Did labor create man? And here it is not. New finds by paleontologists show that 3 million years ago, Australopithecus used stone scrapers to separate the remains of meat from the bones of herbivores killed by predators. That is, they already had tools of labor. But their brains did not grow at the same time. But if not work, then what?
Did labor create man? And here it is not. New finds by paleontologists show that 3 million years ago, Australopithecus used stone scrapers to separate the remains of meat from the bones of herbivores killed by predators. That is, they already had tools of labor. But their brains did not grow at the same time. But if not work, then what? It seems that communication: association helped to survive, and the increase in brain size in our ancestors contributed to the formation of larger and more cohesive communities. This is just a simplified presentation of one of the facts that Alexander Markov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, cites in his «Human Evolution». Based on the latest scientific discoveries, it became a sensation even before it went to press. Some of the truths that were considered immutable will be refuted in it. New theories will be made known to a wide audience for the first time. And there is hardly anyone who will remain indifferent. “In this area, almost any conclusion is sure to hurt someone’s feelings and beliefs,” Alexander Markov notes in the preface. — The author can only come to terms with this and not expect mercy from ideologically motivated critics. The main thing is to try not to fall under the influence of certain ideological schemes yourself, to avoid bias and bias. It’s hard, but I tried.»
ASTREL, CORPUS, in 2 books, 464 p., 512 p.