Allergy to fish in adults
Fish is a food allergen. People with fish allergies may experience asthma, rashes on the face and body. We will tell you if it occurs in adults, how to treat and how to prevent allergies

What is a fish allergy

According to allergist Olesya Ivanova, recently the Congress of the European Association of Allergists and Immunologists made adjustments – there used to be a big eight food allergens, now there are 14 of them. Fish was on the previous list and the current one.

People who are allergic to fish suffer from asthma, rashes, and some may even have low blood pressure. You don’t even have to eat the fish – some react to the steam that comes out when the fish is cooked.

Can adults be allergic to fish?

In general, an allergy to fish is actively manifested at an early age, when different types of fish are added to the baby’s diet. But there are cases when an allergy to fish appeared already at an age. The fact is that the human body affects the protein that is in fish meat. Often, fish allergies react strongly to the cod family. And in addition to cod, they cannot eat salmon, trout, mackerel. There is also a type of allergy sufferers who are allergic to red fish, and cod is eaten calmly.

Unfortunately, fish allergens are so strong that they cause problems even after cooking. That is, even when the fish is boiled, fried or baked, allergens do not disappear. Very sensitive allergy sufferers even react to the steam that appears when cooking fish. They may develop asthma or a runny nose.

How does an allergy to fish manifest itself in adults?

Symptoms of a fish allergy include:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • itching, rash, spots on the face and body;
  • asthma attacks
  • runny nose, lacrimation;
  • lowering of pressure;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

How to treat fish allergy in adults

If you experience strange sensations after eating any kind of fish, be sure to consult your doctor.

– The most important and important thing in the treatment of fish allergy is to remove the allergen. After that, the symptoms, as a rule, go away on their own, – says allergist Olesya Ivanova. – This method is 100% effective, but I recommend that you be very careful about the composition of the products. You can react with a food allergy even to the slightest trace of fish in the product.

The expert notes that fish is hard to avoid if you frequent restaurants and rarely dine at home. Be sure to tell the staff at the establishment that you are allergic to fish.

If you develop fish anaphylaxis, your companions should avoid eating fish in your presence, as there is a small risk that inhaling the smell of cooked food may cause a reaction.
Olesya IvanovaAllergist

– This applies to those people who seal their friendship and love with a kiss. Other sources of accidental exposure are the buffet, Asian products, imitation caviar, the expert continues.

If complications from a fish allergy persist, seek medical attention immediately and do not self-medicate.


Diagnosis of an allergy to fish begins with a visit to an allergist. The specialist will examine the body, prescribe the necessary tests, and ask about your diet.

Blood for the determination of allergy to fish is taken from the cubital vein. Then the biomaterial will be placed in a test tube, which already contains a special gel. After 5-10 minutes, the serum is separated, and it will be examined in the future. You need to donate blood on an empty stomach, do not eat before donating for at least 8 hours.

– When diagnosing, we look for the protein parvalbumin. It is very stable, and a person can react even to the smell of fish,” says Olesya Ivanova.

Modern methods

As mentioned above, a fish allergy will go away when you eliminate it from your diet, avoid contact with both raw and cooked fish as much as possible.

Sometimes the symptoms of a fish allergy are treated with adrenaline when anaphylactic shock develops. This treatment method is 100% effective if adrenaline is administered on time. In some cases, an allergist will prescribe medication to help relieve the symptoms of a fish allergy.

Prevention of fish allergy in adults at home

To avoid an allergy to fish, you need:

  • avoid contact with fish: both raw in stores and boiled;
  • carefully read the composition of the products, they may contain traces of fish;
  • contact an allergist at the first suspicion of an allergy to fish.

Popular questions and answers

Answered typical questions from patients about allergies to fish allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the European and Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists Olesya Ivanova.

Can there be complications with a fish allergy?
Severe symptoms of a fish allergy are shortness of breath, asthma, and anaphylaxis. They don’t meet very often.
Are all types of fish allergic?
Often the reaction is to cod. Even contact with fresh, raw cod can lead to allergic dermatitis, hives, and anaphylaxis. Ingestion of even a small amount of cod can lead to immediate allergic reactions. Crosswise with cod also go tuna, salmon, perch, carp, eel. This also includes mackerel. I would like to note that if the fish is smoked or heavily salted, then it can act as a product of histamine liberators.
How to replace fish if you are allergic to it?
If you are allergic to fish and seafood, it is recommended to consume poultry meat, eggs, beans, as well as sources of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA) – ground flax, seaweed, margarine.
Will you also be allergic to seafood if you are allergic to fish?
Everything is individual. Some people are allergic to fish, but not to seafood. Some people have both. Shellfish, including lobster, oysters, and crustaceans are often advertised as a dietary staple. They are high in protein and low in fat, but for the millions of people who are allergic to shellfish and crustaceans, a tiny piece can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Several antigens have been isolated from mollusks and crustaceans that can cause allergic reactions.

Most people with shellfish allergies are allergic to other types of shellfish within the same class. For example, if you are allergic to crabs, you may also be allergic to lobsters, shrimp, and other crustaceans.

Is there a link between allergies and being overweight?
Yes, being overweight in a person can be one of the manifestations of the fact that a person does not tolerate this or that product or that he is generally allergic to it.

Histamine is a biologically active substance that is released when an allergen enters the body, an antigen-antibody reaction develops. But with pseudo-allergy, the excretion of histamine is disturbed and its intolerance is formed, the level of free histamine in the blood increases.

This condition leads to a chronic systemic inflammatory response that results in fluid retention. In this case, you get about 5 – 7 extra pounds.

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