One of the most popular causes of allergies in our country is the cat. People who are hypersensitive to these animals are very familiar with its typical symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, unpleasant scratching in the throat, red, itchy skin or watery eyes.
Contrary to popular opinion, it is not cat fur that makes us allergic. The latest research proves that the allergenic substance is a specific protein secretion found in the cat’s sebaceous glands or salivary glands. Cats that care about their cleanliness spread this substance over their fur, and contact with it makes people who are allergic feel a lot of discomfort.
Another source of cat allergens is the dead epidermis that settles in the room where the animal is staying. The particles of the epidermis are several times smaller than dust particles, which makes them spread throughout the room, and additionally they are very easy to attach to walls, clothes, bedding and furniture.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the length of the fur that affects the amount of allergens released. The gender of the cat is much more important here. It has been shown that males have a much higher level of it than females. It has also been proven that castration reduces the level of allergenic protein in male cats.
It is known that the most effective but at the same time radical move in the event of a cat allergy is to avoid contact with it. However, many owners of these animals find it very difficult to come to terms with this solution. In addition, the current state of medical knowledge does not require getting rid of the cat from home. However, care for cleanliness in the rooms should be increased each time, for example, by removing unnecessary decorative fabrics that harbor allergens, washing bedding at least once every two weeks at a temperature above 40oC and extending the time of airing the apartment. Replacing a classic vacuum cleaner (whose operation can raise allergen particles into the air) with a steam cleaner also has a very positive effect on reducing the amount of allergens in the environment. You should also avoid direct contact with the cat, it is unacceptable, for example, for a cat to sleep in the bedroom of an allergic person and allow the animal to spend more time outdoors.
The above-mentioned methods guarantee an improvement in the allergy sufferer’s well-being in the long term, and although there are cases of immunity to the allergen by staying with it all the time, you should contact a doctor who will decide on further treatment of the allergy. Usually, after the tests, pharmaceutical therapy is prescribed or the patient is recommended to undergo a course of desensitization. This treatment, however, is quite long (3 to 5 years) and consists of vaccinations leading to the immunization of the allergic person, thanks to which the immune system learns to tolerate the sensitizing substance.