Alexandra Vorobyova, “Voice-3”

Alexandra Vorobyova, “Voice-3”

If during the holidays you have gained extra pounds, it’s time to do your figure! Alexandra Vorobyova, the winner of the Voice-3 show, told Woman’s Day how you can bring your body into perfect condition without harming your health, and shared a detailed menu.

No diets, yes – proper nutrition!

“I am not a supporter of any diets. Diet is what destroys our body and restricts it from getting nutrients. Proper nutrition is a completely different matter. I chose a low-carb diet for myself. It is impossible to constantly eat according to this system, since it is focused precisely on reducing subcutaneous fat. I would recommend sticking to this diet for no more than 5-6 weeks. For those who want to get rid of the kilograms and centimeters purchased during the holidays, it is perfect. “

What is the essence of a low-carb diet?

“The effectiveness of losing weight with a low-carb diet is to switch the body’s work to burning its own fat reserves by minimizing the intake of the quickest and simplest energy source – carbohydrates. During such nutrition, the body is forced to look for additional sources of nutrition, which are your fat reserves. The basis of such nutrition is a gradual decrease in carbohydrate consumption of 1 gram per 1 kg of its own weight. We divide the period of our nutrition into phases, where 1 phase equals 1 week. “

First week

Carbohydrates – 2 grams per 1 kg of weight, proteins – 2 grams per 1 kg, fats – 0,7-0,8 grams. Also, this week can be observed further if the goal is to maintain weight. But if the goal is to reduce subcutaneous fat, then it is necessary to reduce carbohydrate intake to a minimum and move on to the next phases.

The second week

Carbohydrates – 1 gram per 1 kg, proteins – 2-1,7 grams (as a rule, girls need 1,5 grams, they can’t eat anymore), fats – 0,5-0,7 grams.

Third week

Carbohydrates – 0,5 grams per 1 kg, proteins 1,5–2 grams, fats 0,5 grams.

Fourth week = Third week

Fifth week

This week begins the period of restoration of the norm of carbohydrates. It is not advisable to skip it. Carbohydrates – 1 gram per 1 kg, proteins – 1,5-1,7 grams per kg, fats – 0,5 grams per 1 kg.

Sixth week

Carbohydrates – 2 grams per 1 kg, proteins – 2 grams per 1 kg, fats – 0,5-0,7 grams per 1 kg.


Porridge. It is advisable that it was oatmeal in water, without sugar. But if you really want, then you can add a little honey or fruit.

Boiled egg + fruit.

Green tea.


Dairy. They should be fat-free – maximum 1,5% fat. Yogurt (natural). Cottage cheese, kefir. You can also allow something from fruit.


Meat, lean fish (preferably steamed) + vegetables.

Afternoon snack

Cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables. It is undesirable to eat carbohydrates after 18:00.


From now on, we consume only protein and some small part of fat.

It can be lean fish. I especially love tuna, shrimp, scallop. Lean meat is also fine. Cottage cheese and egg white are also acceptable.

Late Dinner

Cottage cheese, kefir.

“If you want to achieve maximum results, it is best to combine nutrition with exercise. And, of course, we must not forget that any system may have a contraindication if you have any health problems. Approach everything wisely, and everything will work out! “

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