This curly blonde always looks very impressive. It is not as popular in cooking as its relative white cabbage, but still very much liked by many and occupies a worthy place in the menu. And there are many reasons to love it, unlike white cabbage, it is easier to digest, and the list of useful substances is at a decent level.
The season of ground cauliflower begins in August. The one that appears earlier on our shelves is imported to us from other countries.
When you buy cauliflower, pay attention to a strong and heavy head with green leaves. There should be no dark spots on the cabbage, if such spots appear during storage, be sure to cut out these places.
Only 50 grams of cauliflower will be able to provide you with a daily norm of vitamin C, in addition to it, cabbage contains vitamins A, D, E, K, H, PP and group B. And there are also macronutrients: potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium; trace elements: copper, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt. There are pectin substances, as well as malic, citric, folic and pantothenic acids.
Cauliflower has less coarse fiber than, for example, white cabbage, so it is easily digested and less irritates the mucous membrane. It follows from this that cauliflower is especially useful for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, as well as for use in baby food.
With a weak secretion of gastric juice, a diet of boiled cauliflower is recommended; it is also indicated for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as it promotes bile secretion and intestinal work.
Vitamin H or biotin prevents inflammatory processes of the skin. It is often included in the composition of facial skin care products.
Cauliflower juice is recommended for diabetes, bronchitis, kidney disorders.
Cauliflower is boiled, fried, steamed. They are added to vegetable stews and stewed. Served as a side dish and added to soups. Pancakes are made from it and added to pies. They are also pickled and frozen.