Allergies and asthma in spring

Allergic rhinitis and atopic bronchial asthma are exacerbated at the moment of awakening of nature, when pollen appears in the air.

Our consultant: general practitioner, executive secretary of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Association of general practitioners of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rudolfovich Simanov.


Spring aggravations are usually associated with flowering of birch, hazel, alder, poplar, oak and other trees.

It is not easy to figure out which plant pollen is the culprit of the ailment. After all, the flowering seasons of many plants coincide. For example, in April-May, not only trees bloom, but also coltsfoot and dandelions.

An allergist will help to find out the cause of hay fever and asthma. There are several ways to diagnose allergies. But in recent years, preference has been given to an informative and safe blood test. All allergy sufferers are advised to do it well in advance.


Having learned “your” allergen, it is easier to plan prophylaxis. During the flowering season, your main task is to come into contact with the allergen as little as possible. Ideal if you manage to take a vacation and go to a different climate zone. Where flowering has already ended or has not yet begun. You can go to the Baltics, Karelia, Crimea or go on a cruise.

If you can’t leave, limit walks outside the city, do not go outside in dry windy weather. Try to walk after rain, on cloudy days, when pollen is nailed to the ground. Rinse your eyes and nose often after walking. Install air conditioners in your apartment and office to clean and humidify the air.

Avoid unfamiliar medications and herbal cosmetics during the flowering season. It is advisable to follow a hypoallergenic diet, as certain foods can increase the manifestations of hay fever.

For drug prevention, an allergist may recommend drugs from the group of so-called mast cell membrane stabilizers. Taking them in advance can minimize the risk of exacerbation.

You may need allergen immunotherapy. The method consists in introducing the allergen that caused the disease into the body in gradually increasing doses. This helps to prevent further development of the disease, to reduce the amount of medications taken.

At the first symptoms

As for traditional antiallergic drugs, they are taken at the first sign of hay fever. Now, with these ailments, preference is given to drugs of the latest generation. These include Clarotadine, Erius, Zyrtec, Letizen, Telfast. Of the new drugs, Parusin can be noted. All of these tablets work long enough, do not cause drowsiness and are compatible with other medications.

Spring exacerbation of asthma is most often also associated with allergens. But, despite this, antihistamines are practically useless for this ailment. In this case, doctors often recommend hormonal inhalers.

It is imperative to treat hay fever and bronchial asthma. Otherwise, every year the body will react to an increasing number of allergens. But don’t self-medicate. Only an allergist can prescribe the right diet and individual treatment, and introduce you to the plant dusting calendar.

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