All About Detox Diet

Detox is not only a fashion trend in the field of a healthy lifestyle, but it is also a really effective way to achieve great shape, glowing skin, healthy hair and nails.

This is a complex of procedures for cleansing the body, which includes a detox diet, but is aimed at solving more global problems, such as getting rid of the body from stress, chronic fatigue, and other disorders. Losing weight, which is the main goal of a regular diet, will rather be a pleasant side effect. A complete detox program can last as long as two weeks or two months, depending on your goal, endurance and love for eco-products. Especially for you, we decided to sort out the detox on the shelves and outline everything that needs to be done on the way to freeing the body from unnecessary things.

Prepare your body for a detox diet

As you’ve probably figured out by now, a detox diet is an essential part of a detox program. Please note that many of the products you are used to will have to be discarded. You need to gradually rid your diet of excess a month before the start of the detox program, but this must be done very carefully, replacing harmful products with more useful ones: instead of white bread – whole grain, instead of meat – boiled or baked fish, instead of vegetable stew – salad from fresh vegetables, instead of black tea – herbal.

Make up a regimen and diet

The correct diet for each person is individual and depends on the rhythm of life. But keeping the intervals between meals is equally important for everyone. Without this, no matter how right you eat, the regime does not make any sense. The optimal time for one interval is 2,5–3 hours. As for the diet, many foods, as mentioned above, need to be excluded from it. Such products include: flour, fried and fatty foods, sweets, salt and sugar. It just so happened that the most familiar to us spices, salt and sugar are not just flavoring additives, but also minerals necessary for the body, you can get them naturally from fruits and vegetables during a detox diet. Your diet should include fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, and legumes. An important condition that must be observed when using all of the listed products is no heat treatment. Therefore, immediately select those that can be eaten raw.

You’ve probably heard more than once how important it is to start your day with a glass of water. It should be explained here that taking water in the morning helps to smoothly start the mechanism of your digestion, and during the day it promotes better digestion of food and, therefore, accelerates metabolism. By liquid, of course, we mean not only water, but also herbal tea, namely herbal tea. Black and green tea, as well as any soda and coffee during the detox diet will need to be excluded from the diet.

If you go to the gym anyway, great. However, it is worth remembering that heavy loads will not be useful for improving the functioning of your body, so you should not be zealous with strength training. One of the most important aspects of the normal functioning of the body is the ability to relax. Yoga and Pilates practices are ideal for honing this skill, as both relaxation will be provided and the body will be kept in good shape. By the way, due to profuse sweating during exercise, toxins and toxins are removed from the body, and this is very, very important for cleansing the body!

Provide yourself with healthy, restful sleep

And again about relaxation. We can relax in the most productive and natural way only in sleep, but, as a rule, disturbances in the functioning of the body also disable the mechanism of sleep. In order to always fall asleep calmly and, most importantly, on time, you need to prepare yourself for sleep in advance. You will need to: First, relieve yourself of obvious sources of stress, for example, turn off the TV and read a book (with a positive storyline) instead. Secondly, take an overnight bath with lavender oil or chamomile flowers and make a relaxing foot bath. Thirdly, ventilate the room, turn off the light (paradoxical, but true: darkness promotes the production of a special substance in your body that causes relaxation faster) and eliminate any noise.

If you have come to the need for a complete cleansing of the body, then you are often in a state of stress. Only one thing follows from this – it is not worth multiplying this state. Of course, the decision to avoid stress in the future will not relieve you of nervous work moments, rude salespeople and other annoying objects (unless, as Brodsky bequeathed, you suddenly stop leaving the room), and therefore the only way not to increase your stress is to carefully monitor the appearance of irritation and block it. At first it will be difficult for you, but over time, believe me, it will become a habit, and you will even begin to notice how funny your colleagues look from the outside, who are nervous for no reason.

Do procedures to relax and cleanse the skin

It is probably not worth explaining why the skin also needs cleansing. The ideal detox treatments for you are a spa and body wrap. Of course, it is better to do them in the salon, but at home you can also do peeling with a scrub or coffee wrap: collect the coffee grounds, dilute with hot water, apply on the body and wrap with a special film.

For the duration of the detox – absolutely. Simply because cigarettes and alcohol pollute the body, and therefore, knock down its mechanism, the work of which you have just begun to establish.

Facilitate your cleansing program with cool detox treatments

Nowadays, detox is more than a well-researched program, so there are many lotions that can help make the cleansing process easier. For example, a special detox patch that draws out toxins from the body, or portioned cocktails designed for the entire duration of the detox program.

Remember to consult a dietitian

This is important if you are serious about cleansing your body with a detox program. We have already said that the diet and other items for each person are individual, and therefore a complex cleansing for one can easily turn into a complex destruction for another. It’s cool if you have already searched the entire Internet, subscribed to healthy lifestyle bloggers and distinguish useful products from harmful ones. However, do not forget that the same bloggers who, as a rule, link to personal experience, also have their own characteristics, and their experience can be very different from yours.

The proposal to replace the vegetable stew with a salad of fresh vegetables is legitimate only in the case of an absolutely healthy stomach, since in all other options, with such a diet, an exacerbation of gastritis, enteritis and other problems from this path is inevitable. Detox involves reducing the calorie content of the diet – here, in my opinion, it is also important not to overdo it. If you stick to it for too long, you can cause a decrease in metabolism to 30% of the original. And the possibilities to further “accelerate” the metabolism are minimal. About fish: the fish you choose should be fresh, chilled or shock-frozen. And the last thing I would like to point out: read the labels. Whether you are following a detox program or just want to be healthy. The fewer additions in the product, the shorter the shelf life, the more “blots” on the apple, the better for health and beauty.

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