Alena Vodonaeva is happy with herself and with her breasts: the latest news 2017

For the first time, the TV presenter tried on swimwear with new shapes and told what exercises help her to be slim and fit.

July 11 2017

– This year I have already visited the beach. During the spring break, my son Bogdan and I flew to Sochi, to Krasnaya Polyana, and at the same time dropped into Adler. I showed him the places where I spent my childhood, where I spent every summer with my parents and brother. We didn’t swim, we just walked, breathed the air and threw pebbles into the water …

I do not like beach vacations, not because of the harm of the sun, but because I just feel sorry for the time for the “vegetable” regime. I can’t lie still when I know that this time can be spent on something more interesting. Go somewhere, see something, learn and see something new. I love water, swim too, but lie down – no.

I always look at myself critically, but I also praise for good shape. Balance is important here: there is no need to relax, and at the same time, loving yourself is also important! In general, I am very pleased with myself. And with my chest. I have already forgotten that I did the operation (Alena had a fifth size, in December 2016 she decided on a reduction mammoplasty. – Approx. “Antenna”). The feeling is that I have always had such breasts. But I reduced it by almost two sizes. Now I can resort to tricks that are used by almost all women: if you suddenly want more volume – push-up to help. And, voila, the forms are more magnificent!

I have not yet picked up new clothes for the beach. So much work that there was no time for them. It was with Antenna that I tried on swimwear with a new figure for the first time, and they fit perfectly. The one that flaunts on the cover is so mine that I decided to buy it. He’s not too outspoken, but at the same time very sexy.

Age has nothing to do with how you look. A woman’s lifestyle is reflected in her figure. You can be athletic, fit and slim at 50, or you can be overweight and have bad skin at 20. My advice: do not drink alcohol, it spoils the quality of the body. Do not smoke. Nicotine slows down blood circulation, and hello, cellulite. Well, watch your diet. Then, at any age, all swimwear will fit you perfectly.

I try to eat three times a day and drink a lot of water – 1,5-2 liters. I start the morning with oatmeal. This is our traditional breakfast with my son. In winter, you can add honey or a spoonful of jam, in summer fresh berries. Sometimes we indulge ourselves with cheese cakes and pancakes. For lunch, I always eat hot soup and some meat or fish. Bread, if present, is only black. As for the sweet and the harmful, I will say this: I am a living person, and, of course, I also want pizza or cake, but the main thing is to know when to stop. And if you have already broken off, ate and swam with fat, it is important to pull yourself together in time and immediately return to the right path.

I’ve had sports for two years now, 3-4 times a week. I work out at home with a personal trainer. I am so killed that my mother is dear. And all with their own weight, without dumbbells and exercise machines. I alternate cardio training with strength training. This is mainly classical gymnastics: lunges, squats, planks, swings, and so on. I really love to pump my ass. I do pelvic raises up from a supine position. I like all kinds of different squats. From this, the priest is well pumped, and the soul is easier. I am not kidding. The moral satisfaction from effective training is no less physical. I like to do. And I never miss out of weakness or laziness. Always in the ranks.

Since the New Year, I have further improved my lifestyle. He’s gotten so boringly correct! Itself did not expect. Another would be to build a sleep schedule in order to sleep at least eight hours a day, then the ideal woman will work out.

As for my personal life … I do not give any comments, but I will answer you that I am finally calm and very happy. And love, of course, is beautiful. Especially if it is healthy love in all respects.

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