Allergy to cats
Many of us, when getting a cat, do not think about the fact that the future pet can become a source of health problems. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” tells what symptoms may be allergic to cats

Allergies to cats are quite common these days. However, many mistakenly believe that its source is cat hair, but this is not entirely true.

Causes of Cat Allergies

Allergies are caused by proteins contained in saliva, urine, and skin particles of an animal. A large number of allergens do settle on the coat, as clean cats periodically lick their skin. Also, allergens can be found wherever the pet is, on the floor, furniture, carpets, etc.

Cat Allergy Symptoms

The main symptoms of an allergy to cats include a runny nose, cough, itching and sore throat, shortness of breath, cough, Quincke’s edema. Persons with defects in the functioning of the immune system, suffering from asthma, are more susceptible to allergies. Their allergy symptoms are more pronounced. Often, itching and dry skin, rashes in the form of urticaria, rash can also be observed. In this case, the symptoms may not appear immediately, but several hours after contact with the cat. Some people may react to objects touched by the cat owner of the pet, as there may be cat hair on his clothes.

Allergens can also be ingested. In this case, allergy symptoms can manifest as indigestion, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. This type of allergy can be especially common in children, as they often put various objects in their mouths, such as cat toys.

Cat Allergy Treatment

It is important to contact an allergist at the first sign of a reaction to cats. It is necessary to confirm this type of allergy, as it may raise the question of whether the animal can continue to live in the house. If the reactions are confirmed, the ideal option would be to put the cat in good hands, but allergens can remain in the house for a long time, so a move to a new home or a major overhaul may be required.


Allergy to cats can be diagnosed using special tests that determine specific immunoglobulin E, as well as skin tests. In some diagnostic laboratories, it is possible to determine the presence of an allergy to a particular cat. To do this, you need to bring a piece of her wool.

However, the symptoms of cat allergies are varied and similar to those of other types of allergies and diseases. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the cat is the cause of the symptoms. There are diseases or cases that can be falsely mistaken for an allergy to cats.

  • From the street, cats can bring pollen, mold, etc. into the house on their fur.
  • An allergic reaction may be related to cat food, litter, detergents, etc.
  • It is impossible to exclude infection with any infectious disease from a cat. For example, a cat can be a carrier of chlamydia, scabies, lichen. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of the pet and show it to the veterinarian in time.

Modern treatments

There are some cat breeds that are less likely to cause allergies. However, to say that they completely do not produce allergens would be a lie. People with high sensitivity should avoid fluffy cats. Their coat sheds heavily and spreads everywhere. It is desirable to have cats with dense curly hair. They shed less often, therefore they are less allergenic (for example, the Cornish Rex cat breed).

Sphynxes are also hypoallergenic. It cannot be said that they do not secrete proteins, because such cats also wash themselves. But with regular bathing, allergens are easily washed off the skin of the Sphynx.

What should adults do?

Cat allergy symptoms can be eliminated by taking antihistamine tablets, such as Erius, Zodak, Cetrin, etc. For severe runny nose, nasal itching, nasal sprays containing corticosteroids (Nasonex, Avamys) are prescribed. With bronchial spasms, it is possible to prescribe inhalations. However, with any of the manifestations of allergies, it is necessary to consult an allergist.

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What should children do?

It is believed that an allergy to cats cannot develop in children who have appeared in a house where there was already a cat. However, the scientists did not agree on a common opinion and different studies produced conflicting results. To date, scientists have agreed that the appearance of a cat in the life of a child prone to allergies can aggravate the situation.

One way or another, if you suspect a child is allergic to a cat, you should contact your pediatrician. After a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drops for nasal congestion.

Cat Allergy Prevention

What should adults do?

If you are allergic to a cat, you should take certain measures, follow the rules of hygiene, which will allow you not to part with the animal. For this you need:

  • do wet cleaning in the house at least 2 times a week;
  • brush the coat and bathe the animal at least once a week;
  • get rid of carpets, rugs, any soft coverings where pet hair can settle;
  • ventilate the premises;
  • clean personal belongings, clothes in the closet and other places inaccessible to the cat;

Following these steps will get rid of or reduce allergy symptoms and make friends with your pet.

