
Gleb Shulpyakov about the diary of Alexander Tvardovsky.

Gleb Shulpyakov about the diary of Alexander Tvardovsky

Gleb Shulpyakov — poet, prose writer, essayist. Triumph honorable mention winner. He is the author of poetry collections, as well as a trilogy of philosophical novels — The Book of Sinan (Ad Marginem, 2005), Tsunami (Vagrius, 2008) and Fes (Time, 2010).

Tvardovsky’s «Novomir Diary» covers a decade (1961-1970) when the Novy Mir magazine came under a special «sight» — both the reader’s attention and the authorities. At that time, newspapers and literary magazines were something like today’s television. The ideology «came» to the user through the press. Therefore, for example, the publication of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich became a real event for millions of readers. She changed her attitude to the cult of personality. The feeling of the people in the country. Diary — a chronicle of events around this publication. It is interesting to observe how Tvardovsky’s attitude towards Solzhenitsyn changes over time. First: «well done, smart and clean, full of energy.» But after the publication of One Day, the fate of Novy Mir began to depend directly on the writer’s statements to the authorities. Tvardovsky called Solzhenitsyn’s tactics «complete disregard for the fate of the magazine and the people who suffer because of it.» “I already regret that I wrote him the Lyrics of these years “With unfailing love”, without adding: “to his talent”. I just don’t like him anymore.»

«Novomir Diary» Alexander Tvardovsky, PROZAiK, in 2 volumes, 664 p. and 640 s.

Tvardovsky did not hide his attitude to the new «stars». For example, in relation to Yevtushenko’s audience, he found a surprisingly accurate word: «non-petty-bourgeois environment.» The diary shows us a person — and not a famous poet or private trader, planting apple trees in the country or drinking vodka (although this is also there). A person in a borderline, terrible situation. In those ten years, Tvardovsky had more of his own poetry and fame. Probably even more than himself — for the sake of a cause that he considered important at that time.

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