Alessandro Volta: a short biography of a physicist, chemist and physiologist

Alessandro Volta: a short biography of a physicist, chemist and physiologist

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Biography of Alessandro Volta

Alessandro was born on February 18, 1745 in the Italian town of Como near Milan. In early childhood, Sandrino was raised by a nurse who did not pay enough attention to his development. Therefore, until the age of four, the future scientist could not speak, uttering sounds with difficulty.

The child was considered mentally retarded. Sandrino acquired a full-fledged speech only by the age of seven.

Soon his father died, and his uncle took up the upbringing of Alessandro. He supplied him with books and gave his nephew the opportunity to get an education at the school of the Jesuit Order. The inquisitive Volta absorbed knowledge like a sponge. He studied mathematics, history, Latin with interest, but he adored physics more than any other subject.

The young man studied the works of I. Newton and B. Franklin, then made a lightning rod, which announced the ringing of bells in the vicinity of Como during a thunderstorm.

After graduating, Volta began teaching physics at the gymnasium in his hometown. But the role of a humble physics teacher was not for him. A few years later, he became a professor of physics at a prestigious university in Pavia.

The young professor traveled extensively to European capitals. There he gave lectures, communicated with prominent scientists. In 1815 Volta became head of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Padua.

Personal life

Countess Teresa Peregrini became the scientist’s wife. Three sons were born in a happy marriage. In 1819, 74-year-old Volta left scientific life and retired to his estate. He died eight years later. It happened on March 5, 1827. On the same day and hour, the famous French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace passed away.

Alessandro Volta: discoveries

Volta introduced new concepts: “electromotive force”, “electrical capacity”, “electrical circuit”, “potential difference”.

  • 1775 – invented the electrophore (a device that clearly illustrates the electrification of bodies using induction);
  • 1784 – improved the electroscope, which makes it possible to measure potential differences;
  • 1783 – invented the capacitor, described the telegraph project;
  • 1800 – designed the first direct current source – the Voltaic pole.

In 1801, Volta was invited by Napoleon to Paris to demonstrate the pillar. For his valuable contribution to science, the Emperor of France awarded the scientist a gold medal and the title of count. The unit of potential difference and voltage is named after him.

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