Allergy and colds – symptoms that can be confusing. What disease can a runny nose be confused with?

Each of us struggles with a runny nose from time to time. Most often we associate it with a cold, and usually we also treat it on our own. Meanwhile, this symptom may be a signal of another disease that we will not cure ourselves. It is an allergy – a condition with which up to 50% may soon struggle. Poles. How to distinguish an infectious from an allergic runny nose? What if it turns out that “we are allergic”? Explains Dr. Emilia Majsiak, MD, a specialist in the field of molecular diagnostics of allergies.

  1. Expert in molecular diagnostics of allergies: if the runny nose persists despite the absence of infection and there is no improvement, see a doctor
  2. The diagnosis of whether a patient has an allergic or infectious cold is to determine when the sneezing occurs. Capturing this moment may indicate what allergen is triggering such a reaction
  3. House dust mites are allergens that can be particularly annoying at this time of the year. In winter, pollen is also a problem for allergy sufferers. In the third – fourth week of January, hazel already begins to dust
  4. Dr. Majsiak: It is said that allergy affects each of us – directly, when we struggle with it ourselves, or indirectly, because it affects one of our loved ones. Why are more and more people experiencing allergic reactions? There is no simple answer to this question
  5. More current topics can be found on the Onet homepage.

Monika Mikołajska / Medonet: In winter, and especially at its end, there is a risk that we will confuse the symptoms of allergies with an infection that attacks us, e.g. a cold. Both of these ailments may cause a runny nose. How to distinguish allergic rhinitis from infectious rhinitis? Is it even possible?

Dr. Emilia Majsiak, MD, specialist in the field of molecular diagnostics of allergies: It is primarily a matter of self-observation or observation of a person, e.g. a child, who is experiencing a cold. If it is accompanied by, for example, muscle and joint pain, sore throat or increased temperature, it is most likely a runny nose accompanying an infection. If these accompanying symptoms are absent, and a runny nose occurs periodically, for example at the beginning of the year or at the end of winter, it is a signal that we may be dealing with an allergy. Similarly, if a runny nose occurs after certain events, e.g. after visiting grandma who has a cat.

Moreover, infectious and allergic rhinitis have a slightly different form. With allergies, the discharge is more watery and colorless. When there is an infection, the initially watery discharge may thicken and become yellow, green or yellow-green.

We rarely go to the doctor with a runny nose. What signals should make us consult this symptom with a specialist?

If the runny nose does not go away despite the lack of infection, the next days pass, and our nose is still dripping, which may also be swollen and itchy and there is no improvement – this should be a warning signal for us. In such a situation, it is worth going to the doctor and starting to look for the causes of the persistent runny nose.

  1. If the situation is not sudden, you can consult a doctor without leaving your home, using telemedicine. For this purpose, you can make an appointment with your doctor for a TV visit.

And if it turns out that we are allergic – does this increase our susceptibility to coronavirus infection?

The swollen mucosa accompanying a runny nose prompts the use of nasal drops, which strongly dry the mucosa, and this may make it easier for the virus to penetrate the body. In addition, when we are tired with a runny nose, we often breathe our mouths, and this in the case of infection, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus, promotes the emission of pathogens. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is important to maintain a sanitary regime. And it is not only about using the mask, but also among people who properly cover the nose and mouth and respect the other rules. Remember – while wearing a mask, we protect others first and foremost.

  1. Which masks will be allowed and which will be prohibited? [WE EXPLAIN]

Sneezing can also be a confusing symptom. Is there anything special about this symptom in allergies?

One of the most important things to know if you are suffering from an allergic rhinitis is when you are sneezing. Capturing this moment may indicate an allergen that triggers such a reaction in us. Does it happen, for example, when we approach a dog, or after a walk (which suggests an allergy to pollen), or after eating, for example, carrots. Remember, sneezing is a kind of defense of our body, a way to clear the respiratory tract of undesirable substances.

Are you sneezing all the time? Are your eyes watering? You can choose to have an Alex test that detects as many as 295 allergens. It is available on Medonet Market.

What about fatigue and weakness? After all, they appear with allergies and infections.

