All you need to know about the drop-in daycare for children



What is a drop-in center? How does it work? What are the schedules ? What are the differences with the nursery?

The day-care center is a structure that welcomes children on a part-time basis. These establishments indeed offer an occasional welcome, ranging from a few hours to several half-days per week, or even more rarely a few whole days. This is the main difference with the classic crèche, where the reception is continuous. The drop-in center is often popular with parents who are sufficiently available to take care of their child themselves, but who wish to have a few hours or days of freedom (student mothers, parents who work part-time, or who wish to be able to have access to their child from time to time). of a day or half a day without their child…). Or parents who wish to alternate between an individual (nursery assistant) and collective childcare arrangement, before entering school, to better socialize their child.

How the drop-in centers work is quite similar to that of a collective crèche. The same types of professionals work there. Public or private, the drop-in centers operate in a variety of ways: management only in the morning, afternoon, variable number of hours, etc. Each establishment sets its own reception rules.

Day nursery: from what age and until when?

Daycare centers can accommodate children aged from 2 and a half months to 6 years old, the older ones are welcomed outside school hours. The children received must be up to date with their compulsory vaccinations (except against contraindications). As a general rule, establishments cannot accommodate more than 60 children.

Games, early learning… What are the activities offered by this type of childcare?

The operation of drop-in centers is similar in many ways to that of classic nurseries. Professionals are present to take care of the children and offer them early learning activities. The team must include a school principal, childcare assistants, and early childhood educators (EJE).

How do I register my child in a drop-in center?

The registration procedures for a drop-in center depend on their status, public or private. In the case of a public establishment, contact the early childhood service of the town hall of your municipality. For private establishments, you will need to make an appointment with the establishment to set up a registration form. If the daycare is offered by your employer, contact your company’s Human Resources. As for the associative drop-in centers, you must contact the association managing the establishment.

How much does a drop-in center cost? What are the financial aids?

One of the main advantages of a drop-in center is its relatively low cost. In fact, the Caisse d’Allocations Familiale (CAF) helps finance municipal and public day-care centers. The hourly cost, between 0,76 and 2,29 €, is calculated according to your income. For their part, private establishments do not benefit from CAF funding, so their cost is often higher. In addition, whether the day-care center is public or private, you will be able to benefit from a tax credit for the costs of care for a child under 3 years old.

Does the day-care center offer a meal for the children?

Given their flexible hours, all drop-in centers do not necessarily offer a meal to the children. In some places, you can bring your child’s lunch if it is hosted for a whole day, and / or a small snack to have in the afternoon.

How to open a day-care center in France?

Do you want to open a daycare center? First, you will need to provide a educational project, which must be validated by the Maternal and Child Protection (PMI). You will also need to find a room approved by the town hall of your municipality, and respecting all the standards in force. The recruitment of qualified professionals will also be required. A true entrepreneurial adventure, the opening of a drop-in center can take several years.

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