All about pregnancy with triplets, signs

All about pregnancy with triplets, signs

Multiple pregnancies are not only a real miracle, but also a high risk of complications during childbirth. If you are one of the lucky ones, you should find out in advance everything about pregnancy with triplets in order to properly prepare for gestation.

Pregnancy with triplets requires special care from mom

Signs of pregnancy with triplets

Sometimes signs of pregnancy are noticeable even in the very early stages, and some of them become very intense.

  • Intolerance to certain odors, which previously did not cause unpleasant sensations, sets in.
  • There is a soreness of the breast, an increase in the volume of the mammary glands.
  • Pregnancy of triplets is almost always accompanied by a strong manifestation of toxicosis, and it begins much earlier than with a singleton pregnancy and proceeds more intensively (up to 17-18 weeks). Symptoms may include increased salivation, chronic sleepiness, and increased fatigue.
  • The weight of the expectant mother is increasing faster than usual.
  • The walls of the uterus stretch, triplets become cramped in the womb, so a woman can feel the movement much earlier than the due date.
  • On palpation, several fetuses are determined on examination by a gynecologist.

Women who have been diagnosed with multiple pregnancies automatically fall into a high-risk group and are under the close supervision of specialists. Observation should be carried out as often as possible, usually every 7-14 days, depending on the period.

Much attention is paid to proper nutrition and the use of fortified complexes. Taking folic acid and multivitamins is a prerequisite for the safe bearing of babies. It is contraindicated for expectant mothers to lift weights, engage in too active physical labor, it is desirable to have a lot of rest.

Neglecting the advice of a gynecologist can threaten with serious complications, among them:

  • Stopping the development of one of the embryos.
  • The emergence of the threat of premature birth.
  • A sharp decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Anomaly in the development of one, two or three fetuses.
  • Hypoxia of one of the triplets.
  • The onset of bleeding.

Triple happiness can happen suddenly, but the correct approach to pregnancy management will reduce the risk of complications to zero. Follow all your healthcare provider’s instructions and enjoy the joyful months. It is advisable to spend the last month on conservation; with multiple pregnancies, the risk of premature birth increases.

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