
Aleve is an over-the-counter medicine that is taken to treat mild to moderate conditions. It helps to relieve: muscle and joint pain, toothache, painful menstruation as well as fever and colds. Aleve is a preparation of general action, the active substance of which is naproxen. This substance is contained in the preparation in the form of a sodium salt, thanks to which the active substances are absorbed faster and the analgesic effect is accelerated.

Aleve (Bayer)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. powl. 0,22 g (7 tabl., 20 tabl.) OTC (over-the-counter) naproxen (naproxen sodium)

ALEVE – action of the preparation

Aleve is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug derived from propionic acid. The preparation has a strong analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The naproxen contained in Aleve prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances that play a significant role in the development of inflammation.

ALEVE – indications and dosage of the drug

Aleve tablets are intended for oral use by people suffering from mild to moderate pain:

  1. fever,
  2. cold,
  3. infections,
  4. muscle aches,
  5. arthralgia,
  6. painful menstruation.


Aleve film-coated tablets can be taken with or without food and should be taken whole with a drink of water. Use the preparation as recommended. Without consulting your doctor first, you must not take the drug for more than 10 days to treat pain and 3 days to treat fever.

  1. Adults and children over 16 years of age 220 mg every 8-12 hours until symptoms disappear or initially 440 mg, then 220 mg after 12 hours; max. 660 mg / d.

Do not use a dose higher than 660 mg a day and in children and adolescents up to 16 years of age.

ALEVE – contraindications to the use of the drug

Refrain from taking Aleve if:

  1. you are allergic to any component of the preparation,
  2. you have bronchial asthma
  3. you have gastrointestinal perforation and bleeding,
  4. you suffer from ulcers,
  5. you suffer from a hemorrhagic diathesis,
  6. you have kidney, liver or heart failure
  7. you suffer from pains in the digestive tract,
  8. you are in the third trimester of pregnancy,
  9. you are breastfeeding.

ALEVE – remarks on the drug

Aleve is an over-the-counter medicine taken only by adults and adolescents over 16 years of age. It is recommended to urgently consult a doctor if the symptoms do not disappear or worsen after 10 days of using the preparation.

Who Should Be Cautious?

  1. people with colitis,
  2. people with gastrointestinal bleeding (there is a risk of perforation, which can be fatal and can occur without any previous symptoms),
  3. Elderly people should be careful, it is recommended to use the lowest dose possible for a short time,
  4. people who develop a rash or allergy during drug treatment,
  5. choir bronchial asthma,
  6. persons with allergic rhinitis,
  7. persons with nasal polyps,
  8. people taking other medications
  9. people suffering from kidney, liver and heart disorders,
  10. women in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy (only after medical consultation),
  11. during the breastfeeding period,
  12. people driving motor vehicles should be careful (the drug may impair the ability to concentrate, see and dizziness).

ALEVE – interaction with other drugs

Taking Aleve in combination with:

  1. cyclosporine can damage the kidneys,
  2. lithium causes nausea, thirst, frequent urination, tremors, confusion,
  3. methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg / week or more causes the risk of toxic effects of methotrexate,
  4. with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids, there is a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  5. anticoagulants such as warfarin increase the risk of bleeding
  6. antiplatelet drugs and some antidepressants (SSRIs) cause a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding,
  7. diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs (including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors) reduce their effectiveness.

Naproxen sodium will interfere with urine steroid testing. Inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including those obtained without a prescription. Eating food before taking Aleve may delay its effect.

ALEVE – side effects of consuming the drug

When taking Aleve film-coated tablets, side effects may occur as with any other medication.

They may appear:

  1. dizziness and headaches,
  2. indigestion,
  3. nausea,
  4. heartburn,
  5. stomach pain,
  6. lethargy,
  7. insomnia, somnolence, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,
  8. rash, itching, hives
  9. gastrointestinal bleeding
  10. bloody vomiting
  11. bad luck chairs
  12. angioedema
  13. impaired kidney function, swelling of the arms and legs, especially in patients with high blood pressure or kidney failure,
  14. fever,
  15. hypersensitivity reactions (including fatal shock),
  16. too few white blood cells (leukopenia)
  17. thrombocytopenia,
  18. agranulocytoza,
  19. aplastic anemia,
  20. eosinophilia,
  21. hemolytic anemia,
  22. depression,
  23. aseptic meningitis,
  24. cognitive dysfunction,
  25. seizures
  26. blurred vision,
  27. corneal clouding and inflammation of the optic nerve,
  28. tinnitus and hearing impairment
  29. congestive heart failure,
  30. hypertension,
  31. pulmonary oedema,
  32. palpitations,
  33. vasculitis,
  34. lupus erythematosus,
  35. kidney failure
  36. female fertility disorders,
  37. bad mood,
  38. disturbance of liver function tests,
  39. jaundice,
  40. sensitivity to light,
  41. sweating.

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