All Inclusive: systemic hair care. Expert advice

The condition of the hair is a matter of concern for almost every woman. Either they are too brittle, then they get dirty quickly, then they fall out, then they do not fit well or do not hold volume. But well-groomed hair helps to feel more confident and attractive. And it can change a lot in life.

Today, it is customary to approach the solution of most problems of appearance and health systematically. Everything in the human body is interconnected. And the condition of the hair depends on several aspects at once: care products, lifestyle, our habits, nutrition and psycho-emotional state.

Care products

Doctor of the famous RTH hair clinic (Real Trans Hair), whose specialists have been successfully dealing with hair restoration and treatment for more than 20 years, dermatologist-trichologist Fedor Tonkikh advises:

“The first thing to understand and remember is that your hair is unique. And suitable products are selected only individually: according to the type of hair, the condition of the scalp, problems and wishes. Some care products may not only not suit you, but also be harmful due to the content of aggressive substances. Therefore, when making a decision, always carefully study the composition. The ingredients are listed in descending order of concentration.

Today, hair experts increasingly recommend giving preference to care with natural ingredients. Complex of RTH tools, developed on the basis of our recommendations, taking into account the latest scientific achievements, contains only natural thickeners and preservatives, effective vitamin complexes and cosmetic additives. In addition, the formulas of RTH shampoos, both women’s and men’s, do not contain silicone. Thanks to this balanced approach, RTH shampoos, balms and masks give the hair delicate care, help restore and maintain its beauty and health. At the same time, each line of the brand has its own targeted effect and a well-defined composition. For example, gamma “Basic care” with provitamin B5 and wheat proteins makes hair silky and manageable. Facilities “Nutrition and care” with shea and jojoba oils in the highest concentration restore dry or damaged strands. Line “Shine of color” with vitamins and a UV filter prevents fading of color-treated, bleached or highlighted hair.

And remember: shampoo, balm and mask always complement each other’s action. Therefore, in order to see the optimal result, you need to apply a balm with each use of shampoo, and pamper your hair with an intense mask once or twice a week. With complex care, RTH products. can make a big difference in your hair.

Care instructions

Sometimes we make mistakes even in such habitual and routine actions as washing our hair. It would seem, what is so difficult? However, there are nuances that dramatically affect the condition of the hair:

  • Wash your hair as often as you need. And yet, for those who regularly use styling, it is better to do it every day.
  • After rinsing off the shampoo, apply a conditioner to the hair. In the process of washing, the scales of the hair open up, and they become vulnerable to any influence. The balm “seals” keratin scales, so that the strands acquire shine and a healthy glow. Finally, the balm reduces the harmful effects of tap water.
  • The shampoo is first squeezed into the palm of your hand and slightly lathered, and then gently applied to the scalp. Put your fingers on top like spider legs and lightly massage your head. It is not necessary to rub vigorously, so as not to damage the roots. The resulting foam is washed with the strands themselves.
  • Even the most gentle shampoo should not be left on the hair. It just doesn’t make sense. But it is better to keep the mask for as long as indicated in the instructions. Usually it is distributed on slightly towel-dried hair along the entire length (but not on the roots!). An exception to the rule is the RTH mask. “Protection against hair loss”, which is also applied to the scalp so that its active ingredients act directly on the hair follicles.
  • Conditioners and balms should never be rubbed into the scalp. Their nutritional components, which are so good for hair, can make the skin too oily.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water – it dries your hair and makes the sebaceous glands work more actively, which means that the strands will become oily faster. It is recommended to complete the procedure with cool water. It closes the cuticles and naturally makes the curls smoother.
  • Do not rub your hair with a towel if you do not want to add fluffiness to it, or even break it completely. To remove excess moisture, blot the strands with a soft towel, squeezing them lightly. You can leave the towel on your hair for a while.
  • Never comb wet hair and try to use a hair dryer less often. If you are in a hurry, then first dry the strands with slightly warm air, holding the hair dryer at a distance of 20 centimeters. And don’t stay too long in one area.
  • In winter, hair suffers from temperature changes, frost and wind. Again, do not neglect the headgear – a hat, scarf or hood. Choose accessories lined with natural materials, so the hair will be less electrified.


“We are what we eat,” Hippocrates wrote. Improper nutrition or lack of certain substances instantly affects the condition of the hair. So, with iron deficiency, they become weak and thin. Therefore, it is important to include seaweed, legumes, buckwheat, cocoa, pomegranates, meat and egg yolk in the diet. Zinc, found in seafood, whole grains, flaxseeds, and dark chocolate, can improve oily scalp and reduce hair loss. Vitamins of group B strengthen hair follicles, improve microcirculation in the scalp, stimulate the production of keratin. That’s why oatmeal, bananas, avocados, corn and liver are so useful. Vitamins E and D, as well as the essential Omega-3 acid, contribute to the natural hydration of the scalp and softness of the hair. These components are found in vegetable oils (olive, linseed, grape seed, walnut, etc.) and fatty fish (salmon, herring, etc.). Lack of beta-carotene often manifests itself in the form of an itchy scalp. Pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn and citrus will help replenish its supply.


Frost in winter and scorching sun in summer, polluted air in the metropolis and salty sea water during the summer holidays – all year round our hair is exposed to negative factors. Without thoughtful protection, they can become brittle and dull. RTH products provide curls with protection from aggressive environmental influences.


You may be surprised, but massage and fitness are as good for the hair as they are for the body. They reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, stimulate blood circulation, and therefore improve the access of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. But a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and bad habits impair metabolism and inhibit the removal of toxins. All this negatively affects the condition of the hair and scalp.

No less important for the beauty and density of hair and psycho-emotional state. Along with beriberi, heredity, malnutrition and hormonal imbalance, it is stress that is one of the most common causes of dandruff and hair loss. The crazy rhythm of life tests the strength of both nerves and hair.

Luckily, the RTH complex is effective in dealing with problems such as dandruff and hair loss. Line “Hair Loss Control” by RTH with Taurine+ complex strengthens the hair shaft and prevents hair loss. Combination of vitamins PP and B6 provides cell regeneration of the scalp and hair roots. Anti-dandruff shampoo RTH thanks to a double complex of active ingredients, it gives a feeling of comfort, eliminates the problem and protects against its recurrence.

Following all these expert recommendations requires very little time and effort. But the effect of complex care can exceed even the wildest expectations. Hair will noticeably change, become healthy, well-groomed and restore natural beauty.

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