
What are algae? The first association leads to algae. And rightly so. However, this does not exhaust the topic, because there are different types of algae. Sea algae is an extremely valuable plant for our health, the benefits of which have been known all over the world for a long time. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and … on beauty, which attracts many supporters of its miraculous powers. What other mysterious properties does this plant have?
Algae – what exactly is it?
Algae are aquatic algae. The size resembles coastal bushes. They need very good sunlight to grow, which is why they are most often found in large pools or water reservoirs, such as seas or lakes. They are a valuable source of minerals and vitamins, very easily absorbed by the body. There are: zinc, fluorine, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, iodine (sea algae contain a very large amount of this important mineral for the human body), provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin PP, protein, carbohydrates, which regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.
Vegetarians will gladly reach for this aquatic plant, as it contains large amounts of protein, the deficiency of which must be supplemented by non-meat ingredients. The natural component of algae are exogenous amino acids. The aquatic herb, as some call sea algae, contains specific amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. It has to get them from outside. That is why they are used as a basic ingredient of the menu in Asian countries. In these areas, the population often struggles with anemia, for which an effective antidote is sea algae, which contain a high concentration of iron.
The action of sea algae – discover their wonderful properties!
You can talk about the miraculous properties of sea algae. The most important of them are:
- supporting the work of the heart,
- reducing the accumulation of mucus in the intestines,
- the fiber contained in algae forms a protective wall on the intestines, improving intestinal peristalsis and preventing constipation,
- balancing the level of glucose in the blood, thanks to which they are a natural medicine supporting diabetics,
- fiber contained in algae accelerates metabolism and helps fight unnecessary curves,
- lowering the level of bad cholesterol,
- removal of toxins, chemical compounds, harmful substances from the body.
Do you care about beauty? Don’t forget the algae!
It is also said about the miraculous properties of algae in the context of beauty care. They strengthen the walls of capillaries, prevent the breaking of blood vessels, thanks to which they are helpful in the care of skin prone to varicose veins. In addition, they prevent the formation of cellulite and swelling. Thanks to the content of antioxidants, they regenerate and oxygenate the skin, ensuring its young and beautiful appearance. The final effect is the rejuvenation of the body, which will probably interest and encourage many women to use this wonderful seaweed.
Algae – a wonderful ingredient in dishes in your kitchen
Algae are also used in the kitchen. Seaweed can be cooked, stewed, made into one of the elements of casseroles, pasta, snacks, sandwiches, exotic soups. They’re also good on pizza. They can be treated as a specific type of snack chips, with the difference that they are a healthy and low-calorie equivalent of traditional ones.