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The purpose of performing allergy tests is to determine the presence of skin, digestive or respiratory problems. After obtaining the results, it is possible not only to eliminate the harmful factor, but also to arrange the entire treatment process. Allergy tests can be performed free of charge on the basis of a doctor’s referral or privately.

What are allergies?

Allergy is understood as the body’s inappropriate defensive reaction to various allergens, i.e. substances that are harmless to healthy people. In the case of allergy sufferers, these substances are mistakenly perceived by their immune system as hostile substances. This causes various symptoms of the disease to appear in these people.

These symptoms are a consequence of a strong reaction of the cells of the immune system. This leads to the production of antibodies, or immunoglobulin E (IgE).

The tendency to allergies, and therefore to the production of IgE antibodies, is hereditary. This reaction is known as atopy, which is the overproduction of IgE antibodies.

Find out which allergens you are allergic to by doing the Allergy blood test pack or Inhaled allergy blood test pack. You can find them on Medonet Market.

What is the difference between allergy and intolerance?

These concepts are often confused because the main symptoms are often similar. However, they result from other mechanisms.

The hallmark of allergies is an abnormal reaction of the immune system. Intolerance, on the other hand, means that our body cannot tolerate a food or ingredient, i.e. it is unable to digest and absorb it. This is most often the result of an inadequate amount or complete absence of certain substances that aid in digestion or the absorption of this factor. This mechanism works in the case of lactose intolerance in milk.

Worth reading: Enchanted world. Allergy, hypersensitivity or intolerance?

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Allergy tests should be performed if we observe:

  1. train;
  2. troublesome sneezing;
  3. watery eyes;
  4. itching of the nose, eyes or skin;
  5. hives;
  6. cough and shortness of breath;
  7. wheezing;
  8. diarrhea;
  9. stomach pain.

Symptoms related to allergy may appear seasonally, e.g. in spring, when the plants are pollinated, as well as throughout the year, as in the case of house dust mite allergy. First of all, it should be remembered that the symptoms of allergies appear only after contact with an allergen.

To reduce allergy-related ailments, you can try the Cordyceps Extract – a powdered dietary supplement that you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

What can you be allergic to?

Allergies are caused by different allergens, so they have been grouped into different categories:

  1. Inhalation allergens – they come from the air and enter the human body through the respiratory tract. These can be pollen from grasses, trees, weeds, allergens from pet hair, house dust mites or mold;
  2. contact allergens – eczema may appear on the skin as a result of contact with this group of allergens, often in the form of urticaria. Allergy symptoms may appear after contact with metals, e.g. nickel, preservatives or fragrances, e.g. in cosmetics;
  3. Food allergens – allergy symptoms appear after eating a given food. Sometimes a small amount is enough. The main sources of allergies are milk, wheat, eggs, shellfish, fish and seafood, nuts (especially peanuts), and soybeans. To find out if you have a food allergy, you can do a 10 allergen mailing test. You order them via Medonet Market;
  4. insect venom – allergies to bee, wasp, bumblebee and hornet venom most often occur in Poland;
  5. drugs – most often penicillin.

How is an allergy diagnosed?

Allergens are a very wide and varied group of products, so it is often difficult to determine what causes allergy symptoms in us. In this case, the easiest way is to go to a general practitioner who, if he deems it necessary, will refer us to a specialist, i.e. an allergist.

An allergy consultation usually begins with a detailed interview and observation of symptoms if necessary. During the visit, we will be asked, among others o having a family history of allergies and the circumstances in which symptoms occur. Most often, in order to confirm their suspicions, the doctor will refer the patient to additional tests, i.e. allergic tests.

Worth reading: The era of food allergies

What are allergy tests?

Allergy tests are performed to confirm the initial diagnosis made by the allergist. Thanks to them, it is possible to implement treatment for specific allergens.

What are the types of allergy tests?

Your doctor may refer you to:

  1. skin tests – these are the most frequently performed allergy tests that enable the diagnosis of allergens that trigger an immediate reaction of the body, e.g. inhaled allergens or certain medications. They are also used when atopic dermatitis and food allergies are suspected. They are divided into punctual and intradermal;
  2. epidermal patch tests – they are used in the case of contact allergies, the symptom of which is eczema on the skin after contact with an allergen;
  3. blood tests – in these tests it is possible to determine specific IgE antibodies that target specific allergens. They can replace skin tests, but they can also be performed additionally. They are often used in children who are reluctant to cooperate with skin tests, and in patients who are on persistent medications that interfere with skin tests and challenges;
  4. allergen provocation – these are tests performed to examine the reaction of a specific organ to an allergen. Provocations are carried out, for example, in patients who are allergic to many different allergens, or when food allergies are suspected. In this case, the potentially allergenic product should be discontinued first, and then the body’s reaction is checked after reintroducing it into the diet, for example.

