Allergic to May, or what do they dust in May?
Allergic to May, or what do they dust in May?

May air is particularly vulnerable to allergy sufferers to tree and plant pollen. Rhinitis, conjunctival congestion and watery eyes are the most common complaints.

For people who are allergic, the best time for a walk and any physical activity outside is in the morning and at night, but the hours from noon to evening are not recommended, because the warm and dry air has the highest concentration of pollen. A perfect time for a walk is the first hour after the cessation of heavy rainfall, then the air is relatively clear.

Plant pollen

Cereals and grasses – cause hay fever and even atopic bronchial asthma. From May to the first decade of July inclusive, the concentration of these pollens is the highest.

An infrequent allergen in May is Plantain, which reaches the peak of pollination only at the turn of July and June. Allergy manifests itself mainly with hay fever and conjunctivitis, rarely there is urticaria or ATZ – atopic dermatitis.

Pollination initiates sorrelextremely rarely leads to allergic reactions: hay fever, tearing and redness of the eyes.

The life of an allergy sufferer nettle comes quite abruptly, but the intensity of symptoms falls on the period from June to August (depending on the weather). Folk medicine encourages you to drink nettle infusions at this time, which should alleviate allergies.

Tree pollen

Willow and beech certainly not conducive to people affected by pollen allergies. Pollen willow until the end of April, but its pollen can be felt in May. The intensity of beech pollen is relatively mild, slowly subsiding in May.

Even though the pollen season is coming to an end birch trees, its pollen in the north-eastern and mountainous regions of Poland can still occur in high or medium concentration.

dusting oaks — both sessile and sessile, reaches its peak. Pollination of both native Polish species takes place within two weeks or at least 10 days. Because oaks are highly resistant to environmental pollution, they are so eagerly planted in cities.

Also, the pollen concentration of coniferous trees reaches high indicators. dusting pine stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Tatra Mountains, but only male germs are responsible for allergies, the effects of pollen for an allergy sufferer are small, we can expect symptoms only on days with very high concentrations. Pine pollen, like spruce mechanically, they are able to irritate the sensitive mucous membrane of the conjunctiva and nose. The yellow pollen of these trees deposited after rainfall on the surface of cars or paving slabs should not be a cause for concern.


In May, spore pollination takes place the mold fungi cladosporium and alternaria. The former persist superficially in the air, the latter take the form of air raids on the internal and external walls of apartments.


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