It’s not the shell that’s important, it’s the content, some say. The creators of Sheridans may well argue with this statement – probably the only drink that became famous primarily for its original bottle, and only then for its taste. Today we will talk about the most famous double liqueur – so to speak, we will play our etude in black and white.
Sheridan’s is a liqueur that many of us remember from perestroika times. Beautiful two-colored bottles took their proud place in sideboards next to Amaretto and other “gifts from there”, and, of course, it was impossible to drink the liquor itself – otherwise this special feng shui sideboard would be violated.
However, even now, in all the iridescent splendor of the windows of liquor stores, Sheridans immediately attracts attention with its chess rigor and elegance. And those who have had a chance to try this foreign wonder will not fail to buy a bottle or two at the first opportunity in order to surprise guests-acquaintances with a puff cocktail made with their own hands or simply treat themselves to delicious liquor.
Sheridan’s liqueur – who are you and where are you from?
From Ireland, of course. Moreover, from the very factory where the famous Baileys is produced (the factory, by the way, is called “Thomas Sheridans and Sons”) – well, the Irish love booze with cream! Ask anyone in Dublin how to drink Sheridans Double Layer Coffee Liqueur and they’ll show you right away. The drink is made, of course, on the basis of aged Irish whiskey, it consists of two parts – coffee, which has the taste of chocolate, caramel and nuts, and delicate creamy, with vanilla aroma.
The liquor was created only in the early 90s, and not only the sons of Thomas Sheridans worked on the new brand, but also the designers – the original container and the double dosing neck were developed for a long time and with a creak by a large design agency. Their labors were more than rewarded – in a couple of years Sheridan’s received a prestigious award in the field of innovations in the alcohol industry, and by the beginning of the XNUMXst century it had become one of the most famous alcoholic beverages in the world – it is easily recognized in a bar or in a shop window even by those who own the liquor never tried.
In the recent past, a berry Sheridan was also released, in which, instead of coffee liqueur, a tincture of wild berries is poured. But only gourmets like the combination of sour berries and sweet cream, so the drink is not very common, I have not seen it here. Too bad, it must be delicious.
For homegrown bartenders. How to pour and drink Sheridan’s?
It is clear that just splashing such a carefully and originally packaged drink into a granchak is a disgrace to yourself. Each bottle of Sheridans is equipped with a special double dispenser – in order to easily make a layered cocktail. It is interesting that each opening of the neck has a different throughput – if you pour from both at once, exactly one part of the creamy and two parts of the coffee component gets into the glass.
For clarity, I will add a video on how to pour Sheridan correctly – everything is pretty clear there.
Keep in mind that an open bottle of Sheridan’s only has a 6 month shelf life, but in reality, it can disappear even faster. So if you have already started – hold on to the end!
There are several ways to drink Sheridan liqueur:
The double dispenser will tell you how to pour Sheridan correctly!
1. Классический. An Old Fashioned glass or a shot glass is tilted at 45 degrees to the table, and slowly, along the wall, is filled with liquor. The bottle must be kept level, both dispensers on the same level. A little life hack – for a beginner it is much easier to first pour 2 parts of coffee liqueur, holding the second hole with your finger, and then layer cream on top. You can drink as a shot or through a straw, starting from the bottom layer.
2. With ice. Everything is the same, only a little crushed ice is placed on the bottom of the glass. It should be borne in mind that in this case the drink will lose a significant part of its taste and aroma.
3. Mixed. Yes, of course, it’s not so pretty. But the taste will become more whole and harmonious, and you can admire the bottle standing next to it.
4. As part of cocktails. Sheridan’s goes great with coffee, sambuca, milk, vodka, gin, and, of course, Irish whiskey (cocktail recipes will be below). Personally, I like “Light Storm” the most, where the sambuca is poured between the layers of Sheridans – but that’s up to anyone. Due to the risk of separation, this liquor is not mixed with any citrus juices, lemon and other acids are not added to it.
Do not forget that sheridan’s in any form is a classic digestif, you need to drink it after a meal, for dessert like ice cream, chocolate, sweet pastries without fruits, so as not to interrupt the taste of liquor. Yes, in fact, this sweet, harmonious, rich drink goes well on its own, it’s best to just serve it with a cup of coffee without sugar, a cigarette – and that’s enough.
Cocktails with Sheridan’s
In fact, Sheridan liqueur is a cocktail in itself. More often, bartenders use the same Baileys, Kalua and other independent coffee, chocolate, cream liqueurs. But still, there are a couple of classic cocktails with this drink, in which both the creamy and coffee parts are used.
B-52 with Sheridan’s
The most obvious option is to take Sheridans, pour 20 ml of coffee, then 20 ml of cream, add 20 ml of Triple Sec, Grand Marie or Cointreau and get the famous three-layer shot of two components. Only here is the trouble – the creamy half in the bottle will end 2 times faster.
«Light Storm»
Beautiful cocktail with Sheridans and British black vodka.
- 25 ml BlaVod black vodka
- 25 ml sambuca
- 50 ml Sheridan’s (25 each coffee and cream)
- 10 ml of whipped cream.
Cooking method – build. We layer coffee Sheridans, sambuca, white Sheridans, BlaVod into the shooter, add cream on top.
“Creamy Paradise”
Delicate milkshake with gin.
- 120 ml of milk;
- 100 ml Sheridan’s (classic, 1:2);
- Xnumx gin ml;
All ingredients are mixed in a shaker and poured into a tall glass. You can decorate with a scoop of ice cream sprinkled with grated chocolate, or Raffaello candy.
Recipe for Sheridan liqueur at home
It is quite possible to make sheridan’s on your own – for this, the easiest way is to make separately Baileys according to our recipes and separately – cream liqueur or Kahlua, just remove the coffee from the composition. There is one catch – due to the large difference in the components, the density of such liqueurs varies greatly, it is virtually impossible to calculate it, so there can be a hitch with puff cocktails.
According to a simplified recipe, the whole thing looks like this.
- Vodka – 0.5 l;
- Whiskey (may not be Irish) – 250 ml;
- Honey – 200 grams;
- 3 eggs;
- 1.5 cup of milk;
- Good instant coffee – 20 g;
- Sugar – 300 g;
- White chocolate – 70 g;
- Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet, 10 g.
- The first part is coffee. We take half the sugar, make caramel syrup out of it. From the rest of the sugar we make standard sugar syrup – recipes for both syrups are in this article. We combine hot liquids, add coffee, stir until dissolved and cool. Add vodka to the cooled mixture and send it to infuse for 2-3 weeks, shaking daily.
- The creamy part cooks faster. For her, you need to separately beat the egg whites and yolks, melt the chocolate with milk, cool. Combine all parts, add honey, vanilla and whiskey, mix everything with a mixer. Put in the fridge for a few hours and you’re done.
As you can see, even a beginner can make Sheridan liqueur at home. Such a drink, of course, will bear little resemblance to the original liquor, but this does not mean that it will not be tasty!