Alien life: a mystical story from real life

😉 Hello dear readers! Alien Life is a mystical story from real life. An archaeological expedition to Africa changed the life of one of the participants forever.

Someone else’s fate

Julia recently returned from South Africa. She was overwhelmed with emotions, she constantly repeated: “Someone else’s life is behind, her own ahead …”

Many years ago

Thirty years ago, her father Mikhail Yuryevich went on an archaeological expedition. He studied ancient civilizations and studied the culture of South Africa.

Julia’s father was appointed as the leader of the expedition. The girl was eagerly asking to go with him. Of course, being a scientific advisor, he could well have taken his daughter with him.

But will a six-year-old be able to withstand this trip? After all, you will have to spend the night in tents, around the jungle, the scorching sun and no amenities, the conditions are Spartan. But the daughter did not lag behind and the parent gave up.

Soon the expedition safely departed for another continent. At a small South African airport, the arrivals were transferred to small trucks and, together with their European colleagues, went to the very heart of the southern continent. We drove for about a day.

Ancient figurine

The expedition set up a camp near the ancient temple. Yulka knew almost all the members of the expedition by their names. On the way, the sociable daughter of the archaeologist managed to get to know everyone.

The girl became everyone’s favorite. There were no other children in the camp, so Julia constantly disappeared with her father at the excavations. All day long she helped archaeologists to rake the ashes of time.

Of course, the girl was not allowed to approach serious things, but she was allowed to lay out some finds on a tarpaulin: shards, fragments of clay pots and other artifacts.

Once Yulia was carrying another heap of small debris to put on a tarp. Suddenly a pinkish light flashed in the clearing of the pagan temple. This place has long been processed by archaeologists, there is hardly anything left there.

The girl put down the box and climbed into the bushes. In a small hole, in a layer of sand, lay a figurine of a little man. A small pebble gleamed in one of the figurine’s eye sockets.

Yulka fearlessly took the figurine in her hands and began to clean it of dirt and sand. There was nothing special about it – an ordinary figurine of some pagan god, and at the same time it was done very carelessly.

But, squeezing the find in her palm, the girl felt a living warmth emanating from the statuette, and then a voice clearly sounded in her head: “Hurry, take it away and don’t tell anyone!”

Julia thrust the god into her pocket and ran to the camp. Halfway there, she stopped. In front of her was a huge tree with powerful roots protruding from the ground.

The girl crouched down between its roots and dug out a small hole. She mentally said goodbye to her find and put it in this depression, and sprinkled it with earth on top.

Travel back in time

Safely hiding the god, Yulka went to the tent city. Out on the main road leading to the camp, she met a stranger in police uniform. The man stared at the girl in surprise, as if he saw a ghost.

– Julia? – the man in uniform bent down a little and asked several times: – Rushen? Yu Rushen?

– Yes, my name is Julia. What is “Rushen” and who are you?

– Oh Santa Maria! – the policeman shouted with delight, picked up the surprised child in his arms and with shouts of joy rushed towards the camp.

There was real panic there! Yulka was attacked with questions and she barely had time to figure out what it was about. Why such attention to her modest person? – the girl was perplexed. Did everyone know that she stole the statuette?

Yulka was already ready to burst into tears and confess to the perfect act, when the most important question came to her: “Where have you been all this time? You were gone for several days! ”. It turned out that the daughter of an archaeologist had been searching unsuccessfully in all the surrounding thickets for five whole days!

She disappeared without a trace five days ago, the whole expedition and the local police were looking for her. The schedule of excavation and research has gone to hell. Historians, along with the police, combed the jungle around the clock, but all was in vain.

The police assumed that the girl was the victim of a kidnapping, but then why is no one demanding a ransom? The version that wild animals devoured it became a priority.

The fruit of the imagination

Poor Mikhail Yurievich! He has aged terribly during this time. His sad eyes expressed incredible weariness and pain. He could not utter a word when Julia was brought to him. The man silently hugged his daughter to him and sobbed aloud.

Yulka stubbornly argued that she had moved to the nearest bush for only a few minutes. But nobody believed her! Everyone decided that the child, who spent five days in the jungle all alone, had mental problems.

Only one thing Julia did not dare to tell. The mysterious figure seemed to gag her as soon as she wanted to mention her. Gradually, the girl began to forget about her secret, and then considered this story a figment of her childhood imagination.

The expedition ended closer to autumn. Despite the fact that the research schedule was hopelessly disrupted, the results of the excavation exceeded all expectations. Scientists’ theories have been brilliantly confirmed by important artifacts. In addition, several other important discoveries were made.

And love and tears

Julia’s life was going well. She grew up to be a very beautiful girl, she had many fans. Whatever business she took up, she was lucky in everything.

