All over the world, including Poland, the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer is increasing; Young people suffer from colorectal cancer more and more often, told PAP national consultant in the field of gastroenterology, Prof. Jarosław Reguła.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, such as cancer of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine, and pancreas and liver, are the leading cause of cancer among cancers and are even ahead of lung cancer. Lung cancer, despite the advances in therapy, is still the only major cause of death.

«Gastrointestinal neoplasms account for as much as one third of all neoplastic diseases. A particularly high number of cases and deaths are due to colorectal, pancreatic, stomach and esophageal cancer »- told PAP head of the Gastroenterology Clinic of the Oncology Center in Warsaw, Prof. Jarosław Reguła.

According to the National Cancer Registry, in 2015 more than 30 patients fell ill with cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Poles, including only colorectal cancer – 18,5 thousand. Lung cancer, in turn, was detected in 23 thousand. our compatriots. Prof. Jarosław Reguła believes that the main reason for the increase in the incidence of this type of cancer – like many others – is the aging of the population, because cancer occurs mainly in the elderly. “Environmental factors such as diet, lack of exercise as well as environmental pollution and smoking also have a significant impact” – emphasizes the specialist.

It is suspected that an important role in the formation of gastrointestinal cancers, especially colorectal cancer, is played by the intestinal microbiome, which in turn is influenced by the diet, antibiotics we take and physical activity. ‘The microbiome likely influences the development of many other diseases, but some bacteria are found in colon cancer cells,’ explains Prof. Rule. “The positive thing is that the overall mortality from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract is decreasing” – adds the specialist. In his opinion, this is due to both better and better diagnostic methods and treatment, including more effective surgeries. Thanks to this, the so-called five-year survival of patients.

«At the end of the 80s, only 5% of people lived in our country for 25 years. patients with colorectal cancer, and now – 50 percent, i.e. twice as many. Those who fall ill have a better prognosis today, although in the Netherlands, for example, there are even better results. Five-year survival is achieved there in 62 percent. sick »- argues prof. Rule.

The growth of patients with gastrointestinal neoplasms is worrying. According to the forecasts of Global Cancer Observatory (official results are not known yet), in 2018 there were 24 jobs in Poland. cases and 14 thousand. deaths due to colorectal cancer (in 2015 there were over 11 thousand deaths). “Surprisingly, the increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer in young people under the age of 50, which is observed in many countries, including Poland,” emphasizes prof. Rule. «Everyone wonders what is the reason for this. One of the causes may be obesity and eating more and more processed foods. Antibiotics are also known to increase the risk of adenomas forming in the large intestine from which cancer can develop. It just so happens that consumption of some of these drugs increased in the 80s. » – explains prof. Rule.

Read also: Neuroendocrine tumors – latent, atypical neoplasm

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