What should children do?

If your child is allergic to a cat, it is necessary to minimize all contact between the child and the animal:

  • put the child to sleep in a separate room inaccessible to the animal;
  • wash hands after touching a cat;
  • bathe your pet with special detergents, shampoos;
  • purchase a closed toilet for cats and change the filler after each use.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed the most pressing issues regarding cat allergies with allergist Oksana Bolshakova. We also addressed some of the questions about cat allergies allergist Elena Marinova.

What cat breeds are most likely to cause allergies?

Any breed of cat can cause allergies. It is a mistake to assume that wool is to blame. In fact, allergic reactions occur to the Fel D1 protein, which is found in the epithelium, dandruff, saliva, urine, sebum, sweat and urine of animals. Therefore, it does not matter whether your pet has hair or not, there is no escape from physiological secretions.

Hypoallergenic cat breeds do not exist! There are breeds that secrete low amounts of Fel D1 protein, but even an allergist cannot guarantee that you personally will not have a reaction to this low amount.

If you have a burdened allergic history, but you still decide to have a fluffy pet, preference should be given to the following breeds:

● Siberian;

● Siamese;

● ociket;

● Neva Masquerade;

● some breeds of cats with white or curly hair.

What are the complications of a cat allergy?

The most severe and dangerous manifestations of an allergy to cats are respiratory manifestations. From swelling of the nasopharynx to a life-threatening asthma attack. Long-term allergic rhinitis can lead to hypoxia and even impaired intellectual development.

Food allergies to cats often appear in children – these are abdominal pains, nausea. Skin manifestations of allergy to cats are the least dangerous.

Is there a vaccine for cat allergies?

So far, there is no such vaccine on the market. But there is good news – the development of a vaccine is in full swing in several countries around the world. The work is being carried out in two directions: the creation of a vaccine for cats, which will make them hypoallergenic for humans, and the creation of a vaccine for humans.

A vaccine for cats called HypoCat is scheduled to be released in 2-3 years. Scientists claim that it is absolutely safe for animals.

A vaccine for humans could be a more effective solution in the sense that you can’t vaccinate all cats, but you would like to protect yourself from all cats.

In January 2021, British scientists completed a pilot study of the human vaccine Cat-PAD. Head of the Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov P. Glybochko announced in the same month that in our country a vaccine against cat allergy could appear in the coming years.

I can warn you in advance that the vaccine (for cats and for people) will not protect by 100%, but will only reduce the manifestations of allergies. Science does not stand still, perhaps in a few years it will be possible to completely cure a person from an allergy to cats.

Where can I get tested for cat allergies?

A blood test for common Fel D1 is done in almost any clinic and laboratory. But, unfortunately, it is not so effective as to give a complete picture of the allergy to a particular cat. Therefore, it is important to evaluate not only the blood test, but also the history of the disease.

Skin tests may be used. But a blood test for allergens is preferable – it is more accurate and has a minimum of contraindications.

The complexity of laboratory diagnostics also lies in the fact that an allergy is checked for the most common protein secreted by cats – Fel D1. But an allergy to this protein is not an allergy to all cats. Each cat’s body secretes different allergen proteins in different concentrations. For most people, the allergen is Fel D1, and for someone it is Fel D4, therefore, an allergic reaction in two people can be on different cats.

Is it possible to treat cat allergies with folk remedies?

There are many folk tips on how to alleviate the disease with the help of herbal preparations. There may be a combination of traditional medicine and traditional medicine, and there is a place to be, but I definitely won’t give such advice …

Imagine: the body is at the limit of resistance to a foreign (in its opinion) protein, the mucous membranes are inflamed, and we will “feed” it with an extract, tincture or decoction – it will not lead to anything other than acquiring an allergy to a decoction.

When to call a doctor at home for allergies to cats?

Any acute manifestations of allergies – severe itching of the skin, profuse rash, feeling of suffocation, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, digestive disorders – these are reasons for calling a doctor at home.

Is it possible to get rid of cat allergies forever?

Unfortunately, once having arisen, allergic reactions remain for life. You can reduce the risk of their occurrence by eliminating contact with animals.

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