Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography, personal life

🙂 Hello dear readers! Thank you for choosing this particular article “Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography, personal life.” The work of the great Russian playwright became an important stage in the development of Russian theatrical art. The information will be useful for literature lovers, students and schoolchildren.

Alexander Ostrovsky: biography

The future playwright was born on March 31, 1823 in Moscow in the family of the court solicitor Nikolai Fedorovich Ostrovsky and his wife Lyubov Ivanovna. In addition to Alexander, the family had thirteen more children, but six died in infancy.


Nikolai Fedorovich came from a family of hereditary priests. Continuing the dynasty, he graduated from the seminary in Kostroma and the theological academy in Moscow. But he became an official in court, he dealt with intricate financial cases. In 1839, having earned the rank of collegiate assessor, he entered the privileged estate of the Russian nobility.

Lyubov Ivanovna Savvina died in 1832, leaving her husband with four young children. The income of the head of the family was sufficient so that the family did not need anything. The best teachers were invited to the children, as a result they received a good primary education.

In 1837 Nikolai Fedorovich remarried with the Swedish Baroness Emilia von Tessin. It is worth noting that the stepmother took care of the children and devoted a lot of time to their upbringing and education. This can be judged by the fact that Alexander perfectly knew six foreign languages.

Childhood and youth

Alexander spent his childhood in Zamoskvorechye. The boy spent many hours in a respectable family library, where he got acquainted with many works of Russian poets and writers.

In his dreams, he already saw himself as a famous writer, but his father prophesied for him a career as a lawyer. In 1835, Alexander entered the gymnasium, and after graduating from it, five years later he became a law student. The young man spoke fluent English, German, Spanish and Italian.

Alexander did not graduate from the University. In his third year, he did not pass the examination in Roman law and left the educational institution. The young man enters the service in the office of the court and gives this work seven years.

Plays by Ostrovsky

By 1846, Ostrovsky had written a lot of highly characteristic scenes from the everyday life of merchants and conceived the comedy “Our people – we will be numbered!” In 1847 prof. SP Shevyrev, after reading this play by the author, congratulated everyone on the “birth of a new star in Russian literature”.

After the publication of the comedy in the train station. “The Muscovite” became famous for the playwright. The play was enthusiastically received by the writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol and critic Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. But the Moscow merchants were extremely dissatisfied and drew up a plaintive petition to the “authorities”.

By order of Emperor Nicholas I, the play was banned, the author was fired and placed under police supervision. Police surveillance was lifted only when the new emperor, Alexander II, ascended the Russian throne. A performance based on this play was staged in 1861.

The first performance based on Ostrovsky’s play on the stage of the Maly Theater was “Don’t Get In Your Sleigh” in 1853. Moscow.

In 1856 A.N. Ostrovsky became a full-time employee of the most popular Russian railway. “Contemporary”.

Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich organized a trip for writers to describe in detail different regions of Russia. The playwright chose the settlements of the Volga region.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography, personal life

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in 1856

In 1859, a two-volume collection of works by A. N. Ostrovsky was published. The famous critic and publicist Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov spoke very warmly about the writer’s literary activity. In 1860, “The Thunderstorm” was published in some magazines. About the play Dobrolyubov wrote the famous article “A ray of light in the dark kingdom.”

Carried away from his youthful years by the history of Russia, the playwright began to study the Time of Troubles and wrote five “chronicles”. In 1863, the playwright was awarded the prestigious literary prize of Count A.S. Uvarov for his historical works. In 1864 he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

On June 2, 1886, Alexander Nikolaevich died of an acute attack of angina pectoris. The unfinished translation of Antony and Cleopatra was left lonely on the writing table.

Personal life

In life Ostrovsky had a great feeling for the actress Lyubov Kositskaya, but they were family people, and the feeling had to be “extinguished”. The playwright lived in an unofficial marriage with Agafya Ivanovna for almost 20 years, but their children died in infancy. Agafya herself died in 1867.

In 1869, the writer married actress Maria Vasilyevna Bakhmetyeva, who bore him six children. The writer was a notable fisherman. The zodiac sign is Aries.


In Soviet times, radio plays based on the playwright’s plays were often played on the radio, and wonderful performances were shown on television. It’s sad that all of this is in the past. But these performances will always be on the stages of theaters.

In addition to the article “Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: Biography” – the play “Profitable Place”. The atmosphere of those distant times .. Awesome acting!

A. Ostrovsky. Plum. Series 1. Maly Theater. M. Tsarev, N. Kornienko, V. Bogin, R. Filippov (1981)

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