All about the breast pump

What is a breast pump?

A breast pump is a very practical accessory equipped with a pump, electric or manual, which allows you to extract the milk from your breasts according to your needs. Concretely, the breast shield of the breast pump, applied to your nipple, is connected to a pumping system, manual or electric, which creates the effect of natural baby sucking. Breast milk is then delivered to a container connected by a tube to the nipple. Sure, you should know that no breast pump is as effective as the natural suction of your infant, nevertheless its use can help you!

There are different types of breast pumps:

  • Manual: the pump is activated by hand
  • Electric: it is a motor which activates the pumping gradually
  • Electric double-pumping: this breast pump includes a double nipple that allows milk to be extracted from both breasts simultaneously, to halve the time it takes to collect the milk.

How to choose the right breast pump?

Less expensive than the electric model, the manual breast pump is also quieter. On the other hand, it requires a little more restrictive handling because the pumping must be regular. More convenient to use, the electric breast pump establishes a more regular rhythm, which can adapt to your nature when the utensil has a function of memorizing your criteria.

The criteria for a good electric breast pump:

  • Easy to use with easy cleaning and maintenance
  • A breast shield adapted to the size of your breast with a soft silicone cushion
  • Different levels of expression and stimulation
  • Storage accessories such as jars, but also a bottle.
  • A (most) silent engine
  • Memory function of your last settings

Good to know

You can also rent your breast pump. If you rent it according to a prescription from your midwife or doctor, this expense can be covered by Social Security. The rental of a breast pump is however subject to certain requirements (the first prescription lasts 10 weeks, then it will have to be renewed every 12 weeks, for example). Ask your doctor for advice.

Why use a breast pump?

When the need to stimulate her milk supply arises, or in case of engorgement of the breasts, which can lead to amastite with fever and associated pain, the use of a breast pump is recommended. After a few weeks to a few months of breastfeeding, when it is properly installed, you can also use a breast pump to stock up on milk when you need to go to an appointment and to separate for a few hours from her baby. Later, when resuming work at the end of the maternity leave, the breast pump is a precious ally in maintaining a good lactation. A breast pump can also help you when you plan to wean your baby, and to get her used to the bottle.

Know that according to the conventions implemented in your company, you have one hour per day on your working time, for one year from the birth of your child, for your breastfeeding needs.

How to use a breast pump?

Before using the breast pump, you must wash your hands thoroughly. Make yourself comfortable and choose a time when you feel relaxed, while keeping what you need close at hand. In the first minutes of the collection of milk, know that it is normal not to produce a very important flow, do not worry. And don’t focus on the quantity, it will help you express your milk more calmly.

  • If you use a manual breast pump: as with the electric breast pump, the nipple must be well positioned, with the nipple placed in the center so as to act as a suction cup. This tip must be adapted to the size of your nipple and ensure comfort, with a soft coating. Start by applying very light pressure to the pump to soften your breast and avoid hurting yourself. Gradually, you can increase the pressure on the pump by counting 2 to 3 seconds per pressure. If that doesn’t suck enough, make sure the breast pump is assembled correctly, and above all well positioned.
  • If you are using an electric breast pump: after having correctly positioned the nipple, as explained for the manual breast pump, you can activate the pump motor. Start gently to extract a small stream of milk, then gradually increase the suction force of the motor.

Practical Info : Once the flow of milk decreases on a breast, it is necessary to change breasts. Allow about 15 minutes per breast. At first, the use of a breast pump is not necessarily effective. Trust yourself, it takes a bit of practice to get a handle on this tool. And if you experience pain, know that this is not normal. Ask your midwife for advice.

When is the best time to express breast milk?

Choose times that are different from your last breastfeeding (at least an hour after breastfeeding your baby (or an hour before). In the morning, for example, know that prolactin, this hormone that stimulates milk production, worked well during the last hours of the night. Normally, you will have enough milk. To help milk ejection, you can also express your milk while breastfeeding your baby on the other breast. Milk extraction can also be done as a replacement for breastfeeding.

How do I store the milk from the breast pump?

If you do not want to give your baby the expressed milk immediately, you can keep it in a sterile container at room temperature for 4 hours. But also: in the refrigerator maximum 48 hours at a temperature of 4 ° C maximum, or in the freezer, at -18 ° C, up to 4 months. The milk will then be gently thawed in a bain-marie, then it can be kept for another 1 hour at room temperature or 1 hour in the fridge.

If you have the slightest doubt about its color, texture or smell, do not hesitate to throw out your breast milk.

To store your milk, use the sterile container supplied with your breast pump and carefully washed. But there are also storage bags specifically designed for the storage of breast milk.



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