All about childbirth: specialist comments


Pregnancy and childbirth – the most important period in the life of every woman. And it must be said that even the birth itself depends on how the future mom was pregnant. What is worth remembering, carrying a baby?

1. Proper nutrition.

2. Bad habits.

3. Regime of the day.

4. Visiting a doctor.

5. Courses for expectant mothers.

What happens to the body before childbirth? Studying the topic “Pregnancy and childbirth”, I would like to talk a little about what happens to the female body in the last weeks of bearing a baby. So, the level of progesterone, the hormone active throughout pregnancy, begins to fall. At this time, a hormone such as oxytocin begins to be gradually produced. It is he who is responsible for the onset of childbirth and the generic activity of a woman. The endocrine glands enter into work, which increase the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin. The time comes, and mom begins to feel the first harbingers of childbirth – contractions.


Understanding how childbirth occurs, it must be said that there are also precursors of labor. This is a well-known fight. It is worth saying that they can also be false, or, as they are also called, training. Their main differences: short duration, as well as mild pain. However, even a woman who has never given birth will be able to recognize real grasping. The first contractions will not last long, about 10 seconds, the interval will also be quite large – from 5 to 10 minutes.

Period one. Disclosure

Understanding how childbirth occurs, it must be said that they are divided into three main stages. The first of them – the dilatation of the cervix – the longest. For primiparous, it can stretch for 10-13 hours. In multiparous – most often for 6-8 hours. At this time, the contractions gradually increase, the pain sensations increase, the duration between contractions is reduced. It is worth saying that every time the cervix opens more and more. This will continue until the uterus, its cervix and the vagina itself form a single corridor along which the baby will move.

Second period. Attempts

The fact that labor activity goes into its second stage – attempts, will be evidenced by contractions. If they last quite long, up to 1 minute, and the break between them is also about 1 minute, this means that the woman will see her baby very soon. The attempts themselves arise involuntarily, regardless of the woman’s desire. However, the expectant mother can control them (if necessary – help, strengthen, if necessary – hold). It is definitely worth saying that during the attempts, the woman in labor should listen carefully to the doctors. After all, only they can competently manage labor, advising a woman to act in a certain way and choose the right position.

In any case, most clinics today offer a woman to choose their own posture for childbirth, and this is a huge breakthrough in domestic medicine.

Period Three: Placental Exit

If a woman has the correct birth, she should know that after the baby is born, labor does not end. There is one more important stage – this is the birth of the placenta, or child’s place. It is worth saying that this should happen soon after the birth of the baby. To do this, the mother may be asked to push again. An excellent stimulation of the birth of the placenta is the stimulation of the nipples. To do this, it is enough to attach a newborn baby to the breast. It is important to say that during the birth of the placenta, some blood may be released. This is not to be feared, it should be so. And only after the birth of the child’s place, the uterus will contract sharply, the vessels will shrink, the bleeding will stop.

Postpartum period

Having considered how childbirth proceeds, you also need to say a few words about the fact that the postpartum period is also important. For about two hours after labor, a woman must be under the close attention of doctors (because at this time, life-threatening bleeding and other problems may occur). After giving birth, the baby must be immediately attached to the breast, this is very important. After that, the baby is weighed and its height is measured, then placed near the mother. After that, the work of the doctors who gave birth to the woman ends. After two hours, the mother is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she is under supervision for some time (along with the newborn). If everything is fine, mother and child will be discharged in three days. Otherwise, their stay within the walls of a medical institution may be delayed. During this period, a woman is taught the main rules of caring for a baby.

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