Allergic cough – diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Allergic cough is an extremely tiring condition, irritating the throat, aggravating at night and making everyday functioning difficult. Allergy’s cough is usually dry and suffocating and is treated with antihistamines. How to recognize an allergic cough and how to deal with it effectively?

What is an allergic cough?

An allergic cough is not a disease, but a symptom that an allergic reaction has occurred in the body. Allergic coughing is a defensive reaction to the effects of an allergen developing in the body. Inhalation allergy is a disease of the progress of civilization, because from year to year there are more and more people who struggle with this ailment. One of the symptoms of allergy is an allergic cough, which is very intense, especially at night. Allergic cough is paroxysmal and can be so severe that it often interferes with everyday functioning. The time of appearance of an allergic cough may vary – sometimes the cough appears immediately after contact with the allergen, but sometimes it occurs with a significant delay.

Coughing can also be a sign of bronchial asthma, so it is important to evaluate what causes it. Prophylactically and as an auxiliary in treatment, it is worth reaching for Asthma – bronchial asthma – a herbal mixture of Klimuszko’s father, available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.


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Diagnosis of allergic cough

Allergic cough is one of the more common symptoms of allergies. The diagnosis of allergic cough is based on several of its characteristics, including:

  1. dryness; allergic cough is usually a dry cough, because in the case of allergies, the secretion in the respiratory tract is not coughed up;
  2. seizure; allergic cough is paroxysmal, that is, it appears and disappears in the form of coughing attacks that are often unstoppable. Allergic cough attacks last about a minute and are accompanied by facial flushing, shortness of breath and tearing;
  3. persistence and longevity; allergic cough may be troublesome for more than two weeks;
  4. reaction to contact with allergens; cough may appear for a short time as a reaction to contact with an allergen, e.g. in the case of cleaning and allergy to mites, or stroking the dog and allergic to its fur;
  5. change in severity; the severity of allergic cough may vary with surrounding conditions. For example, temperature can affect the severity of allergic cough. Allergic cough increases when the patient moves from a room with a lower temperature to a room with a warmer one. Likewise, allergic cough increases at night.

Perform the Allergy Blood Test Package to find out if you are allergic and what allergens are adversely affecting you.

Allergic cough – symptoms

Symptoms of allergic cough most often appear at a particular time of the year. The greatest number of patients struggle with allergic cough in the spring and summer period, when the flowering and pollen season begins. Allergic cough is not a single symptom of allergy. It is accompanied by symptoms such as: runny nose, reddening of the conjunctiva, tearing, dryness and scratching in the throat or skin rash.

For troublesome symptoms of allergy, try Na Allergy – a Panaseus dietary supplement that has soothing properties such as watery eyes, runny nose or shortness of breath.

Allergic cough – treatment

Allergic cough is a symptom of allergy, therefore the treatment of this condition is largely based on avoiding the harmful allergen. Home remedies to reduce the severity of allergic coughs include humidifying the air or using nasal sprays. Allergic cough, like the allergy itself, is most often treated with antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids. These drugs inhibit the excessive and unwanted response of the immune system to allergens. When taking medications, it is worth taking care of the condition of your intestines. At Medonet Market you can buy a probiotic for allergy sufferers – click and order today. Natural remedies such as Nettle Root herbal teas should also be used for allergy symptoms.

Also check out: How do antihistamines work?

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