Allergic cough – causes, treatment

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Coughing is our body’s defensive reaction to foreign bodies. This is a typical reaction of the immune system. However, in a situation where the cough persists for a long time and there are no other additional symptoms, you should go to a specialist doctor who should conduct a thorough interview and order tests.

Coughing is the body’s natural reaction to what enters our body with the air we breathe. There are different types of cough, one of which is allergic cough, which is also characterized by expectoration of clear mucus.

Allergic cough – causes

An allergic cough causes mucus that runs down the walls of the throat, irritating it and triggering a protective reaction, i.e. coughing. The most common causes of allergic cough are allergens such as: dust, pollen, animal hair, detergents, mold. A runny nose, watery eyes or an allergic cough can also be caused by certain foods. Food allergens may be seafood, chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, milk. Transparent mucus that the patient expects along with coughing may be a symptom of bronchial asthma.

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Allergic cough is very common with other symptoms. There may be a problem with breathing, hay fever, watery eyes. Since allergic cough can be caused by various allergens, the accompanying symptoms may also include rash or urticaria.

Allergic cough – treatment

Allergic cough, like other symptoms of allergy, should be diagnosed by a specialist doctor, i.e. an allergist. For proper diagnosis, it is necessary to perform allergy tests to determine which allergen we are dealing with. Allergy tests can be skin allergy, epidermal allergy patch tests, allergy blood tests. However, for young children, allergy tests may not be performed until they are five years old.

Allergic cough, along with other effects of allergies, is primarily treated pharmacologically. The type of drugs and their dose depends on the patient’s age and the stage of the disease. Home remedies for allergic cough should be added to the medications prescribed by the doctor. One of the most simple and obvious ways is to avoid the allergen that triggers an allergic reaction or to eliminate it entirely from everyday life, but this is not always possible. It is a good idea to have antihistamines in your home medicine cabinet to block the overproduction of histamine causing allergic reactions. Another drug that helps with allergies is cetirizine dihydrochloride. With allergies, remember to consume more fluids to help flush out allergens deposited in the body. The use of saline in the nose is no less important. Pharmacies also offer aerosol preparations, the task of which should not only clean the throat mucosa, but also moisturize it properly.

In the treatment of allergies, the healing properties of plants may help in its initiation, for example, Echinacea has not only anti-inflammatory properties, but also can support the work of the immune system. An allergic cough, like hay fever, can significantly hinder the daily functioning of a patient, so it is worth reaching for methods that can bring at least a small relief. A good and common method that allergy sufferers use is inhalation, it can be from saline solution, but herbal inhalation is often used.

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