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Almost everyone knows Doctor Myasnikov in Russia! This doctor enters every home through television, books, radio and the Internet. Why exactly he? The answer to the question will be the information in the article.
Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: biography
Alexander was born in the fall of 1953 in the Northern capital into a family of hereditary doctors. The medical dynasty of the Myasnikovs (from their great-great-grandfather – a zemstvo doctor) has existed since the XNUMXth century. In the Myasnikov family, the names Alexander and Leonid alternate from father to eldest son.
At the age of 23, Alexander graduated from the 2nd Medical Institute. Pirogov in Moscow. For the next five years, he completed his residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology. A. L. Myasnikova (grandfather). Then he brilliantly defended his Ph.D. thesis (ahead of schedule!) Didn’t let his grandfather down!
Soon, the young doctor was sent to Mozambique as part of a group of geologists. Due to hostilities in 1983, the geological group stopped working. Myasnikov stayed to work as a general practitioner in the Zambezi province.
After returning to the USSR, Myasnikov was sent to Angola. He worked there until 1989, heading a group of Soviet doctors at the Prenda government hospital.
In 1993-1996. worked as a doctor at the Russian Embassy in France, collaborated with medical centers in Paris. Since 1996, Alexander Leonidovich worked in the USA. There he continued his cultivation, completing his residency in New York.
He is a member of the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians. Since 2000, Myasnikov has been working in Moscow. First Ch. American Medical Center physician, then Ch. a doctor at the American clinic he organized.
Since 2009, he headed the Kremlin Hospital of the Administrative Department of the President of Russia. Since 2010, he has been the head of the clinical hospital named after V.I. M.E. Zhadkevich (former hospital No. 71).
Television career and books
He began his TV career as a host of the program “Did you call the doctor?” He expanded his audience on Vesti FM radio. His voice can be heard in the program of V. Solovyov.
The charming doctor became the host of the program “On the Most Important” on the TV channel “Russia 1”. This is an analogue of the program with E. Malysheva on Channel One.
He is an Honored Doctor of the city of Moscow, deputy. Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Millions of Russians trust, respect and love him. Alexander Leonidovich shares his knowledge – he writes useful books about health.
He sees the value of his works in the fact that the outlined conceptual meanings are available to people who have nothing to do with medicine. Books can be freely purchased or read online on the Internet. His popular books:
- “How to live more than 50: an honest conversation with a doctor”;
- “Ours is a stranger”;
- “Pulse of Russia: Turning Points”;
- “Guide to the use of medicine”;
- “Esophagus”;
- “Ghosts”;
- “Did you call the doctor?” – a medical guide with answers to the most important questions about health, beauty and longevity;
- “How to remain a woman until the age of 100”, etc.
Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: personal life
His zodiac sign is Virgo (15.09.1953/1,8/XNUMX), height XNUMX m.The doctor looks much younger than his years. It should not be otherwise, because he promotes a healthy lifestyle! Hereditary doctor leads an active lifestyle, loves fishing. He plans his day correctly and manages to do everything: heal people, broadcast programs and write books!
He does not like to talk about his personal life, so the information on this topic is modest. Here’s what’s known.
Alexander Leonidovich is married twice. The first marriage did not last long. Myasnikov filed for divorce. It was not easy, but honest with my wife. The reason for the divorce is another woman.
They met Natasha at one of the social events. He fell in love with her at first sight. Natasha is one year younger than Alexander. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, worked at TASS (Russian state news agency of the federal level). At that time, Alexander was a graduate student.
With Natasha, they had to endure all the horrors of the war in Mozambique. At forty, Natalya gave birth to a son. It happened when she and her husband were working in Paris. The son was named Leonidas. Myasnikov Jr. received French citizenship, is studying at the Paris Sorbonne as a pharmacist.
With wife Natalia and son
Myasnikov has an illegitimate schoolgirl daughter, Polina Gulevich. The wife was able to understand and forgive her husband. A wise wife does not interfere with father-daughter communication.
Dr. Myasnikov’s advice
Dr. Myasnikov is the # 1 enemy of drug advertisers and pharmacies selling drugs that have been rejected by many countries.
- Minimize the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Many pills do not work and sometimes are harmful to health. For example, pain pills increase the load on the liver, can provoke internal bleeding;
- eat small meals 5-6 times a day. So a person does not overeat, but breakfast should be hearty;
- follow simple rules of hygiene, wash your hands after visiting public places. This will create a barrier to serious infections;
- reduce the calorie content of the diet. Maximum – 1800 kcal per day;
- ditch the processed red meat. Sausage – a set of carcinogens;
- Drink alcohol in moderation. 30-50 gr. alcohol per day reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 150 g and more – increase. It is better to drink a glass of red wine daily than to get drunk on the weekend;
- alcohol destroys the immune system. The correct decision is to give up alcohol;
- people need to move! Movement is life! Excess calories are burned, mood improves. Minimum daily physical. load – 45 min.
- a person is “eaten” by stress and depression, anxiety about the future;
- follow the principles of a healthy diet: more vegetables, fruits. Fish focus (Omega-3);
- Eat 1 clove of garlic or 1 cube of dark chocolate daily;
- the growth of cholesterol is inhibited by almonds. The norm is 50 gr. daily.
- only a healthy lifestyle can increase immunity. Two things weaken the immune system: smoking and being overweight;
- every day a person should eat 0,5 kg of vegetables and fruits. Replace meat (if possible) with fish;
- do not harass yourself with weight loss procedures (pills, diets, supplements). All this disrupts the work of the endocrine system;
- do not forget about the contrast shower in the morning! Change the water temperature gradually. Error: contrast between cold and hot water. This is stress for the body and for the skin;
- do not trust drug advertisements! Gentlemen, you are being bred!
As you can see, the doctor does not call for grueling workouts, strict diets. The main thing here is to overcome laziness and develop good habits.
To the reader
Dear reader, leave a comment on the article “Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov: biography of a hereditary doctor”. Do you read this doctor’s books? There are many useful tips from Myasnikov on the Internet. Watch his interview on Youtube. He speaks the shocking truth!
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