
Alivaria is a Belarusian beer, one of the first brands of the CIS countries to receive international recognition. The controlling stake in OAO Alivaria Brewing Company belongs to the Carlsberg Group. The product range of the leading Belarusian manufacturer includes 13 well-known brands. The volume of production is 10 million decaliters per year.

Historical information

The wooden brewery in the center of Minsk was built by the petty-bourgeois Rokhlya Frumkina in 1864. Initially, it was a small production with small and cramped workshops. Thirty years later, the company was acquired by Count Czapski, who completely rebuilt the buildings and supplied steam engines. In 1917, the company became the property of the state and received the name “Beer Factory Belarus”. In Soviet times, the factory worked successfully, production did not stop even in the difficult post-war period.

In the 90s, the enterprise was privatized and transformed into a joint-stock company. The new owners updated the equipment and automated part of the processes. In 2008, the Carlsberg Group holding entered the number of strategic investors in the company. Alivaria beer is the flagship brand of the company, recognized by international experts and repeatedly awarded with high awards.


Production features

The basis for the foamy drink is light, caramel and burnt malt, which differs in the degree of heat treatment. The must is brewed using combinations of different varieties. Crushed grains and prepared water are mixed and heated in several stages, then yeast is added and left to ferment. During the process, barley sugar turns into alcohol, and the future beer is saturated with carbon dioxide. The resulting semi-finished product is passed through filters, after which the drink becomes transparent and shiny. In order to keep the products fresh for a long time, the beer is pasteurized and only then bottled.


The brand portfolio includes more than fifty awards received at international competitions and exhibitions. Achievements in recent years.

Superior Taste Award, Brussels:

  • 2013 – three stars;
  • 2015 – Crystal Award for Pure Taste (“Alivaria Golden”).

Monde Selection, Brussels:

  • 2011 – gold medal;
  • 2013 and 2014 – gold awards.

Australian International Beer 2010, Melbourne – bronze and gold medals;

World Beer Championship 2007, Chicago – silver and gold medals.

Interesting Facts

A beer museum has been opened in one of the old buildings of the plant. In the premises, the old equipment was recreated, on which the foamy drink was brewed at the end of the XNUMXth century. The employees managed to save even the mill, which was once used for crushing malt. During the tour, visitors get acquainted with the history of the enterprise, then inspect the modern production. The tour ends at the tasting room.

Types of beer “Alivaria”

Alivaria Gold, 4,8%

The classic pilsner is the company’s most famous product. The variety has been produced since 2000. Gold-colored drink with aromas of grain and fresh pastries. The taste is balanced with wheat sweetness and nutty bitterness. The experts of the international competition in Brussels awarded “Zolotoy” the highest award for the best taste qualities. The brand is the official partner of UEFA Euro.

Alivaria White Gold, 5%

Unfiltered beer with a fruity aroma, brewed with wheat malt. The consistency is creamy, in terms of properties the drink is close to barrel varieties. There are sweetish spicy tones on the palate.

Alivaria Porter, 6,5%

Stout is a dark beer made from caramel and roasted malts, which give the drink a dense and viscous texture. On the palate there are hints of ripe cherries and citrus zest. The manufacturer recommends consuming the variety cold with a slice of lime or heated with the addition of honey and lemon juice.

Alivaria Ten, 4%

A light pilsner made from the finest malts and hops. The aroma is fresh with herbal hints, the taste is soft with barely noticeable fruity notes. Drinks very easily and quenches thirst well on a summer day.

Alivaria Strong, 6,5%

Brewed with the addition of a large amount of hops. A drink of dense consistency with the aroma of herbs and spices. The taste is dryish and well balanced with a predominance of characteristic hop bitterness.

Alivaria 1894 Premium, 4,8%

The company has been producing premium varieties since 2016. The technology is based on old recipes from the end of the XNUMXth century. Pale lager brewed with Vienna malt. Floral notes are felt in the aroma, malt shades dominate in the rich flavor range.


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