Alkaline diet – a way to de-acidify the body. What to eat on an alkaline diet?

Eating a balanced and varied diet is the right way not only to keep yourself healthy, but also to ensure your well-being. The alkaline-acid balance of the entire body depends on the meals consumed every day. Unfortunately, an overabundance of certain foods in our diet, as well as a tendency to eat the same food for a long time, can upset this balance. The problem of acidification of the body is becoming a more and more frequent problem in Poland, which not only has a negative effect on health, but also worsens our well-being. Below we present some information useful in the fight for de-acidification of the body, thanks to which you will learn what acidifies the body, as well as how to compose an alkaline diet, rich in products with low acidity.

Acidification of the body – the most common symptoms

Acidification of the body takes place when, under the influence of diet, lifestyle, and sometimes stimulants (such as tobacco or alcohol), the proper pH level of our body is disturbed. The natural pH level in the human body should be around 7,37.

Acidification of the body is a holistic condition that affects the entire body and its tissues and organs. In an acidified organism, enzymatic disorders arise, the ingested acid compounds have an aggressive effect on tissues, and their demineralisation takes place. As a result, the symptoms of acidification may be general and related to the functioning of the body as a whole, for example deteriorating our well-being or physical condition.

The most common symptoms of this condition include:

  1. Headache,
  2. long-lasting fatigue,
  3. lack of energy, decreased motivation, depressive states,
  4. hyperactivity, nervous problems, irritability, acute sensitivity to stimuli,
  5. problems in the oral cavity: gum inflammation, chewing (cracked mouth corners), unpleasant odor from the mouth,
  6. returning runny nose,
  7. breathing problems after even slight physical exertion,
  8. diarrhea, anal burning or itching, burning sensation when urinating
  9. skin changes, excessive dryness of the epidermis, especially in sweating areas,
  10. hypersensitive, easily breaking or splitting nails,
  11. hair loss, reduction of their volume,
  12. cramps, especially in the legs: calves, buttocks,
  13. stiffening of the neck and neck,
  14. osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis,
  15. arthralgia.

We can diagnose changes in the pH level of our body by examining our own urine several times. For this purpose, a litmus test should be used, which we will dip into the urine immediately after passing it. Since the urine pH level changes during the day – depending on the last meal and drink – the measurement should be made several times, at different times of the day. Then we calculate the average pH level for all the results obtained and check whether this level is constant or rising during the day. If the pH level increases during the day, it may be a sign of acidification of the body.

How to compose an alkaline diet?

Food products used to deacidify the body are products that show an alkaline reaction during the digestion process. People suffering from acidification of the body should pay special attention to their presence in their diet. It is assumed that they should constitute about 80% of the food consumed during the day, while the remaining 20% ​​are acidic products. Such a balanced diet should lead to acid-base stabilization of the body.

The first step to de-acidifying the body is to compose an alkaline diet according to clearly defined rules. Which products belong to the group of base-forming? First of all, vegetables and fruits, especially citrus, should be mentioned. Antacids are: beets, apples, bananas, celery, melons, lettuce, parsley, watercress, and tomato. The vegetables can be eaten cooked or raw. It is also important that the diet does not include certain foods that could increase the acidity of the body. Products worth eliminating, at least for a certain period, include: sweets, milk and its products, meats, saturated fatty acids, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, salt, tobacco, yeast, and wheat.

The alkaline diet has other positive benefits as well. It helps to lose unnecessary kilograms, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and thus affects our mental and mental condition. In addition, the alkaline diet is not dangerous to our health and can be used for a long time.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

It is also worth adding that there are factors that increase the chances of acidification in the body. Therefore, if we suffer from this condition, it is worth looking at our lifestyle and trying to make some changes. The factors contributing to acidification include: long-term stress, static lifestyle, poor physical condition, lack of regular sleep. Also, some of the medications taken may increase the level of acidification in the body.

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