Alkaline powder – composition, action, applications

Alkaline powder is a dietary supplement from Langsteiner supporting deacidification of the body and restoring the proper acid-base balance in our body. It is a dietary supplement currently available in pharmacies in two forms: a powder in a 300 g package and a version for busy people – tablets (Alkaline Tabs Powder) in a package of 30 pieces.

What is acidification of the body?

Acidification of the body it consists in disturbing the acid-base balance in our body towards the acidic environment. This has a negative impact on our health and causes a number of unwanted symptoms and diseases. The most common symptoms acidification of the body are dark circles under the eyes, digestive system ailments (inflammation of the stomach, intestines, constipation, flatulence), muscle and joint problems (muscle pain, joint inflammation and pain, gout), deterioration of the skin and its appendages, problems with teeth (acidification promotes the development of caries and periodontitis), problems with weight control, sugar and cholesterol levels (and therefore the development of cardiovascular diseases), fatigue, depression, decreased libido. So how do we see acidification of the body is the cause of many diseases. And it happens mainly as a result use an inadequate diet and unhealthy lifestyle (lack of physical activity, addictions). Often the acidification of the body also occurs as a result disorders of the intestinal flora, problems with metabolism, metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes), problems with the kidneys or infectious diseases.

Composition and action of alkaline powder

Alkaline powder helps in the prevention of many diseases through restoring the acid-base balance in the body. Its ingredients are prebiotics – nutrients for our intestinal microflora. The proper functioning of the intestines is the basis of the health of the entire body, and disturbances in the work of intestinal bacteria contribute significantly to it acidification the body. The main ingredients of the preparation are also restoring mineral salts acid-base balance and supplementing the deficiency of minerals in our body (potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, molybdenum, selenium). Mineral salts also support the safe treatment of heartburn. The preparation also contains vitamins C and E.

Using a dietary supplement alkaline powder

Alkaline powder is a dietary supplement safe for use even by pregnant and lactating women, and the treatment with the powder can be long-lasting and there are no contraindicationsto take the supplement every day as a prophylaxis. The preparation in the form of a powder should be dissolved in water – about 8 g (heaped teaspoon) in 250 ml of water – and drunk once a day. In the case of tablets, dosing is even easier, one tablet a day is enough. The only action undesirable at the beginning of use, there may be looser stools in the first week of taking the supplement.

It should be remembered that the most important thing in order to maintain an appropriate acid-base balance of the body is running healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition.

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