Allergic rhinitis: complementary approaches

Allergic rhinitis: complementary approaches




Quercetin, vitamin C, acupuncture

Dietary recommendations, hypnotherapy, Chinese pharmacopoeia, relaxation techniques

Nettle, pollen


 butterbur (Petasites hybridus). Clinical trials tend to show that butterbur reduces symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis seasonal4-10 . The research comes from the Petasites Study Group in Switzerland. Moreover, the Swiss company Zeller has launched Tesalin® (also called Ze339), an extract of butterbur that is sold only on prescription.11. Tesalin® was approved for the treatment of allergic rhinitis by the Swiss authorities in 2003. According to experimental research, butterbur has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. See the Butterbur fact sheet for more information.


Take 50 mg of standardized extract, 2 times a day.

Allergic rhinitis: complementary approaches: understand everything in 2 min

 Homeopathy. Homeopathy is one of the most studied unconventional approaches for the treatment of seasonal rhinitis. According to homeopaths, there would be a way to carry out a desensitization in depth with homeopathy, but it is a very complex job that must necessarily be undertaken with a homeopathic allergist. According to Mireille de Feytaud, herself an allergist and homeopathic doctor, such desensitization is often very effective: the same products are used as for conventional desensitizations, but in the form of dilutions homeopathic40.

The results of clinical trials are promising, particularly with the product named Galphimia glauca, made from a plant. A meta-analysis including 7 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials focused on this homeopathic product18. Overall, homeopathic treatment was found to be more effective than placebo for symptoms related to eyes and nose, with a success rate of 79%. However, experts believe that better methodological studies are needed to be able to comment on the effectiveness of homeopathy.19. Other studies have focused on isopathic remedies, that is to say, prepared from high dilutions of the same substances that cause allergic reactions (pollen for example). Some studies support their effectiveness, others do not20. To date, no study has compared the effectiveness of homeopathy to that of drugs commonly used to treat allergic rhinitis.

 Acupuncture. Several case studies report beneficial effects21-23 . However, in 2004, a randomized clinical trial, carried out for 12 months on 40 subjects24, did not make it possible to observe any difference between the subjects of a group treated with acupuncture and those of another treated with placebo acupuncture. In addition, another study conducted later on 52 people with seasonal allergic rhinitis indicates that treatments of chinese medicine, including acupuncture, reduce the intensity of symptoms more effectively than placebo treatments25. In 2008, a review of 7 placebo-controlled clinical trials found no convincing evidence that acupuncture was effective in treating allergic rhinitis.32.

 quercetin. Quercetin, a plant-based flavonoid, is believed to inhibit the production of histamine13-16 . It is believed that quercetin may ease reactions inflammatory allergic rhinitis. Clinical trials should be undertaken to assess its real effectiveness in relieving the symptoms associated with these allergies.

 Vitamin C. Vitamin C is sometimes suggested for the treatment of allergies respiratory. However, the studies carried out so far are preliminary and have obtained conflicting results.17.

 Nettle (Urtica dioica). Nettle has been used traditionally to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 69 subjects indicates that freeze-dried extract of nettle leaves can significantly relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis12.


Consult the Nettle file.

 Bee pollen. Referring to the positive results of the treatment of desensitization offered in conventional medicine against seasonal rhinitis, therapists recommend that allergy sufferers take bee pollen. This should preferably be produced locally so that it contains the pollens that cause the allergies suffered by those who live in a given region. To our knowledge, no clinical trials have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of bee pollen in this regard.

The great variability of the various pollen-based products available on the market and the difficulty of accurately dosing the administration of allergens in particular limit the use of bee pollen in immunotherapy. Especially since, even administered in low doses, this product has already caused serious allergic reactions in some patients.

 Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy may reduce or completely prevent allergic reactions and help the immune system relearn how to respond well to the offending substances.26.

 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Jie Min Tang is a decoction which helps to control the allergy. The preparation Yu Ping Feng San (Wan) is also used in Chinese medicine in case of allergic rhinitis. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, allergic rhinitis is induced by an external wind which causes the typical symptoms of nasal congestion (nasal pruritus, sneezing, clear, fluid and profuse rhinorrhea, etc.). However, this external pervert attacks the Lung always with the help of a Void. This Void comes mainly from 3 organs: the Lung, the Spleen and the Kidneys.

 Food recommendations. According to Dr Andrew Weil, allergies can disappear thanks to certain modifications to the living environment in order to reduce exposure to the allergen in question, but also by dietary changes26,41,42. For example, he recommends following a low-fat diet. protein. An excess of protein would keep the immune system in a state of hyperresponsiveness. In addition, he recommends eliminating milk and dairy products (except yogurt) from their diet.

 Relaxation techniques. Observe whether the allergy is influenced by the degree of stress. The Dr Andrew Weil has already observed that people who have eliminated a major source of stress have seen their chronic allergy disappear26,42. Any approach that promotes relaxation can be beneficial. See our feature Stress and Anxiety.

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