome.

The problem with food allergies is that tests and determination of immunoglobulin G to foods, including cereals, can be unreliable, they are not currently recommended, as they do not carry diagnostic value.

Is there an allergy to all types of porridge?
Purely theoretically, everything is possible. But in fact, allergic reactions to gluten contained in cereals can occur, but this is extremely rare. More often we meet gluten intolerance and here we can choose a diet (it is not recommended to completely exclude gluten from the diet, it is important to choose a tolerable dose).
What other foods can cause an allergy if it is on porridge?
In addition to foods and products containing oats or wheat, check labels for warnings such as “Produced in a facility that uses oat, wheat ingredients.” This indicates that while oats are not the actual ingredient, it is possible that cross-contamination has occurred. As with any sensitivity or allergy, avoiding unsafe foods is the best way to avoid a reaction.

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