Alkalosis – what is it? What to do?

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

The acid-base balance of the blood reflects the nature of the metabolic processes occurring in the body. In the noma, the blood level should remain at the mark of 7,35-7,45. This value reflects the content of acidic and alkaline components of the blood.

Alkalosis is called disorders of the acid-base balance of the blood with an increase in the level of pH against the background of the growth of alkalis. The reasons for this failure can be very diverse. An increase can be absolute and relative, compensated and decompensated.

If a person does not work in the field of medicine, then with such a concept as alkalosis he can only encounter a doctor, when making a diagnosis. Alkalosis is able to influence the health and well -being of the patient, seriously violating him. Sometimes alkalosis even causes death. Therefore, you need to diagnose and treat it in a timely manner.

The growth of alkalis in the blood leads to an increase in its pH, while the number of hydrogen ions in it decreases. In this case, doctors talk about the elimination of the internal environment of the body. If in the blood, on the contrary, an increase in the number of acids and hydrogen ions is observed, then pH falls. In this case, the diagnosis of the patient will sound like acidosis. This condition is the exact opposite of alkalosis.

The PH leap occurs in the case when acid begins to be excreted from the stomach in excess, while there is a loss of hydrogen ions with urine and CO2 with exhaled air. Symptoms of this violation occur even when the deviations from the norm are minimal. If the shift in the acid-base balance of the blood is serious, then a person needs emergency medical care with its premises in the intensive care ward.

Causes and pathogenesis of alkalosis

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

Various reasons are able to bring alkalosis, among which:

  • Encephalitis with inflammation of the brain structures.

  • Tumors of the central nervous system.

  • Stimulation of the respiratory center with the help of drugs and toxins.

  • Treatment of neurosis and hysteria, accompanied by hyperventilation.

  • High body temperature with an increase in its marks to feverish values.

  • Massive bleeding, accompanied by oxygen starvation of brain tissue (hypoxia) and shortness of breath.

  • Severe vomiting, the presence of a fistula in the stomach.

  • Disorders in the work of the kidneys, accompanied by a plentiful section of urine.

  • Long -term and not controlled taking drugs with a diuretic effect.

  • Dehydration of the body.

  • Severe infectious diseases.

  • Reception of glucocorticosteroids.

  • The use of products that contain many alkalis, but the minimum amount of potassium.

  • Treatment of acidosis with soda.

  • Mass destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin.

  • Massive surgery.

  • Rickets.

  • Craniocerebral injury.

Alkalosis, depending on the cause of the violation, can be respiratory, mixed and non -gas. Regardless of the fact that it was the cause of alkalosis, this condition is always negatively reflected in blood pressure, causing its fall. The brain and heart suffer from power disorders, the heart release decreases.

When the intercellular space of the body, the muscle tone occurs, the occurrence of seizures, the development of aunting may increase. The intestines cease to contract normally, which provokes a delay in the stool.

Compensated alkalosis is discussed when the PH level does not change, since it is regulated by the internal reserves of the body. At the same time, violations still occur. We are talking about uncompensated alkalosis when the PH level exceeds the indicator of 7,45. At the same time, the body is no longer able to cope with an excessive amount of alkalis, so their content in the blood begins to increase.

Respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory (gas or respiratory) alkalosis develops against the background of respiratory disorders, while an excessive amount of carbon dioxide is excreted through the respiratory system.

The following violations can lead to lung hyperventilation:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

  • Diseases having an infectious nature.

  • Significant blood loss.

  • Acute respiratory failure.

  • Hysteria, which is accompanied by severe shortness of breath. In this case, violations in the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory system are absent.

  • Intensive therapy or connecting the patient to the apparatus of artificial ventilation of the lungs.

  • Intoxication of the body when salicylates entered it.

Gas alkalosis negatively affects cognitive processes. In a person, memory and attention deteriorated, he begins to bother his dizziness, loss of consciousness is possible.

Nagasal alkalosis

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

There is also a non -gas alkalosis, which develops against the background of excessive elimination of hydrogen ions from the body, with sodium delay, when the acid is released from the stomach. Exciting alkalosis can manifest against a background of severe vomiting, when taking diuretics, with impaired renal function, with pathologies of the endocrine system. In this case, the internal environment of the body occurs.