Of course, the feeling of fatigue with allergies may arise. Imagine a person allergic to pollen – their nose is blocked, they have difficulty sleeping. The persistence of such a situation results in the patient’s fatigue, weakening and worse condition. However, this is not a characteristic symptom of allergy. We cannot say that the mere feeling of fatigue is evidence of this disease. Of course, with allergies, we can also deal with increased temperature, because each of us is different and reacts differently to a given stimulus. However, these are really rare cases.

We are still in winter, so it’s a fair time for allergic people. But are there any allergens to watch out for at this time of year?

Allergens that may bother patients at this time of year are house dust mites. These are all-year-round allergens, but in winter they are usually more annoying. Why? In winter, we open windows less often, but we heat our apartments, buildings are more and more airtight – so there is often insufficient ventilation and the level of humidity rises. All this creates perfect conditions for the mites to live and reproduce. In addition, we spend more time indoors at this time of the year, especially now, when some of us work or learn remotely.

  1. Heating season and mite allergy. How to cope?

We rarely realize that in winter allergy sufferers are also bothered by pollen. In the third – fourth week of January, hazel already begins to dust. Interestingly, the pollen of this tree can travel up to 120 km. This means that even if there is no hazel in our environment, it can still take its toll on us. Soon other trees, such as birch, will start to dust.

If you have symptoms of allergies (runny nose, recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract, diarrhea), it is worth doing food and inhalation allergy allergy tests available on Medonet Market.

Let’s go back to the mites. How can we control them? Is it even possible?

Winning with them is not possible, mites are constantly present in our environment and there may be millions of them. However, you can significantly reduce their number and thus reduce allergy symptoms.

What is the best way to keep mites as low as possible?

First of all, lower the temperature in the bedroom to about 18 degrees Celsius, thanks to which the conditions for their reproduction will be unfavorable. Most mites are in the bed, so it is important to wash the bedding, but also the mattress cover, quilt and pillows at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius. You can also use special covers or anti-mite preparations that prevent these organisms from developing. A room where a person with dust mite allergy is staying should be ventilated frequently. It is also worth giving up the carpet, curtains, and put the stuffed animals in the freezer from time to time for about a few hours. You can do the same with a duvet or a pillow. Every few weeks, let’s put them in the freezer (previously put them in a vacuum bag so that they take up as little space as possible). If it is frosty weather, it is worth taking outside e.g. mattresses, bedding, blankets – low temperature will kill mites. The effects of all these activities will be clearly felt by allergy sufferers.

Currently, it is estimated that approx. 40 percent. Poles may be allergic, soon this percentage may be as high as 50%. Why are there so many allergy sufferers? Why is their number still growing?

It is said that allergy actually affects each of us – directly, when we struggle with it, or indirectly, because it affects one of our loved ones. But why are more and more people experiencing allergic reactions? There is no simple answer to this question. We know the predisposing factors, including increasing environmental pollution, an increase in the amount of chemicals in our environment or improper nutrition. The so-called the hygiene theory, which sees the causes of allergies in the fact that we live too sterile. Our immune system is adapted to fight pathogens – if there is no opponent, it considers factors that are not really threatening if there is no enemy. Of course, it is impossible not to mention the genetic predisposition in the development of allergies. In fact, the question of why one person is allergic to mites while the other does not respond to them has been the subject of much research.

Since the cause of the allergy is unknown, it is most important to identify the allergic factor in the treatment of this disease. Currently, diagnostics in this regard has developed a lot and we can differentiate between different types of allergies to the same source, e.g. house dust mites. Determining which protein in mites sensitizes determines the choice of treatment. For example: sensitization to Der p 1, Der p 2 proteins is associated with effective desensitization, but if the patient is sensitized by Der p 10 protein, it will not benefit from desensitization. Moreover, such a person very often does not tolerate shrimp and other seafood, to which he can even react with a shock. Hence, accurate allergy diagnosis is extremely important.

  1. Diagnosing allergies in the COVID-19 era

For such a detailed allergological assessment, the so-called tests for molecular diagnostics. They allow you to determine the risk and perhaps avoid this most dangerous situation in allergy – the already mentioned anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death in just a few minutes. It is also worth remembering that finding an allergenic factor helps to stop the so-called allergic march. If an allergy is left untreated, the number of allergenic allergens may increase – as a result, we will be allergic to more and more things, and this may eventually prevent us from functioning normally. Correct allergy diagnosis as early as possible will help to avoid this.

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