Alexander Litvin: feng shui renovation 2016

What can we do so that the walls help us, good luck and family well-being come? About how to decorate your house and turn it into a fortress, Woman’s Day was told by an analyst of the probability of events, the author of the book “They will find me themselves”, a friend and adviser to actress Irina Bezrukova, Alexander Litvin.

“Our intuition suffers from unfavorable housing, and we cease to feel danger,” says Alexander. – Therefore, it is necessary to start a construction or a move only when a person has a white streak in his life, otherwise it will be long-term construction. To start repairing and buying an apartment, two periods are good – from April 5 to May 6 inclusive and from August 8 to September 7.

Using the plan of the apartment, find its geographical center and hang a clay bas-relief in this place, or put a vase with the image of two people. This technique will help stabilize the situation in the home. If you want success in business and not have health problems, give up curved walls. The central part of the apartment must be stable, which means rectangular or square. Two-level and curved ceilings with a varied shape are appropriate here only if no one sleeps in the room. From wallpaper, choose those that have a heterogeneous structure, geometric shapes and repetitions.

The gamut from light green to dark should prevail here, vertical stripes, geometric structure, floral ornament are welcome in the wallpaper. This section is an ideal place for books, especially if they are placed to the right and left of the window. Pictures with natural landscapes, paired figures are suitable as a decor, but put them side by side. Do not hang mirrors, they will bring imbalance. Sleeping place for people born in a year that ends with the number 5 should be here along the eastern wall (you can sleep with your head south).

If there is a living room here, then the differences in ceiling levels, sharp and obtuse angles, blue illumination, and a round chandelier will be harmonious for it. In the design, it is worth giving preference to gray, blue, cold pink and lilac colors. Repeating geometry can be used here. It is optimal to make a workplace in the sector, while placing the computer monitor parallel to the north wall so that the person working behind it looks to the south.

Choose curtains that are not heavy colors. A light coffee shade, a cold pink, works well. In the south, the best place for a kitchen, because in this part of the apartment, electronic equipment practically does not break down (in the north – on the contrary). It is very important that the stove and sink are distant from each other, although from an ergonomic point of view, everyone tries to put them side by side. The fact is that the stove and the oven are the energies of fire, and the sink and the dishwasher are the energies of water. Is it possible to make a fire in a puddle? In my kitchen, despite the fact that everything in the apartment revolves around a square, there is an oval dining table in the center of the dining room (it is comfortable, it has no corners to touch), and the kitchen itself has smooth rounded outlines. Now I have four sons, many friends and relatives, and oval and round shapes are better suited for good communication.

Feel free to place metal elements, triangular objects, such as a picture of the Eiffel Tower, and small mirrors. In no case do not block this sector with books and do not place the images of saints on the western and north-western walls in the apartment. There is no place for such an energy center as the red corner.

The sector is responsible for the energy of the movement. On the north wall, you can place images with the energy of water – a winter sunny day, a calm water landscape, a small mirror. The main thing is not to hang too many of them and not to overload the space. Each piece of furniture is useful only if it performs its direct function. Therefore, avoid clutter, accumulation of things, sharply protruding parts. Also for this part of the apartment are doorways in the form of arches, rounded wooden furniture.

Decorating the room with wood is not the best option, this energy slows us down a little. Beige, yellow and brown wall colors are not suitable for enhancing intuition, they should be discarded.

Shishkin, Levitan, Aivazovsky are artists who deeply felt the energy of Russia and correctly applied it to the canvas. Their paintings act on our territory, a person becomes stronger, intuitive, beautiful internally.

Souvenirs made in Israel, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria cannot be kept in our homes. Energy that is alien to us is transferred to these things. And, as a result, intuition falls, which means that we begin to make mistakes: we cross the road incorrectly, we meet the wrong people.

As a rule, one or another type of dominant energy prevails in a person’s personal energy, which can be determined by the year of birth.

So, for example, in people born in years ending in 0 and 1, a “metallic” color spectrum prevails – from dark purple to light pink, almost white.

2 and 3 – the spectrum of water, colors from light blue to deep black.

4 and 5 – a spectrum of trees, shades of green from delicate to dark emerald.

6 and 7 – a spectrum of fire, colors from orange to bright red.

8 and 9 – earthy spectrum, from yellow to dark brown.

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