Algae – properties and application. Plants rich in minerals

Algae have never been part of our native diet, but in the Far East, where much more seafood is eaten, algae and their food and cosmetic properties have been known for centuries. Depending on the environmental conditions, we can come across algae of different colors. The availability of sunlight, the water temperature and the type of waterfront determine the species, and thus the properties and nutrients of the algae. Seaweed presents a wealth of macro- and microelements and contains almost everything that our body needs: sodium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, vitamins (C, from the group of B, E, beta-carotene, folic acid) and high-quality protein. Green algae contain alpha-linolenic acid, while red algae – eicosapenic acid, which we usually supplement in our diet with fish.

Properties of algae

skin careApplication of algae to the skin helps in its effective hydration, because they affect the metabolism of the cells of the dermis and epidermis, retaining moisture in it and rebuilding the hydrolipid coat. Moreover algae regulate the work of the sebaceous glandsas well as brighten the skin and add radiance to it. They accelerate wound healing and epidermis reconstruction.

  1. Try the algae-thermal salt for bathing and peeling Zabłocka, which you can buy at a promotional price at Medonet Market.

The care properties of algae have been appreciated by the Oio Lab brand, which uses them in their cosmetics. A protective serum with algae, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin, is available at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

Pressure regulation and heart protectionMacroglue (i.e. those visible to the naked eye) turn out to be an exceptionally rich source of bioactive peptides that regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

A rich source of minerals – they are far superior to terrestrial plants in terms of mineral content. Some of them can really amaze you with their richness, also in comparison with non-plant sources of minerals:

  1. wakame, hijiki, arame – they contain 10 times more calcium than milk,
  2. arame, kelp, kombu – they contain much more iodine than crustaceans and the average sea fish,
  3. hijiki – 8 times more calcium than beef.

Take advantage of the ingredients offered by algae by ordering Bio Spirulina 100g in Intenson tablets, Bio Chlorella 400 mg or Bio Spirulina + Bio Chlorella 400 mg. The preparations have an immune-boosting effect and are available in the Medonet Market.

Detoxification – Seaweed, thanks to its specific cell structure, binds and removes toxins from the body, mainly those coming from outside, but also those that are products of metabolism. In addition, the fiber contained in them seals the intestinal walls, which prevents secondary poisoning.

Prevention of spider veinsAlgae strengthen the walls of the skin’s capillariespreventing them from crumbling and excessive permeability, which prevents micro-infiltration (the formation of the so-called spider veins), but also the formation of lymphatic stagnation, edema and, as a result, cellulite. Try Bioherba Face Cleansing Oil, which contains, among others, algae.

Rejuvenation – Seaweed protects against free radicals – delays the aging process – all thanks to the huge amount of antioxidants contained in them. They also stimulate the metabolism of the dermis cells (fibroblasts) responsible for the reconstruction of collagen fibers and elastin – keeping the skin elastic and taut, which in turn delays the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, algae are part of cosmetics. You will find them, among others in the Orientana mask for mixed and oily skin made of natural silk with Filipino algae and aloe, as well as Eye and Eye Gel with Firefly and FLOSLEK algae.

In case of dry and cracked skin, an ointment with algae, urea and mummy will also bring relief.

They facilitate slimming – Algae are rich in fiber and iodine. As you know, the former prevents the absorption of fats and sugars, satiates you and regulates the intestines, while iodine accelerates the processes of lipolysis, i.e. dissolving fats. So let’s swap ordinary pastas for those with a side dish, for example seaweedbecause, as the research of scientists from the Netherlands has shown, after introducing bread with algae to the diet of the respondents, the amount of calories consumed by them decreased more or less as much as they were burned during a half-hour walk.

How to add algae to your menu?

Of course, we associate them most with sushi, but you can also buy them as a snack (nori), use them for vegetable wraps instead of rice paper, or add them to fish or salads. A very easy way to introduce them into your diet is to mix powdered spirulina with your favorite cocktail or cottage cheese. We can easily replace pork gelatin with an algae called agar.

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