Another cause of exogenous oversized alkalosis is an excess of soda solution in the body, it gets there when the therapy is undergoing for acidosis. Squeezing the internal environment of the body can be observed when eating products that contain a lot of alkali in their composition.

Metabolic alkalosis develops against the background of electrolyte metabolism, when red blood cells begin to collapse in the body. This can happen for a number, for example, after complex and massive operations, or with the development of rickets in children. Other causes of metabolic alkalosis: blood transfusion, vomiting, gastric contents entering the tracheobronchial tree, cirrhosis of the liver.

The injections of a large number of alkaline solutions are most often leading to the acute course of alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis causes a delay in alkalis inside the body. At the same time, the level of CO2 in the blood will remain within normal limits, and the amount of bicarbonates increases.

In the chronic course of metabolic alkalosis, not only buffer blood systems, but also the respiratory mechanism, which is responsible for delayed carbon dioxide in the body, will be involved. Most often, chronic metabolic alkalosis develops against the background of diseases of the digestive system, or after the surgical interventions that had large volumes.

In chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as with frequent blood infusion, not only buffer systems, but also kidneys direct their strength to eliminate alkalosis. Such coordinated work of the body allows you to completely compensate for existing disorders and bring pH of blood to normal. However, there is always a danger that the body will simply fail, since its internal reserves are not unlimited.

Mixed alkalosis

Mixed alkalosis is discussed when the loss of acid and hydrogen is carried out at once for several reasons, including vomiting, hyperventilation, hypoxia on the background of the CHMT.

Symptoms of alkalosis

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

Hypoxia of tissues when carbon dioxide is removed from them, which determines the symptoms of alkalosis. This is expressed in a decrease in venous tone, a decrease in cardiac output, in excessive removal of water and electrolytes in urine, in a fall of blood pressure.

A person who develops alkalosis must first pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Frequent dizziness.

  • The feeling of crawling goosebumps, deterioration of its sensitivity.

  • Increased fatigue, excessive weakness.

  • Fainting.

  • A feeling of lack of air.

  • Ocute pulse and heartbeat.

  • Deterioration of cognitive abilities.

Excessive psychomotor excitement, the pale of the skin or the blue of the skin, increased anxiety – all this may indicate alkalosis. The patient will often breathe (up to 60 breaths per minute), if he develops breathing alkalosis.

Since the body begins to suffer from oxygen starvation, the heart will beat often, with a violation of normal rhythm. Arterial pressure is reduced. If a person is in a horizontal position, then any attempt to get up can lead to the fact that it will fall even more. As a result, a person may even lose consciousness.

Visual disorders and electrolyte imbalance provokes more frequent urination in the patient. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing dehydration, against which convulsions arise. If the patient has a different damage to the brain, for example, aneurysm or a tumor, then with jumps in acid-base balance, the likelihood of an epileptic seizure increases.

Symptoms of metabolic alkalosis are most often transient, moreover, they are compensated by the reserves of the body. On peak increase in the alkaline component in the blood, respiratory depression and edema formation is possible.

With decompensated metabolic alkalosis, symptoms such as: diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, increased fatigue, thirst, loss of appetite are observed. At the same time, the patient complains of headaches, periodic twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs.

The more calcium is removed from the body, the stronger the cramps. The skin, which has lost moisture, begins to peel off and crack, folds appear on it. Conducting infusion therapy provokes the occurrence of edema. Unlike respiratory alkalosis, the metabolic form of the pathological state is accompanied by a loss of breathing, but the pulse increases. A person becomes apathetic to the world around him, his drowsiness increases, and the development of coma is possible.

People suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis with high acidity are often trying to reduce pain by taking milk or alkaline drinking. This leads to the fact that they develop Bernett’s syndrome. Alkalosis acquires a chronic course, which is expressed in increased weakness, lack of appetite. The patient is often sick, and sometimes tears, the skin itchs. Calcium salts begin to be deposited in the renal tubules, which entails the development of renal failure.

Respiratory alkalosis leads to a deterioration in tissue nutrition, since they receive an insufficient amount of blood. The pulse becomes more often, muscle tone increases. Mental abnormalities develop with an increase in PH to 7,54. If the cause of the development of respiratory alkalosis is hysteria, then the patient is pronounced anxiety, he is very annoyed, aggressive.

