😉 Greetings to regular readers, history buffs, students and schoolchildren! In the article “Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov: A Brief Biography of the Tsar” – about the life of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (Quiet) and his reforms. Interesting video.
Alexei Mikhailovich (years of life: 1629-1676), nicknamed by the people “Quiet”, is the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty, who ruled in Russia from 1613 to 1917.
Board of Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov
From this more than three hundred year period, Alexei Mikhailovich fell to the share of 31 years, from 1645 to 1676. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (father) ruled for 32 years. Only the Russian Empress Catherine II the Great is distinguished by a longer reign.
Alexei Romanov ascended the Moscow throne as a sixteen-year-old youth. At first, Boris Morozov helped him in state affairs, who from the age of five of the future sovereign supervised his training in writing and singing.
In the future, the young tsar begins to delve deeper into the intricacies of government, to make independent decisions. Patriarch Nikon served him as a support.
Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov
Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, according to his contemporaries, was distinguished by his good-natured and gentle character. In addition, he was very religious and preached Christian humility. However, some of his actions suggest otherwise.
So, over his closest associate, Patriarch Nikon, he arranged a large-scale trial called the Great Moscow Cathedral and exiled him to a monastery. And the noble boyarynya Morozova, together with her sister, was placed in an earthen prison for rejection of church reforms. In prison, they died one after another with a difference of 52 days.
Participants of numerous riots of that time (“Salt”, “Medny”, “Khlebny”), he ordered to destroy, drown in rivers and swamps. The “quietest” tsar got a “rebellious time”.
But all the riots and unrest did not arise out of nowhere. The “salt” riot provoked a tax on salt (a pound of salt instead of 5 kopecks cost 2 hryvnia). “Copper” – excessive issue of copper coins with their subsequent depreciation.
The catalyst for the largest uprising of Stepan Razin was the Cathedral Code of 1649, which finally assigned the peasants to the landowners.
The “quietest” ruler had to fight not only inside the country, but also with external enemies – Poland and Sweden. He even personally participated in a military campaign against the Commonwealth.
Children of Alexei Mikhailovich:
- From marriage with Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya – 13 children;
- From marriage with Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina – 3 children.
About daughter Sophia on this site there is an article “Biography of Princess Sophia Alekseevna.”
Reforms of Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov
During his reign, the sovereign did the following for his country:
- organized a new army like the European one. To do this, he sent his subjects abroad to study military affairs. Began the construction of Russian warships (the first ship was the frigate “Eagle”);
- created the Supreme Privy Council to control the governing bodies;
- in 1649 the tsar adopted the Sobornoye Ulozhenie, which was the first set of laws in Russia and was in effect until Nikolai Pavlovich;
- contributed to the implementation of church reforms, due to which subsequently a split arose in society. (Three fingers were introduced instead of two fingers, bows in the waist instead of earthly ones, the scriptures were unified);
- resolved the issue of joining Ukraine.
But the apogee of the reign of Alexei Romanov was the consolidation of unlimited power for the house of the Romanovs. The tsar did not live to see his 47th birthday a little. After himself, he left a worthy replacement – the future Emperor Peter I.
In this video, additional information on the topic: Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov: a short biography.
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