Allergy in dogs
Today, when people are polluting the environment more and more, when it is difficult to find food that does not contain all kinds of preservatives, the phenomenon of dog allergies is spreading more and more.

How does an allergy manifest in dogs?

We all – both humans and animals – have our own immunity, that is, the body’s ability to withstand the effects of harmful substances on it, but sometimes this well-functioning mechanism fails, and the immune system begins to overreact to certain stimuli. If these substances enter the body repeatedly, then the reaction of the body becomes an inflammatory process, as well as a violation of the structure of blood vessels and other internal pathologies. Of course, we are unlikely to notice all these internal changes by eye, however, fortunately, an allergy also has a number of fairly striking external manifestations.

The most common manifestation of allergies in dogs is all kinds of dermatological disorders: rashes, skin peeling, partial or even complete hair loss, redness, itching (1). Moreover, most often these phenomena are noticeable on the fingers, stomach, muzzle, ears and under the arms, in a word, where the fur is the shortest and the skin is always better visible. Often the dog constantly itches and even gnaws out the hair, injuring itself, and becomes nervous due to the endless itching.

Also, allergic reactions include swelling, lacrimation, nasal discharge, moisturizing under the arms.

The cause of allergies can be a natural predisposition of a particular breed or heredity in a single dog. So, breeds such as the Labrador Retriever, Springer Spaniel, West Highland White Terrier, Dalmatian, Shar Pei have a tendency to allergies. Of course, this does not mean that, for example, one hundred percent of Labradors will be allergic, but the incidence rate in the above breeds is higher. Stress also significantly increases the likelihood of developing allergies. If the dog is constantly in a nervous environment or has suffered some kind of severe shock (for example, a change of owner), then she may develop an allergy.

Allergies can be provoked by bad ecology, hormones that are found in chicken meat and milk, dry food (2).

In a word, allergies in dogs not only happen, but are also a fairly common disease.

Types of allergies

Like humans, allergies in dogs can come in many forms.

Food allergy. That is, intolerance to certain products, or rather, the active substances that they contain. They must be completely eliminated from the dog’s diet (3).

Allergy to flea saliva. Like all other blood-sucking insects, a flea, biting a dog, secretes a special secret (saliva) into the blood, which contains anticoagulants, that is, substances that prevent blood clotting. Often this saliva causes an allergic reaction (2). That’s why it’s so important to treat your pet regularly for ectoparasites.

Allergy to substances coming from the external environment. This includes both chemical irritants (paint, dust, etc.) and exposure to various plants. Having previously identified what exactly causes a negative reaction in the dog’s body, it is necessary to stop all contact of the animal with the allergen.


In fact, the most striking symptoms include the above external manifestations of allergies. However, this ailment can also be disguised as other diseases, in which case the owner of the dog, even if he is a veterinarian, is unlikely to be able to confidently make a correct diagnosis solely on external signs. These include vomiting, indigestion, lethargy, fever (above 39,5 ° C). That is why it is so important not to neglect all these manifestations and turn to a specialist in time, because, harmless at first, allergies can intensify and lead to serious consequences, up to anaphylactic shock.

As for the symptoms that can be detected using tests in the clinic, then we can talk about the specific responses of the body to the introduction of small doses of potential allergens.


If you are not a veterinarian, do not attempt to diagnose yourself. The fact is that there are a huge number of diseases with exactly the same manifestations, and without special laboratory tests it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease. So, for example, indigestion can occur both with food poisoning and with allergies.

That is why, if you notice one or more of the above symptoms, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. The clinic will carry out the whole range of necessary tests: tests are taken, in case of dermatological manifestations – skin scrapings, a check for the presence of fleas, as well as tests for the detection of an allergen.

Based on the data obtained, the veterinarian will be able to say what exactly caused the allergic reaction in order to completely eliminate the dog’s contact with a substance harmful to it. In the event that there is a food allergy, a special diet is drawn up that excludes foods containing the allergen.


Allergy treatment in dogs is carried out with medication and by avoiding contact with the allergen. After the veterinarian determines the cause of the disease, he prescribes treatment. Typically, antihistamines are given to the dog in the form of tablets or injections.