Alkalosis in the child

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

Alkalosis is a condition that can affect not only adults, but also children. Moreover, it is children who are more subject to this state to a greater extent, since the functioning of the buffer systems of blood is imperfect.

Any disease that is accompanied by vomiting can cause an alkalosis in childhood: intestinal obstruction, congenital stenosis of the stomach, injury obtained during childbirth, infection with infectious flora. Also, errors in therapy using alkaline solutions or diuretics can also lead to alkalosis.

Metabolism disorders can be due to the factor of heredity. Metabolic alkalosis in a child against the background of Barter’s syndrome develops during the first year of life. This is expressed in severe vomiting, increasing body temperature, and a delay in physical development. The child urinates a lot and drinks a lot.

Respiratory alkalosis develops against the background of lung hyperventilation. This condition can provoke SARS, pneumonia, the injuries of the skull, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, and violations in the work of the central nervous system. At the same time, the symptoms of the underlying disease will come to the fore.

If calcium is excreted from the body of a young child, then cramps and muscle cramps will be a manifestation of this violation. There is also a tremor of limbs, increased sweating. Older children complain of noise in the ears, dizziness, and a deterioration in sensitivity. If alkalosis has an acute course, then excessive excitement of the child and the development of coma is possible.

Diagnosis and treatment of alkalosis

Alkalosis - what is it? What to do?

If the doctor has a suspicion of alkalosis, then, in addition to the standard examination, he listens to the lungs of the patient, his heart rhythm.

The next step will be the passage of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics:

  • ECG. With alkalosis, low -voltage teeth appear on the cardiogram.

  • The biochemical blood test allows you to establish a low level of calcium, chlorine and potassium in the blood.

  • Urine analysis gives an alkaline reaction.

The therapy of alkalosis provides for the elimination of the cause that led to the development of the pathological condition. In parallel, treatment is prescribed aimed at normalizing the blood balance. To do this, use gas mixtures that the patient must inhale, infusion therapy is carried out. In this case, the patient is administered solutions containing insulin, trace elements, ammonium chloride, and drugs.

If a person has a mild form of alkalosis, which develops against a background of stress or neurosis, then treatment can be carried out at home. In addition to taking medicines, the patient is prescribed a diet. It is important to exclude milk and dairy products from the menu. Be sure to eat boiled vegetables, steamed fruits, cereals, low -fat meat varieties.

To eliminate respiratory alkalosis, it is sometimes enough to reduce the frequency of breathing. If a person has a panic attack or he is very nervous, you need to try to calm him down, slow down his breath. You can take a paper bag and breathe into it. This will increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which will make it possible to bring its well -being to normal.

Metabolic alkalosis and severe surgery requires the patient to place the patient in a hospital. To stop seizures, calcium chloride is administered intravenously. Relanium is prescribed to reduce lung hyperventilation. Morphine is introduced during the edema of the lungs for inhibition of the respiratory function.

To eliminate violations of electrolyte metabolism, infusion therapy is carried out using the following drugs:

  • Intravenous administration of sodium chloride and calcium chloride.

  • Intravenous administration of Panangin, potassium chloride and K-polarizing mixture.

  • Reception of Veroshpiron.

To eliminate the causes that led to the development of alkalosis, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • To eliminate nausea and vomiting allows the drug to use meteclopramide.

  • You can remove severe intoxication using hemodialysis.

  • To eliminate diarrhea, drugs such as: motilium, activated carbon, lopeamid can be used.

  • For the treatment of nervous disorders, sedatives and antipsychotics are used, for example, diazepam and Aminazine.

Sometimes surgery can be prescribed for the treatment of alkalosis. For example, with stenosis or with a chronic stomach ulcer. In childhood, the therapy of alkalosis must begin after the PH level rises to a mark of 7,5. Be sure to restore the body and electrolyte balance of the body as soon as possible, it is possible to conduct infusion therapy, intake of vitamin C, amino acids.

Alkalosis is well lend itself to treatment. The prognosis is as favorable as possible, provided that the pathology has a compensated course. The severe form of alkalosis requires the patient in the hospital and the appointment of intensive care. During treatment, monitoring of the biochemical composition of blood is required.

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