Alexa grapes

Many summer residents prefer early-ripening grape varieties, as their berries have time to accumulate solar energy in a short period and reach high sugar content. The breeders of Novocherkassk bred Alex grapes, the description of the variety of which, as well as photos and reviews, testify to its undoubted merits.

Alexa grapes

Alexa table grapes were obtained by crossing two varieties and successfully combined their best characteristics – early ripeness and frost resistance of one and high productivity of the other.

Variety description

An important feature of the Alexa variety is its frost resistance, the vine tolerates temperatures down to -25 degrees without consequences. It is this quality that makes Alexa grapes popular among gardeners in the western regions of the country, and in the north it is grown in sheltered conditions. On uncovered soils, grapes are capable of producing from 1 ha, on average, up to 135 centners. Harvest is already in late August or early autumn.

Early shoots of Alexa grapes are evenly distributed on bushes that grow very quickly. Among all shoots, the number of fruitful shoots is more than 70%. The large five-lobed leaves of the Alexa variety with yellowish veins have a rich green color on the upper side, and a lighter shade and slight pubescence on the lower side. The flowers are bisexual and do not need additional pollination.

Large light green berries of the Alex grape variety are collected in large clusters up to 35 cm long and weighing up to 1 kg or more. They are characterized by:

Alexa grapes

  • cylindrical shape;
  • dense juicy pulp;
  • pleasant nutmeg taste;
  • excellent sugar content – up to 20%;
  • low acidity – up to 6%;
  • the possibility of long-term preservation on the bushes;
  • resistance to cracking after rains;
  • excellent trade dress;
  • the possibility of long-term transportation without loss of consumer qualities;
  • high tasting score – more than 8 points.

Peculiarities of growing

To obtain consistently high yields of Alexa grapes, gardeners’ reviews recommend taking into account some features of its planting and care:

Alexa grapes

  • the Alexa variety grows well on light, sufficiently moist soils;
  • grapes form a powerful root system that branches quickly, which should be considered when planting;
  • shrubs thrive in elevated, sunny areas with well-drained soil;
  • since the Alexa variety is frost-resistant, it also grows well in the lowlands;
  • bushes grow rapidly, so they should not be allowed to shade;
  • the rapid growth of bushes and the formation of large clusters require regular grape garters;
  • 40 shoots are considered the optimal load on the bush, but leaving 30 of them, you can get a higher yield and large berries;
  • grafted seedlings bear fruit better;
  • although the Alexa variety shows resistance to many diseases, it needs preventive treatments.

Alexa grapes

Planting of grapes

In order for the Alexa grape variety to give good yields, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable growing conditions.

ALEXA grapes

Site Selection

The Alexa variety is unpretentious in the choice of soils; almost any is suitable for it:

  • clay soils are important to provide good drainage;
  • peat bogs can be diluted with sand;
  • increased acidity can be reduced by liming;
  • fertilize sandstones with manure or compost.
Important! The vine does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots, so you need to determine the level of groundwater in the planting area.

Alexa grapes

Variety Alexa grows well in the lowlands. Usually, the southern parts of the site are chosen for planting grapes, otherwise the seedlings can be buried in a trench up to half a meter. Then their root system will be protected from freezing, which means that the vine will also be preserved. It is good to plant bushes next to a wall or fence so that there are no drafts.

Well preparation

An early scheme of 3×0,75 m is considered optimal for planting Alexa grapes, otherwise the overgrown bushes will obscure each other. A trench or planting hole is prepared in two weeks:

Alexa grapes

  • their width and depth are 0,8 m;
  • the bottom of 10 centimeters is covered with gravel or expanded clay, which will provide drainage;
  • from above, it is covered with the same layer of soil and spilled abundantly with water;
  • in the center of each hole, a support for the vine is fixed;
  • compost or humus is laid along with mineral additives;
  • one-third of the hole is filled with earth and again spills abundantly.

planting grapes

If all the rules are followed during planting, the seedlings will quickly take root and grow:

Alexa grapes

  • a mound of soil is collected around the support peg;
  • a seedling is installed on it, which is tied to a support;
  • the roots are neatly straightened on the mound;
  • the soil is gradually poured and compacted;
  • the vaccination site should be 3 cm above the ground;
  • the near-stem circle is covered with a small layer of humus.
Important! When planting seedlings of the Alex grape variety in the southern regions, they are immediately spud up to 20 cm from drying.

