Alisa Dotsenko: dancing alone will not take shape

In search of physical perfection, each of us is looking for his own path. In the process of searching, it is useful to listen to those who have already determined this path for themselves.

The finalist of the “DANCES” project on the TNT channel, artistic director, teacher at her own dance school and just a loving mother, Alisa Dotsenko held a master class in Nizhny Novgorod. At the end of the class, she shared with Woman’s Day what dancing meant to her, and also advised what to do to maintain her figure.

All sorts of things. I’m not trying to look for inspiration in someone or in something, it either comes or it doesn’t. Sometimes it comes from all sorts of people, students in a dance school, or just different situations. Sometimes you find inspiration in little things. But the main source of inspiration is my family.

Hardly. Otherwise, I would have done it at the first difficult situation associated with dancing.

Amazing. She also dances, and with age she likes it more and more. I began to see a goal related to development in dancing.

Sure! It would be strange if it did not change. The birth of a child, I am sure, greatly changes any woman.

Undoubtedly! Any experiment or bright event in life changes us, our path and everything that surrounds us. There were difficulties and problems, but there are much more pleasant memories.

Of course, because first of all we dance for the soul, so this is a good way to relax. Of course, it is not always possible to relieve tension, but in general, dance saves me.

Pretty much yes. However, by practicing only dancing, you will never achieve the ideal that you dream of. Beyond that, you need to put in some extra effort. First of all, this is a proper balanced diet and a lot of movement in general. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and not give up.

You could say that. And it is also important to always remain yourself and love yourself.

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