Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov: short biography, video

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov: short biography, video

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Alexander Suvorov won over 60 battles. He was in fact a father to his soldiers. Under his leadership, a new charter was written and a practical uniform was developed that replaced the narrow Prussian uniforms.

Suvorov was a unique commander. For 50 years of service, he participated only in offensive operations and never in defense. He secured the empire from the aggression of neighboring states and made its borders invincible.

Brief biography of Suvorov

The future commander was born in the family of gene. Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov, who was the godson of Peter I and devotedly served the Tsar for many years. According to legend, the Suvorov family descended from the Swede Suvor, who arrived in Russia in 1622.

During the reign of Catherine II, Vasily Ivanovich served in the secret office, was elected to the Senate. Mother (Avdotya Manukova) was from an Armenian noble family. The father named his son in honor of the commander A. Nevsky.

The year of birth (1730) of the future generalissimo causes controversy among historians, since in different documents he indicated different dates. The estate had an extensive library. A large place in it was occupied by military literature on artillery and fortification.

The boy learned to read early and voraciously devoured these particular books, carefully examining the drawings and pictures. The father dreamed of a military career for his son, but Sasha grew up weak and was often sick. Therefore, he gave up his dreams.

However, the teenager still decided to become a military man. He hardened daily and did numerous strength exercises. While visiting, gene. Abram Hannibal noticed that Sasha, playing at the soldiers, leads a “battle” according to the rules and knows the tactics.

Merits of Suvorov

In 1742 Alexander was assigned to the Semenovsky regiment. After 16 long years, he was transferred to an active army regiment. The first battle in which he took part took place near Kunersdorf in the summer of 1759. It was a turning point in the 7-year war. The Prussian army was defeated.

Soon A. Suvorov became a famous commander during the reign of Catherine II, participating in two Russian-Turkish wars. Thanks to his talent, a victory was won at Turtukai. In the fall of 1789, the battle of Rymnik took place.

25 thousand Russian and Austrian soldiers defeated the army of Yusuf Pasha, which had a fourfold superiority in military strength. In 1790 the fortress of Izmail was taken, which until then was considered invincible.

In 1796, Paul I ascended the throne. The Russian emperor and the general did not find mutual understanding. In 1799 Suvorov received his resignation and was exiled to his estate. However, soon the monarchs of some European countries turned to Paul I with a request to appoint Suvorov as commander of the allied forces.

Major battles took place under the command of the commander. Turin and Milan were occupied, French troops were defeated on the river. Trebbia. Paul I, delighted with these victories, ordered to honor Suvorov as well as members of the imperial family.

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov: short biography, video

The last lifetime portrait of A. V. Suvorov, 1800. Artist I.G. Schmidt.

The passage of the Suvorov army through the Alps was called a victory over nature. All these victories brought the commander the rank of generalissimo. His work “The Science of Victory” is still a textbook in military schools. Napoleon Bonaparte also learned a lot from Suvorov.

The great commander arrived in Russia, having seriously caught a cold while crossing the mountain pass. His life ended on May 18, 1800.

Personal life of A.V. Suvorov

Alexander Vasilyevich married in 1774, 23-year-old Varvara Prozorovskaya. The bride and groom were different people. He is thin and short, she is a burly beauty. He was one of the most educated people of his time, fluent in five foreign languages.

Varvara, on the other hand, could not write a letter without mistakes, she was only interested in outfits and balls. The family had a daughter, Natalya. Alexander Vasilyevich often heard about his wife’s infidelities and twice filed for divorce. But unsuccessfully.


Don’t miss the video “Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov: A Brief Biography” with additional information.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich

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