Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease in which there is multifocal damage (demyelination and axonal breakdown) of the nerve tissue. It manifests itself mainly in young people, sometimes already in childhood. In Poland, it affects from 40 to 60 thousand. people. About 2,5 million people are affected by this disease in the world. Women are sick more often. Multiple sclerosis can manifest with various symptoms that are easily mistaken for the flu or fatigue. See what the basic symptoms of the disease are.
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1/ 8 Weakness
During the development of multiple sclerosis, there is an inappropriate transmission of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles, which can manifest as weakness, fatigue and even paresis. For people suffering from multiple sclerosis, rehabilitation is important to prevent gradual muscle wasting.
2/ 8 Increased muscle tone
Multiple sclerosis is manifested by increased muscle tone or muscle stiffness. Spastic limbs are difficult to bend or straighten, and there may be uncontrolled painful muscle contractions. The symptoms make it difficult to move and sit down, and if left untreated, they lead to contractures and muscle weakness.
3/ 8 Urinary incontinence
In people with multiple sclerosis, the so-called neurogenic bladder. Then there is a very bothersome phenomenon of spontaneous, involuntary urination. Disturbances in the work of the bladder cause the accumulation of urine residues on the walls of the bladder, which promotes the development of various bacteria and urinary tract infections.
4/ 8 Imbalance
Difficulties with maintaining balance most often result from demyelination of the cerebellum, the area of the CNS responsible for min. for coordination and smoothness of movement. Difficulties may also be associated with muscle weakness, dizziness. If you have multiple sclerosis, you may appear to be drunk.
5/ 8 Emotional disorders
During the course of multiple sclerosis, emotional problems and depression often develop. In such moments, the most important thing is the support of loved ones and the help of a psychologist.
6/ 8 Problems with concentration
Problems with concentration, attention, choosing the right vocabulary, planning, and short-term memory may coexist in MS patients with chronic fatigue and depression.
7/ 8 Sex problems
Many people with MS have sexual problems. Common complaints include: decreased libido, inability to achieve orgasm, difficulty erecting in men, and vaginal dryness in women.
8/ 8 Speech disorders
Speech disorder is another symptom of multiple sclerosis that makes social functioning very difficult. The patient speaks fluently, stutters slowly, divides words into syllables. Sometimes there is also slurred speech resulting from disorders of the muscles of speech organs, e.g. excessive spasticity.