
Alexander Genis is one of those people who know how to tell something important about their inner world, while talking about anything, but not about themselves. Formally, his witty and elegant essays, collected in the book Six Fingers, are the least reminiscent of an autobiography.

Simple things

Alexander Genis is one of those people who know how to tell something important about their inner world, while talking about anything, but not about themselves. Formally, his witty and elegant essays, collected in the book «Six Fingers», are the least reminiscent of an autobiography: football and travel, books and cooking, family and friends — everything Genis writes about seems to be outside his personality. Nevertheless, each story told by the writer bears a unique imprint of his soul. Reflecting in the objects of the outside world, the writer creates a voluminous and reliable self-portrait, in which each reader is happy to recognize some part of himself: someone is a living curiosity, someone is deeply rooted in family history, and someone is the ability to be surprised habitual and find something new in things familiar from childhood.

Kolibri, 640 p.

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