From any, even dangerous situations, she emerged victorious. For example, once she was supposed to fly to another city for an internship, but she was late for the plane. And a few minutes later, standing at the airport, I learned that the airliner had fallen on takeoff.

Another time, she and her friends were going to go to nature, but, leaving the house, the girl stumbled on the stairs and injured her leg. The next day, mutual acquaintances reported that friends were involved in a terrible accident, almost all were seriously injured and one someone else’s life was cut short.

Each time, Julia somehow avoided serious accidents. But close girls often suffered. But she blamed everything on a ridiculous coincidence. In their youth, few people think about such things.

Despite the large number of fans, the beautiful woman could not get married for a long time. I went through the suitors, looking for the one. But when she met the man of her dreams, she fell in love with no memory.

But Yulkino’s happiness was short-lived. Two years later, her lover died tragically. The woman raised her son alone and found her consolation in him. Some time after the tragedy, fate struck a new blow – his son was hit by a car. But the boy did not die immediately.

For almost a year he was bedridden. When he was gone, Julia wanted to commit suicide, but she was afraid and therefore went headlong into work. The whole world around her died for her.

Terrible mystery

It was then that the woman first thought about incredible personal luck. Julia analyzed her life and found many inexplicable and even mystical cases when her luck simultaneously brought grief to her friends and relatives.

Finally, the woman met a beautiful and intelligent man and fell in love again. For his sake, she was ready to leave a high post with the prospect of further career growth. But one incident made her think about her life again.

Julia never turned to either fortune-tellers or astrologers, but here she decided to go to the seer. Then sorcerers and magicians of all stripes, without saying a word, told Yulia about her past, which did not exist. According to all their predictions, Julia should have lived a completely different life, and they simply did not see her future.

So they said: “It’s strange, but you have no future, instead of it a blank slate.” This made the woman very upset. But one inexplicable case finally dotted the “i’s”.

Walk in the woods

Once, she and her beloved went to their friends’ dacha. It so happened that they arrived earlier than the owners, and in order to pass the time, they decided to take a walk through the forest. They wandered and enjoyed each other’s company.

Returning from the forest, Julia saw an unusual tree. Strong, with huge roots sticking out of the ground. In a pine forest, it looked very unusual. She went closer to the tree and, looking at its roots, suddenly froze. She was covered with childhood memories. South Africa, strange figurine, lost girl …

The couple did not show up to meet with friends. They were neither at home nor at work for five whole days. Childhood story repeated itself. Julia, as always, got out of the water, but her lover’s career stalled for a long time. His superiors decided that he simply washed down and gave up work.

Now she knew for sure that a black streak had begun and a tragedy awaited him too.


Julia decided: she urgently needed to go to South Africa and return the hidden god to the place from which her alien life began.

Thirty years later, the woman again found herself in Africa. It was necessary, as soon as possible, to interrupt the series of tragic events that have happened to her throughout her life. This was her last hope.

Through the Internet, Julia found a translator who worked on her father’s expedition. He met her at the airport. Still the same cheerful, only very old, he immediately recognized her in the crowd of passengers.

Sitting in a cafe, the woman shared with him everything that had happened to her over the years, that she was being haunted by someone else’s life. Finally, the translator realized where the six-year-old girl had disappeared for several days.

The area where excavations were carried out thirty years ago has changed a lot. Now a good road led to it, and the vast territory of the ancient temple was completely cleared of vegetation and tourists constantly came here. But the woman unmistakably found the road that once led to the camp.

– I think this is a stupid idea. Probably, he was found long ago, when they were cutting down trees and clearing away debris, – said the translator.

But Julia was firmly convinced that the mysterious god is in the same place where she identified him thirty years ago. When it got a little dark, she returned to this place with a small spatula.

Own life

It took a long time to dig out that place. The woman was already exhausted, but she knew for sure that the god was here and was desperately trying to find him.

Julia sank to the bottom of the dug hole, her strength began to leave. And suddenly a familiar pinkish light flashed! With trembling hands, she grabbed the familiar figurine. Tears welled up from her eyes. She hid the god in her pocket, as then, in her distant childhood, and got out of the pit.

Alien life: a mystical story from real life

On a dark night, Julia came to the dilapidated temple, easily found the place from which she took out the figurine thirty years ago, put the god there and plugged it with a stone. Only now her strength finally left her, but she was happy and knew for sure that she had regained her destiny, someone else’s life was behind!

On the morning of the fifth day of her disappearance, a woman entered the lobby of a local hotel with a blissful smile on her smeared face. The receptionist at the sight of her was speechless, and she, as if nothing had happened, asked for the key to her room and proudly left.

With a surprised look, the guy reached for the phone. Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door in her room. It was a worried translator. By the expression on Yulia’s face, he understood everything without words …

The woman returned home with a sense of accomplishment and now she knew for sure that she could safely marry her beloved person and live her own destiny, and not someone else’s life at the behest of some pagan god.

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