If grape bushes are planted in a trench, then a garter wire is stretched between them every 30-40 cm.

Reproduction by cuttings

Alexa reproduces well with the help of cuttings, they quickly take root and already give good shoots by autumn. To prepare cuttings, you need:

  • after autumn pruning of the vine, select the lignified part of a healthy shoot about 70 cm long;
  • the optimal cutting diameter should be about 10 mm;
  • on the handle, a heel should be left from a thicker shoot, from which the roots will then go;
  • cuttings should be dipped in a weak solution of copper sulfate;
  • place them in a box with sand in a dark, cool place until spring;
  • with the onset of March, select healthy strong cuttings and plant them in sawdust;

    Alexa grapes

  • already in May, ready-made seedlings can be transplanted to the site.

As follows from the description of the variety and photo, Alexa grapes can also be propagated by layering:

  • at the bottom of the vine choose two strong shoots;
  • remove leaves and tendrils from them; dripped in pre-prepared grooves to a depth of 30 cm;
  • layering is watered and mulched with sawdust or peat.

In the spring, new Alexa vines will grow from the cuttings. Two years later, when they get stronger, you can separate them from the mother vine.

Alexa grapes

Bush care

The agricultural technology of the Alexa variety consists in timely procedures for feeding, pruning and watering the bushes.

Spring care for seedlings of Alex’s early grapes consists of:

  • in breaking out excess shoots;
  • removal of unnecessary kidneys;
  • pruning root shoots;
  • garter to the trellis of young shoots;
  • correct rationing of colors;
  • complex feeds.

Summer jobs include:

Alexa grapes

  • systematic pinching of the vine to prevent it from stretching;
  • removal of stepchildren on the vine to ensure effective nutrition of fruitful shoots;
  • removal of leaves that shade the berries during their ripening;
  • timely feeding;
  • daily inspections of the vine to identify pests;
  • preventive treatments for diseases.

In autumn, a crucial moment comes when the vine gave all its strength to the ripening of fruits. After harvesting, you should prepare Alexa grapes for winter:

Alexa grapes

  • to strengthen the protective forces, feed with complex fertilizers;
  • treat against pests;
  • carry out formative and sanitary pruning, removing all damaged branches after the foliage has fallen;
  • in the northern regions, grapes are spudded, and the vine is covered with spruce branches.

Preventive treatments

The thick skin of grape berries reliably protects them from various pests. The variety is resistant to many diseases. However, prevention of common diseases and pests is important. In the spring, when young shoots begin to grow, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The second treatment of the Alexa grape variety is carried out before the appearance of the ovaries. If the bushes are affected by a bacterial or fungal infection, all diseased parts of the grapes – shoots, leaves, clusters – should be collected and destroyed, as they cannot be treated. The remaining healthy vines need to be sprayed with chemicals. It is also necessary to clean the near-stem circles from weeds, from which pests easily move to vines. Creating favorable conditions for their aeration will prevent the appearance of mold and fungi.

Reviews of gardeners

Khorokhorina Maria, 59 years old, Volgograd
In our region, Alexa grapes show excellent shoot ripening. We harvest early – already in August. Grapes give very large, up to 35 cm long, bunches. The berries are also large, fleshy and very sweet, they have an excellent presentation. We believe that this is one of the best table varieties for our region.
Sladkov Alexander, 67 years old, Klin
Alexa grapes are just right for our climate – they ripen early, resistant to cold. It also has wonderful taste. Grapes are stored for a long time, until the frost, fresh fragrant clusters decorate the table. The most important thing is to organize the right care.
Lenkova Zinaida, 48 years old, Belgorod
Two years ago we learned about this variety and planted only two bushes. We really liked the large matte grapes with a characteristic nutmeg taste. Moreover, the variety is early and during the summer it manages to be filled with solar heat.
Varenin Igor, 70 years old, Tambov
I have been involved in viticulture for a long time. I try to select new varieties suitable for our climatic conditions. Alexa chose the grape variety based on the reviews of familiar gardeners and did not regret it. Seedlings take root easily, do not require complicated care, and the taste is excellent.


Alexa grapes will be a good variety for home viticulture and will delight with harvests of juicy sweet berries without requiring complex care measures.

Alex grape variety.

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