You want to do allergic blood tests on your baby. You can perform them without visiting a collection point – order a mail-order diagnosis of childhood allergies now.

Worth reading: How to deal with skin allergy?

What do allergy tests look like?

Skin tests are performed on the skin of the forearms or back. During the examination, the allergist or nurse introduces small amounts of allergens under the skin, or places them on the skin and gently pricks it there. 20 allergens can be checked at a time. In preschool children, the amount of allergens in one test is reduced. The results can be read after approx. 15-20 minutes. The doctor then assesses the blisters formed at the skin puncture site. If the blisters are surrounded by a red halo with a diameter of more than 3 mm, the result is positive.

If patch tests are performed, they consist of sticking specially prepared allergens to the skin of the back for 48 hours. After this time, the patch is removed and the doctor assesses the condition of the skin for the first time. The doctor then assesses the skin reaction 72 hours after applying the patch. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of a double skin assessment and possible redness, lumps or blisters on the skin.

  1. Allergy Test – Dog, Cat – Home Cassette Test can be found at Medonet Market. The test can be done at home and the results are visible after 15 minutes.
Good to know!

Blood tests involve taking a blood sample from a vein. Then the blood is tested in the laboratory for the content of specific IgE antibodies for specific allergens. If the result is elevated, it may mean that you are allergic to the allergen in question.

In the case of provocation tests, the tested allergen is introduced directly into the nose, bronchi or conjunctival sac. If these are food tests, the allergen is administered orally.

Tests are usually performed in an allergy clinic, while in the case of provocation tests, when the allergen is administered into the bronchi, the test must be performed in a hospital ward to minimize the risk of a severe allergic reaction.

Worth reading: Allergy – sensitizing allergens

How long do allergy tests take?

Allergy test results are usually available on the same day. The doctor only needs to read and analyze them.

The skin test itself takes several minutes, then you have to wait about 15-20 minutes in the clinic. Epidermal tests require reading the results 48 and 72 hours after applying the allergens. In turn, the waiting time for blood test results depends on the laboratory. In each case, after obtaining the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

When can allergy tests be performed?

It is best to perform allergy tests during the time when allergy symptoms are not showing. The date of the tests is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. If the doctor suspects an allergy to pollen, the tests should be performed outside the pollen season, i.e. from October to December.

Worth reading: What are the effects of an untreated allergy?

What medications should be discontinued before allergy testing?

Before the tests, it is a good idea to consult your doctor on the medications you are taking, as some preparations may distort the test results. In particular, antihistamines should be discontinued. For skin tests, this must be done 1-2 weeks before the test. With blood allergy tests, drug discontinuation is not necessary. However, the final decision rests with the doctor.

How should I prepare for allergy testing?

You should not prepare yourself specially for allergy tests. In the case of young children, it is worth giving them a drink and making them aware of how the test will proceed, which can make the test much easier.

It is also worth remembering that you do not need to undergo fasting for allergy tests.

At what age can allergy tests be done?

Allergy tests can be performed regardless of age. However, it makes no sense to perform food tests on a child who has not eaten a given food yet, because there is no chance of developing an allergy. For skin tests, it is recommended after the age of 4.

What are home allergy tests?

Today, you can get home allergy tests in pharmacies. However, it is not a form that can replace medical supervision. All home tests carry a high risk of error. In addition, the result of such a test does not change anything, and in order to start treatment, we still need to see a doctor. During the visit, the patient must still undergo tests prescribed by the doctor.

How much do allergy tests cost?

The prices of allergy tests vary and also depend on the clinic. The prices of allergy tests are around:

  1. skin prick tests – about PLN 160-180;
  2. skin patch tests – about PLN 120-350;
  3. blood allergy tests – about PLN 120-200;

It should be remembered that the final price of allergy tests depends on the amount of allergens tested in the tests and the laboratory method used. We should also remember that the more modern the technology used to perform allergy tests, the higher the price.

In addition, if we receive a referral for examinations from a doctor under the NFZ insurance, we can perform skin tests for free.

The content of the medTvoiLokony website is intended to improve, not replace, the contact between the Website User and their doctor. The website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Before following the specialist knowledge, in particular medical advice, contained on our Website, you must consult a doctor. The Administrator does not bear any consequences resulting from the use of information contained on the Website. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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