At first, while the allergen has not yet been identified, the dog may be prescribed medications such as Tavegil, Diazolin or Dimedrol – these are universal drugs that work with any form of allergy. Diprazine, as well as anti-inflammatory ointments, do an excellent job with skin itching.

If it comes to anaphylactic shock (and it also happens in dogs), which is expressed in severe swelling, vomiting, palpitations and even loss of consciousness, then you must immediately call a veterinarian, because in this case, if urgent help is not provided in time, the consequences can be severe, even fatal.

How to treat allergies in a dog at home

Many people ask the question: how to treat allergies in dogs? It should be understood that it is impossible to get rid of the disease completely at home. All that the owner can do is, firstly, urgently remove the symptoms if they have become severe, exclude the dog from contact with the allergen (remove fleas, remove food from the diet that could potentially cause such a reaction), and also try to reduce minimize the symptoms of allergies. To relieve skin itching, healing and antipruritic agents are used, but if the dog has increased lacrimation and discharge from the nose, then special ointments and drops that are sold in any veterinary pharmacy are suitable.

In a severe case, the dog may experience swelling, which must be removed with medication, but do not try to give the animal human medicines if you do not know for sure that this is not contraindicated for him – the fact is that not all drugs that are widely used in human medicine, are suitable for dogs, and by experimenting with drugs, you can only make things worse.

After removing the life-threatening symptoms of the dog, be sure to take it to the veterinarian, who will find out what caused the allergic reaction and prescribe treatment.

Prevention of allergies in dogs at home

In order for your four-legged friend to live a long and healthy life and delight you with his company for many years, it is necessary to prevent allergies in a dog. Of course, as we have already found out, some animals have an innate predisposition to this disease, but it is in our power to minimize both the negative manifestations of this reaction and the very fact of its occurrence. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything in the world, because a dog rarely lives in an absolutely ecologically clean environment (and there can also be found allergy-causing plants or insects), but as a rule, this is a city with its exhaust gases, concrete and asphalt. But still, something can be done.

Firstly, you can never neglect the treatment of a dog from parasites – both external (fleas, ticks) and internal (helminths), because they all release their waste products into the dog’s body. Secondly, if a pet has appeared in your house, it is better to choose a diet for him together with a veterinarian. And thirdly, try to make your dog always feel loved and confident, because, as we have already found out, constant stress greatly increases the likelihood of allergies.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about allergies in dogs veterinarian of the Simferopol clinic “Laskava” Reshat Kurtmalaev.

Is it true that all white dogs are allergic?

You need to understand that there are just white animals, but there are albinos, so they often have not only allergies, but also other health problems. In the same animals, whose coat color is simply due to the breed, allergies are not so common. But still, the owners of white dogs should pay attention to their nutrition, because after all, they are slightly more likely to develop this disease.

What are the most common food allergies in dogs?

More often than not, an allergic reaction to chicken is the most common option. After all, animals love chicken very much – it is softer in eating and simply tastier than other products. Therefore, it is better not to give chicken to dogs at all. We recommend feeding dogs lean boiled beef. Raw meat can only be given if you are sure that there are no parasite larvae in this meat.

Why does chicken cause allergies in dogs so often?

As a rule, chicken meat contains a lot of various chemicals, hormones and other harmful substances that cause the dog’s body to malfunction.

Is it possible to treat a dog for allergies on its own?

It is better to go to the veterinarian, because if a person starts treating the dog himself, he may relieve the symptoms, but not end the disease, and eventually the allergic reaction can manifest itself many times stronger than at first.

How dangerous are allergies in dogs?

They, like people, have such a manifestation as Quincke’s edema, which causes suffocation. To prevent this from happening, it is better to contact a veterinarian in time, who will find out which protein the dog is allergic to in order to exclude contact with it. And if it is impossible to exclude (for example, an allergen plant is planted at a neighbor, and he does not want to remove it), then prescribe a treatment.

Sources of

1. Ivanova M.V., Skubko O.R. Etiopathogenesis of allergic food dermatitis in dogs // Electronic Scientific and Methodological Journal of the Omsk State Agrarian University, 2020

2. Mitrofanova E.V. The main causes of food allergies in domestic animals in urban areas // Eurasian Union of Scientists, 2016 territory

3. Muller Ralph S. How to find an allergen – diagnosis of atopic dermatitis // VetPharma, 2016

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