Alexander Blok: short biography, facts, video

Alexander Blok: short biography, facts, video

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Brief biography of the Bloc

Alexander Blok was born in St. Petersburg on 28 (zodiac sign – Scorpio).


  • father, Alexander Lvovich Blok – professor, lawyer;
  • mother – Alexandra Andreevna (Beketova). She got married at 18. Two years later, she left her husband, having achieved a divorce through the Synod.

The boy began to compose poetry from the age of five. These were touching lines dedicated to cats and dogs and everything that he saw and observed. And already at the age of 10 he filled in a couple of numbers with his poems. “Ship”. In 1894 – 1897. 37 numbers of home w. were created. “Bulletin”.

In 1889, Sasha was assigned to the gymnasium, from which he graduated as one of the best students. In 1898 he entered the law faculty of the university, but in the 4th year he moved to the faculty of history and philology.

Blok and Ksenia Sadovskaya

Sixteen-year-old Blok, vacationing with his mother at a resort in Germany, fell in love with Ksenia Sadovskaya, who became his muse. The poet titled the cycle of poems dedicated to this woman simply “K. M. S ”.

The poor noble family of the Ostrovsky considered it an honor to become related to the wealthy 44-year-old Vladimir Sadovsky. The fate of 26-year-old Xenia has been decided. But this marriage could not be called happy, although three children were growing up in the family. At the age of 37, she already suffered from a serious heart disease and came for treatment.

For two years they corresponded and sometimes met. But Blok’s mother meets with Xenia and takes an oath from her that she will “let the boy go”.

The poet in love will make an entry in his diary: “It seems that we have met KMS for the last time”. The young man did not have her photo, but all his life he carefully kept a card with the image of lakes, “their lakes”, where they met.

Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeleeva

Alexander Blok: short biography, facts, video

Every summer Sasha was sent to the estate of Shakhmatovo grandfather. Nearby was the village of Boblovo, which belonged to D. Mendeleev.

In 1903, Alexander married the scientist’s daughter, Lyubov Dmitrievna. Young people have known each other since childhood. The poet dedicated his beloved young wife “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”.

Since 1909, the couple have traveled extensively across European countries. The poet speaks negatively of the cultural and moral traditions of Europeans and praises Russia. In 1913, doctors advised him to spend the summer in Biarritz to improve his health, but he did not like the resort, and he quickly returned home.

In the summer of 1916, Alexander Alexandrovich was called up for military service and sent to the front in Belarus.

Alexander Blok: cause of death

The poet perceived the February revolution of 1917 vaguely. But he did not want to leave for emigration, believing that he would be useful to the country in a difficult time for it.

The October Revolution delighted the poet. He was eager to be involved in this great event, and the new government often used his name. Since 1918, Alexander Alexandrovich took an active part in many commissions, meetings, conferences.

He did not know how to treat orders fictitiously, but tried to get to the bottom of the issue or problem. More and more work and tasks were assigned to him, which he had to carefully study and write a detailed report. The block worked at the limit of human capabilities and the health, still a young poet, failed.

He wrote then: “I was just drunk.” This workload can explain the poet’s silence in the first years of Soviet power. There was no time to write down the poems that regularly sounded in his head.

And if we add here the hunger and cold that reigned in the city, then it becomes clear why the poet had problems with his throat, and after that scurvy.

In the spring of 1921, the sick Blok asked the government to allow him to leave for a sanatorium in Finland. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) refused, but instructed the People’s Commissariat to improve the poet’s food. V. Lenin and V. Menzhinsky opposed the trip. They were afraid that the famous poet would stay abroad.

Alexander Blok: short biography, facts, video

A.A. Block on the deathbed

Six months passed before L. Kamenev and A. Lunacharsky managed to obtain permission. However, the flywheels of the bureaucratic machine moved with a creak and the permission signed on July 23, 1921 reached only on August 6. On August 7, 1921, Alexander Blok died of heart disease.


In this original video more information “Alexander Blok: a brief biography”

Biography of Alexander Blok

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